
Feed the Birds…


Gosh Pine Class it feels like so long since we have seen you all – we miss you all terribly!!! We are hoping that you and your families are well and getting into a routine at home.

I am going to let you know what we have all been up to.  And then put on some ideas –  things that you and your families could do at home – now this is not compulsory!!! Our main wish is that you are all safe and happy – but we realise that some families may want a weekly focus, or some different ideas, but also that some families may have an established a routine and that they are happy with that – do the bits you want or don’t do any at all!! Add some comments to the blog or photos (hoping that is something we can do – but if it doesn’t work Mr Campbell is the Superman of IT he will sort it out for us!!) , and that way we can all stay connected.

Well….Boyle has been busy studying her cookery book, so Mr Boyle is very happy indeed!! So we may need to get her to post some of her recipes – Boyle your are up for the Cookery slot when we return to school!!

Aitken has been keeping fit by dancing – so you know what we are going to be doing when we get back – Pine Class do Strictly!!!

Jardine and Alan have been on the Tic Tok!! – so we want to see the videos!!!!

Wilson has been getting crafty –  knitting, crocheting and sewing- and with the help of wee Sadie making some useful bits and pieces.

Now yesterday I went for a walk with Carter, he is my Labrador and  nearly 15 so we don’t walk very far – did you spot him in the Willowbank Video?? Anyway he had a bath on Saturday and he is a very hairy Labrador – and as we were walking some of his hair was coming out and a wee bird appeared  – which did not observe the social distancing rules as it was very close and it took a beak full of his hair then came back for more – what a cosy nest that will be!!  I wished I had had my phone to take a photo! What I think its nest might look like.

Image result for birds using dog hair to make a nest

Carter on Saturday morning – Hairstyle by Andrew!!

So I decided that this weeks focus should be BIRDS!!!

Listening to the birds, especially in the morning, while the sun is shinning and if you can get outside and enjoy the calm and listen to them chirp.  The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has loads of information on there website.

Feed the birds, make a bird feeder – now this does not have to be complicated, look on Pinterest or Google – there are loads of simple ideas out there using bits and pieces from our recycling – cans, jars, plastic bottles – lets be creative responsible citizens.

There is a section on the RSPB website telling you what you can and cannot feed birds.

See the source image       Image result for make a bird feeder can#   Orange Bird Feeder

CBeebies had some great ideas too!

Make a Bird, again you don’t need lots of crafty materials –  get creative and use some recycling materials – and perhaps make your bird like a rainbow and put it in the window for others to enjoy – Reece the Ladies wants to see your Arty creation – your sister will help I am sure!!

12 COLORFUL BIRD CRAFTS  Newspaper Art! Introduce kids to mixed media & recycling by creating fun bird art from newspapers, party streamers, buttons & paint.  Upcycled Owls / Make these fun owls using recycled materials / Fun crafts for kids / Cardboard crafts

Film choices …..Well it has to be “Feed the Birds, Tuppence a Bag”

See the source image

The Old or New, you may have it on DVD or can watch it from another provider, or You Tube has lots of clips.

  • Lots of Songs to make you smile – I love ‘Step in Time’ – have a feeling Jessica will too!! Wondering which one Shannon will like the best???
  • Make your family say “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” over and over again – think this will make Adam laugh!
  • Count the Penguins and the Chimney Sweeps – Jacob will like this!!
  • Learn the Makaton Sign for Penguin – come on Melanie!!!

Dancing – the Birdie Song – lets have a boogie!!!  – special request from Reece!!

And now for some cookery. 

This is a popular Australian recipe we have made it in class, we like the crunch of the cornflakes when mixing  – I have sent a video with all the ingredients and steps – and the birds can have some cornflakes too! Before they are coated in honey and sugar.

Image result for Honey Joys

Update on Heather, she started her new Nursing  job last Tuesday in Aberdeen and moves to a new flat tomorrow and she will send a photo when her and Willow the Bear are all settled.

Well have a great week little Pinettes!!!

Send us some Comments …and some photos!!!

Love the Pine Ladies xxxxx

See the source image

P.S. If any of this disappears it will be because Wilson hasn’t observed copyright and is now in Jail!!! Don’t worry the rest of the Pine Ladies will bake her a cake with a file in it!!!


How are we all doing?

Good Morning  Pine Class – how are you all? And all those at home with you?

The Pine Ladies are missing you all, so I thought I would let you know what we are all doing.

Well Aitken  has been getting her exercise and out running – not sure if Nathan has been joining her but I will check that out! So she will be super fit when we all get back to school!

Boyle has been supervising her husband, and strictly keeping him on task,  he is working from home and his boss has also been setting him fun challenges – today’s is to make pancakes – Boyle says he is not a cook, and perhaps she is worried about the mess, but I am sure with her supervision this will be a successful learning experience!!!! I will report back to you all.

Jardine, with Alan for good company,  has been keeping her steps up and walking 2 miles indoors – well done! And last night the two of them were going to learn dance with Oti Mabuse – she will be demonstrating her dance moves to us all when we get back – which will be great fun !  Poor Wilson it is hard being the only Pine Lady with two left feet…and no rhythm!! Did anyone else watch Oti in the morning?

Tonight is ‘Clap for our Carers’ at 8pm – so if you want to take part open your front door, or a window and clap, bang a pot with a wooden spoon, shout or sing – let’s show our appreciation and let off a wee bit of steam!!! #clapforourcarers

We are going on a Bear Hunt!!! Many houses are putting teddy bears in there windows, and children out on their family walks are having great fun spotting them!! This bear is in one of my upstairs windows, and while sitting in my dining room doing my school work I heard a child’s delight as she spotted it – little pleasures.  Have any of you got a bear in your window or spotted any??

Lots of children have been creating beautiful rainbows and putting them in their windows, these are lovely to see – makes me smile!! Come on Pine Class create a Rainbow and get it in your window!!!!

Songs we like to listen to in class, in the Pine Class we listen to lots of music!! And there is loads posted on the app, but we also like Elizabeth South Disney Medleys – these are short snippets of different songs, Jessica, Melanie and Reece love them or perhaps it is me singing over them!!! Shannon and Jacob enjoy some of them, Adam pretends he is too cool for them – but secretly likes them, although with all those girls he really has no choice!!  The Superman Song by Black Lace – catchy and we encourage all the actions!!

Well Wilson has been drinking far too much tea!!! I have burnt out my kettle – OH NO!! So I am boiling a pot of hot water just now – I will hopefully get a new one when I brave the supermarket for my shopping essentials on Friday!!    Wilson’s daughter Heather is still in Aberdeen, waiting to see what is happening with the Student Nurses in their final 6 months – so I will get her to put Willow the bear in her window.

As families, friends, school families and communities we are all finding it difficult being apart, but this is so important. Take care everyone – do what you can from home. #staysafe #savelives




Hello Pine Class!!!!


Well the Pine Class hasn’t been the same this week – we have really missed Melanie, Jessica and Shannon.

Reece has been doing loads of class jobs and keeping us all right!!

And we used up all the Home Economics supplies and made some wee cupcakes and chocolate krispies.

Adam has made us laugh lots and has enjoyed time out of his chair, with Jacob giving him good company  – and we watched Frozen – Again!!!!!!

We have done a wee bit of Art – but it is a secret – shh!!

And today Miss Devlin took over the Morning Group as Class Teacher, Adam and Jacob thought she was very strict, Wilson got sent to the quiet room for talking , Boyle got into trouble for carrying on,  but Aitken and Jardine were Teacher’s pets!!! She is one confident individual!!!

Hopefully we will see you all very soon.

We will miss you all


The Pine Ladies



Science Week

Last Friday was Adam’s 15th Birthday – we all sang him Happy Birthday and enjoyed some yummy Chocolate Birthday Cake!!

We carried out a few different Science Experiments this week. We were successful individuals and made Cornflour Slime – it was great fun to play with watching it go from a solid to a liquid then back.

Adam successfully made the light bulb light up!!!

And so did Jacob!

We loved the Planetarium – watching the stars.

We continued to work on our SQA Unit and made paper plates of our Inside Out Characters!!!

We have had a camera problem – so not as may photos as we would like!!

We have also seen Jessica’s Sea Monkeys – WOW!!! Made a dancing man on a plate, launched paper rockets and decorated biscuits – hope you enjoyed them!!!

And had fun at with the rest of the Secondary for Sports Relief.


World Book Day

Today was World Book Day, Jessica and Blake looked amazing as Jasmine and Aladdin!! Well Done!!

We were successful learners and listened to the story SuperTato – it was really funny – none of us are ever eating peas again!!! Then we made a superhero spud and some masks.


Fair Trade

Today at Social Snack we were confident individuals and some of us had toast with Fair Trade Bananas. Then this afternoon were we successful learners and made Chocolate Krispies using Fair Trade Chocolate.

Shannon needed a wee rest in Cookery  – thought Adam was a good place to lean!

No perhaps a chair would be better!

Melanie with the mixture.

Success – just need sprinkles!!!





LGBT Activities

On Friday afternoon we were all effective contributors and took part in LBGT Activities. Each Class planned an activity and then we all got a turn to carry it out – there was jigsaw hunting, purple sensory activities, painting a  rainbow canvas, making purple hand prints and testing the pH of different liquids.

Our Class Activity involved lots of different colourful fruits – they were set out like a rainbow and you had to choose pieces and make a funny face on a paper plate and then taste them.

Photos to follow.


LGBT Colourful Cup Cakes

During cookery on Thursday we were all confident individuals in the kitchen and made lovely colourful cupcakes – adding different food colouring to our mixtures – pink, purple, yellow and green! We practiced our colour signs while they were baking. We sent some home – hope you all enjoyed them!! We did on Friday morning for snack.


And Tango makes 3

We have loved reading our LGBT Story – and waiting for the Penguin egg to hatch!!!

On Thursday we made lovely fluffy baby penguins, while Reece showed us pictures from the book.

Photos to follow – due to technical problems.


A wee trip out.

On Wednesday morning we were all confident individuals and made a trip out to Dewaldens Garden Centre for morning snack. We went in the mini buses, enjoying the trip through Kilmarnock and arrived there safely. The ladies in the café were lovely and even though it was busy they moved some tables so we could all sit together. We ordered our snacks and enjoyed each other company and then a wee wandered through the shop back to the bus.



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