Month: March 2016

Parent Pay – New online school payment service trial

New online school payment service trial

Following feedback from parents and carers, a new online school payment service is being trialled in four schools and one family centre in East Renfrewshire in the coming weeks.

Paying for school meals and trips can sometimes cause last minute panics at home, especially when we all lead such busy lives and there’s so much else to think about.

East Renfrewshire Council believes it has now come up with an effective solution to help time-pressed parents and carers with this process and is trialling ParentPay from the start of the summer term (April 2016).

ParentPay is an online payments system already used in more than 6000 schools throughout the UK to facilitate convenient payment for products and services, eliminating the need for any money to ever change hands.

In October 2015, a survey was issued to parents and carers in East Renfrewshire to try to identify the sort of system they felt would be most beneficial. More than 1,400 responses indicate that ParentPay ticks all the boxes including:

  • ParentPay is easy-to-use and will offer the freedom to make online school payments whenever and wherever you like, 24/7.
  • Payments can be made by credit/debit card.
  • You will be able to pay for multiple items (meals, school excursions/trips etc.) in a single transaction.
  • You will be able to make payments for more than one child even if they attend different schools.
  • Parents can choose to be alerted when their balances are low via email.
  • Full payment history and statements are available.
  • Pupils will not have to worry about losing money.
  • Mobile optimised website, so you can access your account from a smart phone without the need to download an app or use a computer.


Over the course of the summer term, the council will implement the new system and monitor feedback at four schools and in one family centre before roll-out to all of East Renfrewshire on a phased basis in the new school session 2016/17.

The trial schools are:

  • Woodfarm High School
  • Thornliebank Primary School
  • Braidbar Primary School
  • Giffnock Primary School
  • Glen Family Centre

How to get started with ParentPay

Parents and carers of pupils at the four schools trialling the system will shortly be sent account activation details. Simply follow the instructions in the letter and you’re off and running!

Once the trial period is over, we will advise parents and carers of pupils throughout East Renfrewshire when the new system will be available for their child’s school in the new 2016/17 term.

For more information on ParentPay please visit:

Rouken Glen Reminiscence event

Rouken Glen Park is holding a reminiscence session to add local people’s memories to a new history booklet about the park called “Rouken Glen Park Rediscovered” being compiled by volunteers.

We are looking for people with memories and old photographs of the park to come along and talk about them.

  • Do you have a good story about Rouken Glen Park?
  • Did you visit Rouken Glen Park on a school or Sunday outing?
  • Do you remember events in the park during the 1950s -1990s?
  • Do you remember The Glen motorboat or the Rouken Rally?
  • Come and discuss your memories.
  • Individuals will be filmed as part of video about the park and  their words will contribute to a history booklet about the park.
  • Group transport available.
  • A buffet lunch will be provided.
  • Booking required

The event will take place in the Pavilion Visitor Centre, Rouken Glen Park, Rouken Glen Road, Giffnock G46 7UG on Friday 18 March at 11 am – 2 pm. For more information click on the link below.

Rouken Glen Reminiscence Event

Giffnock Primary School Book Fair 8th to 17th March 2016

Dear Parent/Carer

Our Annual Book Fair will be taking place here in the school on the above dates. The Book Fair is always lots of fun for the children, parents and teachers. It also provides another opportunity to encourage children to use and enjoy books, both fiction and non-fiction.

Children have been given a leaflet today – for further information please click on the link below.

Book Fair Letter March 2016

World Book Day 2016

Giffnock Primary had fun yesterday celebrating World Book Day. Lots of people came dressed as their favourite characters from books. P7 children read a story in Scots to all the classes. We also had a theatre workshop which everyone enjoyed.

Here are some pictures from the day.






















World Book Day Thursday 3 March

World Book Day LogoWorld Book Day is celebrated across the UK on Thursday 3rd March 2016. It celebrates the joy and value of books and reading, especially for children. We have asked the older children to share their love for the written word across the school. In keeping with the school’s Scottish theme for the day, groups of P7 children will read Scots language stories to each class.

A full description of all the books is contained in the document below:

World Book Day 2016

Sport Relief March 2016

Sports reliefDear Parent/Carer,

Your child will be participating in our Daily Mile Sport Relief event on Friday 18th March 2016.

Each class will be running/walking a mile that day in the school playground. Should the weather be inclement the event will take place indoors. Pupils can wear trainers on the day and can ‘jazz up’ their trainers for the event.

Sport Relief wrist bands will be on sale for your child to buy the week beginning Monday 14th March 2016. The wristbands cost £1 with all proceeds going to Sport Relief.

Nursery (am) and Primary 7a – 9:15am

Primary 1 (Both classes) – 9:15am

Primary 2 (Both classes) – 11am

Primary 3 (Both classes) – 11:20am

Primary 4 (Both classes) – 11:40am

Primary 5 (Both classes) – 12pm

Primary 6 (Both classes) – 1:30pm

Nursery (pm) and Primary 7b – 2pm

Yours Sincerely,

Fraser Thomson

Class Teacher