
Remembrance Day Assembly

Confident Individuals/Responsible Citizens

The Snowdrops helped to lead assembly this week, telling all our friends about things we have to remember.  We showed everyone our sensory poppies that we had created and explained we wear them to remember the soldiers that helped to keep us safe.


Play in our local community

Confident Individuals/Effective Contributors

The Snowdrops all demonstrated confident play skills during a recent visit to Burger King soft play.  Everyone moved really well throughout the soft play area – taking turns, climbing, crawling, sliding and problem solving.  Lots of imaginative play developed, as the Snowdrops pretended to be animals, making animal sounds and movements.  Of course, the adults had to join in too!


IDL Theme Evaluation

The Snowdrops have been thinking about our Enormous Turnip story theme and choosing if we have liked or not liked the story.  We can do this through looking at pictures and using our Makaton signs.  Some pupils have also been choosing what has been their favourite Enormous Turnip story work.  We all like different things!


FAOL Eco – Work and Industry (GG8, GG9)

Effective Contributors/Responsible Citizens

The Snowdrops have been thinking about the world of work through pretend play shopping activities.  We created a shop in our classroom, selling different fruits and vegetables.  We all took turns to take on the role of a shop keeper or a customer wanting to buy some foods.  Everyone made good choices of foods to buy, carrying our basket or pushing a trolley.  The Snowdrops used pretend coins to buy their shopping at the check out.  Being the check out operator was definitely a favourite role and everyone enjoyed scanning the foods!



FAOL Enterprise – Harvest Bread Rolls

Effective Contributors/Confident Individuals

The Snowdrops explored and handled different bread textures and dough mixtures.  Everyone helped to add and mix ingredients, pushing their fingers and hands down into our dough. We all managed to create different bread shapes and added raisins to give some facial features.  The results were yummy!




Snowdrops visit the library

Confident Individuals/Responsible Citizens

The Snowdrops all enjoyed a visit to the library this week.  Everyone practised safe walking and crossing of roads as we walked to the library.  We had our snack at the library café and made confident choices of drinks and food.  This was our first opportunity to use our Eco canvas bag that we had made in class.  See if you can spot it in our photos!  After our snack, we went through to the junior library and made choices of books to look at with an adult or friend.


Eco – designing a canvas bag

Responsible citizens/Effective contributors

The Snowdrops have created their own class canvas bag which we can re-use on our outings.  We decided to use the idea of our school tree and to make it colourful for autumn.  Everyone made personal choices of paint colours to use and we made handprints to make the autumn leaf shapes.


IDL – exploring my local community

Confident Individuals/Successful Learners

The Snowdrops have been out in their local community and visited Tesco supermarket.  We used a pictorial shopping list showing the fruit and vegetables we wanted to buy.  All pupils were able to help find everything on our list; putting items into our trolley and saying or signing vegetable and fruit names.  Great shopping everyone!


FAOL – Outdoor Learning

Responsible Citizens/Effective Contributors

Now the weather is beginning to change, we have been exploring ways we can help feed the birds and making some fun bird feeders for the school garden.  The Snowdrops used pipe cleaners and cheerios to create a feeder for the birds.  Everyone showed good fine motor skills threading the cheerios onto the pipe cleaners.  The Snowdrops also enjoyed tasting some cheerios too!  We are going to hook them over branches on the trees in our school garden.


FAOL – Sciences

Successful Learners/Effective Contributors

As part of our Enormous Turnip story theme work, the Snowdrops have been exploring how vegetables grow.  We had lots of sensory fun making rain with our water sprayer and making the sun shine with our torch.  In class, we are trying to grow some carrot heads and will look after them over the next few weeks and see if they grow!

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