Parents of children in P7 are invited to attend an information evening on Tuesday 20 September.
Full details are here:
Parents of children in P7 are invited to attend an information evening on Tuesday 20 September.
Full details are here:
The August 2016 Newsletter is now available on the website under the Information tab or through the link below:
Giffnock Sports Hub is having an Open Day on Saturday 27th August at Giffnock Tennis Club. Come and try a range of different sports from 10m to 1pm. For more details click on the link below.
We are pleased to extend an invitation to you to come along and meet your child’s teacher on the evening of Wednesday 31st August 2016. To find out more, please click on the link below:
This afternoon there was a fault with the school’s alarms systems which triggered our fire evacuation procedures.
It was not a drill and the procedures were followed to ensure the pupils’ safety.
Thankfully it was just a fault in the system and there was no fire but unfortunately it happened to occur on a wet afternoon. All our teachers have supported the children to remain warm and dry once returning to class, hence some of them now wearing their PE kit.
I am delighted to begin the new school session at Giffnock Primary School as Acting Head Teacher.
It has been great to get to meet all of our children this week and, over the coming days and weeks, I look forward to meeting many of you and the wider school community. In the meantime, if you do have any particular questions then please do not hesitate to contact me.
We will be maintaining our parents/ carers ‘drop in’ session on Friday mornings between 9-9.30am, where a member of the Senior Leadership Team would be available to discuss any specific matters regarding your child’s learning.
I look forward to our year ahead,
Yours faithfully,
Rob Lawson
On 17 June the Council approved the making of both the East Renfrewshire Council (Giffnock Area) (On-Street) (Waiting and Loading) Order 2016 and the East Renfrewshire Council (Orchard Park, Giffnock) (One Way) Order 2016. Both of the new traffic regulation orders (TROs) will come into effect 1 August 2016.
Two items affect Giffnock Primary and Nursery:
For further details, click on the links below.
Giffnock on street waiting restrictions
Giffnock On-Street W&L Restrictions 2016 – (Public Notice) (Made Order)
Rocket Science Project
The wait is over… On Wednesday we finally found out that the rocket seeds which were in the blue packet were the ones which were on the ISS! As the Rocket Science team were enjoying rocket ice lollies (of course!) they watched the video of Tim Peake announcing which colour of packet contained the space seeds. You can watch it for yourself by following the link:
Those you who have followed our updates here will remember that our seedlings from the blue packet did not grow as well as those from the red packet: they were slightly smaller and had fewer leaves. It will be into the new school session before we know the results from the whole experiment and whether or not the differences are significant for plans to grow fresh food in space. If the number of children at our recent Careers Fair saying they want to be scientists is anything to go by, Tim Peake’s mission to inspire the next generation has been a success.