Nursery – P7
Dear Parent / Carer
As you are aware individual and family photographs were taken in school on Tuesday 15th November 2016. Your child should have brought home his/her photograph and order envelope. If you have a sibling in the nursery (or in the school) it may be that the family photograph will be sent home with them rather than the eldest child.
Instructions as to how to place an order are given on the proof order form but for clarity you can either do this yourself online or you can return the order form to the school by Wednesday 23rd November 2016. If you are paying by cheque this must be made payable to Tempest Photography.
Please note that if you wish to place an order after 23rd November you will have to personally send a late order directly to Tempest Photography (details on proof order form) and you should include an extra £4.00 for this service. We will be unable to accept late orders at the school office.
Please ensure that your child’s name, class and order value are clearly marked on the proof envelope before returning it to the class teacher.
Thank you for your co-operation.