Show Racism the Red Card is celebrating the 12th year of its anti-racism/anti-sectarianism creative competition.
2015 was an exciting year at Show Racism the Red Card. In July the organisation launched a series of short films entitled ‘This Is My Home’ exploring the issues of immigration and racism from the point of view of Scotland’s migrant community. This is also the theme of the competition this year and it gives young people an opportunity to have their voices heard on a very current issue.
With the theme in mind, schools are being invited to develop a piece of creative work that gets across clear messages of anti-racism or anti-sectarianism and celebrates diversity in Scotland’s communities.
We are entering this competition as a whole school as part of our health and well being programme. If parents are interested in supporting their child with this then please view the materials online at the link below. We also have a Parental Inclusion and Equality working group so if you are interested in coming along please contact Kirsty Rawley, Depute Head, at the school.
You can view the short films here