Our Primary 7 to S1 Booklet 2022 has been published today.
For details of future Parent Council meetings, please click here.
Thanks to all the parents and carers that attended the recent Parent & Carer – Expedition Information Evening on Tuesday, 31st May 2022 @ 630pm.
For those that missed the presentation the key messages were:
Further info:
DOFE Presentation: DOFE Expedition (June) Presentation 2022
Lyme’s Disease leaflet: Lymes Disease Leaflet
DOFE Expedition Kit List: Expedition_Kit_List (1)
Mr Boag
DOFE Coordinator
Parent & Carer – Expedition Information Evening – Tuesday, 31st May 2022 @ 630pm online.
I plan to hold an online parent & carer information evening which will run through all the arrangements for the upcoming DOFE expeditions in June and September.
S3 DOFE students will need to provide parents/carers access to the S3 DOFE Google Meet through our Duke of Edinburgh Google Classroom.
In order to be eligible for the expeditions, students must attend as many of the expedition training sessions as they can (DOFE Calendar – 2021-22). Failure to attend these meetings will mean a delay in completing the DOFE Bronze Award.
In addition to the training above, DOFE students must have TWO SECTIONS completed by the time we are out on the assessed expedition in September. All students are currently behind schedule with uploading their evidence into their edofe accounts and submitting each section, to me, for approval. DOFE students should focus on having their edofe account up-to-date prior to going out on expedition.
Next Student Meeting
Our next DOFE meeting will be on Tuesday, 24th May from 3.35pm. All S3 DOFE students should attend this meeting.
Mr Boag
DOFE Coordinator
Follow: @Barrhead_DOFE for all of our DOFE info.
For the attention of parents/carers of current S3 pupils (moving into S4):
It is our intention to place all of our S4 students on Work Experience during the period Monday 31st October to Friday 4th November 2022. Pupils have been informed at a recent assembly and now have responsibility to find a placement that they will enjoy and that is relevant to their career aspirations. Pupils should make their own arrangements, through family or friends or by contacting employers that they are particularly interested in. You will need to provide the host employer with a link for them to complete before the placement can go ahead. Please see link below for your host employer to complete:
The latest return date of the online form is Friday 17th June 2022 and employers may need a polite reminder to submit the form prior to this date. Students who have not returned a form by then will be able to access the schools database to search for a placement. This online form must be completed by this date to allow time for safety checks to take place, well in advance of the placement start date.
If you have any personal contacts who would be willing to offer one or more students a placement we would appreciate your support and I would encourage you to contact the school at the earliest opportunity. This placement need not be for your own child although I hope as many students as possible will be able to find a placement for themselves. Once a placement has been identified and online form/safety checks have been complete, you will fill out a consent form for your child prior to the placement start date.