Tag Archives: Parents

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The National Parent Forum of Scotland – Revision in a Nutshell

The National Parent Forum of Scotland has produced Revision in a Nutshell guides for the new Highers (20 subjects) and updated Revision guides for National 5s (20 subjects).  These revision guides contain direct links to SQA specimen question papers, exemplar question papers plus past question papers, where appropriate.   The guides advise learners to check with their teachers to make sure that material is relevant. The guides are primarily intended to provide the SQA direct links by subject in one place, and to give some additional revision opportunities.

 NPFS Nat5 Revision  NPFS Higher Revision

Understanding Children’s Behaviour Parents Workshops

WorkshopsERC Psychological Services are again running Parents’ Workshops on Understanding Children’s Behaviour on Wednesday evenings in Barrhead High from 13 May to 3 June 2015 from 7-9pm.  There will also be a group targeted towards families with issues related to autism or Asperger’s and a group for Dads and male carers.

The workbooks used at the course are available to purchase at a cost of £6.50 but otherwise there is no charge to attend the group.  Tea and coffee will be provided during the evenings also.

To book a place on the course or to get further information, please contact Psychological Services at ps@eastrenfrewshire.gov.uk or on 0141 577 8510.

The media and children – Parental Workshop

Media and ChildrenWe are delighted to invite all parents/carers to our next parental workshop on The Impact of the Media on Children.  

The workshop will look at the positive and negative effect that television, the internet and gaming can have on your child’s development and behaviour.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please contact the school office on 0141 577 2100.

The workshop will take place in Cross Arthurlie Primary School on Monday, 11th May at 1.15pm.

Further workshops are planned for this session, details of which can be found here.


Barrhead Rotary Club’s Young Linguists Awards

On Tuesday of last week, a number of our students attended the Barrhead Rotary Club’s Young Linguists Awards Evening at the Dalmeny Park Hotel.

Congratulations to Iain (winner) and Aimée (runner up) in the Young Linguist of the Year contest.

  • Also present were Calum, runner up in the Rotary Euroscola competition and Craig who represented East Renfrewshire Council in China last summer.


Gymnastics Achievements

Our gymnasts recently took part in the East Renfrewshire heat of the schools competition. We had 3 teams competing;  a level 1 and two level 2 teams.  Each gymnast performs a floor routine and competes at vault.  Although we did not win any medals at the competition the girls had all worked so hard on their skills over the term we awarded them medals for floor, vault and overall at each level based on their scores at the competition.