Tag Archives: Girls Get Active Day

Girls Active Day

On Friday, Barrhead girls participated in National Girls Active Day which was a huge success.  All female pupils in the school had the opportunity to participate in a few activity sessions including dance, yoga and fitness. Every girl involved from S1-6 then performed the dance at the closing ceremony at the end of the day. We hope that this has inspired our girls to get active and enjoy physical activity. Thanks to all staff involved, and a particular thanks to our three female Young Ambassadors; Donna Smith, Kirsty McGinley and Caitlin Kinnear.

Girls Get Active Day – Friday 3rd October

All female pupils will be taking part in national Girls Get Active Day! A host of different activities have been organised throughout the day including dance, fitness, games and yoga. All female pupils should come to school in their PE kit including their purple PE top. If pupils are unable to wear the purple school top a black t-shirt would be the best alternative. They will remain in this for the whole day, so no school uniform is needed.
