The Sungazers invited the Stars to our French café where they enjoyed a variety of themed snacks. The boys took on a variety of roles at the café from welcoming to serving guests – Confident Individuals.
The Sungazers invited the Stars to our French café where they enjoyed a variety of themed snacks. The boys took on a variety of roles at the café from welcoming to serving guests – Confident Individuals.
Please admire the Sungazer’s beautiful French planter in our sensory garden. We planted French onions, beans, lavender and much more. We decorated the planter with French bunting and a flag – Responsible Citizens.
The Sungazers enjoyed an Autism Friendly viewing of ‘Dumbo’, a great time was had by all in the softplay at Burger King.
The Sungazers have been learning simple addition using a variety of timed active learning approaches. They also enjoyed some problem solving activities – Successful Learners
The Sungazers used a variety of technology to learn new skills and enjoyed photographing each other in the sensory garden – Confident Individuals.
During his class’s France theme, Leo learned how to play Frère Jacques on the bells! What a confident individual!
The Sungazers enjoyed spending time with Lizzie the bearded dragon and a tortoise called Shelley – Confident Individuals
The Sungazers have been making chalk outlines and using pasta to recreate French landmarks. This week we made a beautiful display of the Louvre – Effective Contributors.