All posts by Mr Boag

S3 DOFE – Parents’/Carer’s Expedition Info Evening (23rd May at 7pm (online))

To All S3 DOFE Parents/Carers:

There will be an online Parent’s/Carer’s Expedition Information Evening on Tuesday, 23rd May at 7pm.

Students should access the S3 DOFE Google Classroom and click the ‘Join’ button under Google Meet (

I am hoping the presentation covers all of the questions you may have, but feel free to ask questions during presentation.

I will ensure the presentation and any further leaflets are added to the school website after tomorrow.


Mr Boag

Scottish Women’s Premier League Game – Tickets Available

One of our former students, Kirsty Maclean, will be playing at Ibrox  stadium this Sunday, 21st, May at 4.10pm in the final game of the Scottish Women’s Premier League.

The league will be decided on goal difference between Glasgow City, Celtic and Rangers. Kirsty has arranged for tickets for any young person from Barrhead High School that would like to attend (with a parent/carer).

Please let Mrs Morrison (in PE dept) know by Wednesday morning at the latest if you would like a ticket. Please note, this is not a school trip. Tickets will be issued on Friday and it is each students’ responsibility to get themselves to and from the game.


S3 DOFE Meetings

For all S3 DOFE students:

All S3 DOFE students should attend the training sessions below. This is in preparation of our practice and assessed expeditions on the 6th&7th and 19th&20th Sept.

Part of the 20 conditions for a DOFE expedition is for students to be adequately trained. It is important that all DOFE students attend all five sessions. If a  student can not attend a meeting, I would appreciate that the student contacts me to let me know. A register of attendees will be taken.

Finally, as most meetings will be outdoors, I would urge students to bring a change of clothing with them. I would also recommend a jacket, although we won’t go outside if it is raining.

DOFE Calendar – 2023

I look forward to seeing all DOFE students on Wednesday, 3rd May at 2.45pm in room 202.


Mr Boag