Good Morning Pine Class and your families at home – how are you all?
Well this week is Work Experience or Careers Week at Willowbank, sadly the things that were planned cannot go ahead BUT hopefully you will all enjoy the activities and information on the blog this week.
So we will put our Wizard of Oz and Rainbow theme aside for a week 
Firstly all about the Pine Ladies.

Before coming to Willowbank Boyle was a Skills Investment Adviser at Skills Development Scotland. She set up and managed training and development contracts that helped people back in to work. She really enjoyed having a job with lots of different things to do, travelling around visiting companies and meeting lots of people. When she was at secondary school, she loved English and Secretarial Studies and wanted to be a Secretary. Boyle has lots of different skills that she puts to good use, but one them is keeping us very organised in the Pine Classroom.

When Aitken was young she wanted to be a policewoman, but at that time she wasn’t tall enough, the height restrictions have now changed and she now is tall enough but she says she is too old now – but you are only 25!?!! Now we know why she is good at keeping us all in line in Pine Class Room!!! Aitken was also a Hairdresser, that is why she has always got nice hair – good skill to have in ‘Lockdown’.

Jardine was also a hairdresser, she is our expert at styling long hair. Jardine has been at doing this job for 24years, between Witch Hill and Willowbank – that is why she is the expert!!! When she was young she wanted to be a Nun, but perhaps she should have been a electrician – if something isn’t working Jardine is Mrs Fix-it!!!

Well when I was a wee girl I wanted to be a Nursery Nurse, but I changed my mind and decided I wanted to be a Nurse then a Home Economics Teacher – so I did both!!
But one thing is for certain all the Pine Ladies love working in the Pine Room and with all the lovely Children at Willowbank.
Different Jobs that other people do

- Hello Pine Class – I am Andy and I am a Policeman
- Job Title – Police Superintendent – The best thing about my job as I get to work with some wonderful people who help save lives and help members of the public, often in greatest need in our communities. I didn’t always want to do this job as I wanted to be a professional footballer, I did managed to do that too! When I retire I will hopefully be able to volunteer and continue help people.
- Hello Pine Class – I am Pauline and I am a Nurse
- This is the photo that is taped onto my PPE just now.
- Job Title – Deputy Charge Nurse ICU – The best thing about my job is caring for people who are critically ill and supporting their families along with the variety of specialities within critically care, it’s a very rewarding job. I always wanted to be a nurse.

- Hi Pine Class – I’m Marion and I am a Nursery Nurse
- Job Title – Depute Manager of an Early Childhood Centre – What I love most about my job is being involved with the children as they explore and investigate experiences for the first time. It’s a really rewarding job as you see these young children starting as little 3 year olds and when they leave you they are equipped with the skills for moving on to P1 and you feel incredibly proud of them. I originally wanted to work in a travel agents.
- Hello Pine Class – I am Alan and I am a Physiotherapist
- Job Title – Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (Out-patients). What I like most about my job is helping people to try and achieve their maximal functional potential. I wanted to study physics but didn’t apply for that course at University, but I still have a keen interest in this area.

- Hi Pine Class – I am Karen and I am a Veterinary Nurse
- Pictured with a baby hedgehog
- Job Title – Practice Manager – The best thing about my job is giving good customer service and problem solving at work. I didn’t always want to do this I was a Police Officer before.
- Hello Pine Class- I am Tracy and I have 2 different jobs.
- Job Titles – I have two jobs, both of which I love very much – I am a business partner in a Womens Clothes Shop and I am also a Town Centre Regeneration Officer with East Ayrshire Council. The best thing about both my jobs is that they allow me to help people which is my favourite thing to do! I never had a clear idea of what job I wanted to do and that’s ok. You need to do your school work and do everything the best way you can and that is the best gift you can give to yourself.

- Hello Pine Class – I am Heather and I am a Student Nurse
- Job Title – Student Nurse – The best thing about my job is that I work with lots of incredible children and no two days are the same. Originally, I wanted to be a Theatre Performer in Musicals…or a mermaid!!
- Hello Pine Class – I am Sarah and I am Performer
- I am at the front wearing pink with some of the cast of Billy Elliot.
- Job Title – Music Theatre Performer – It’s a fun job, you get to work with wonderfully expressive and talented people. You get to meet interesting people of all background and get to escape into a magical world. It’s long hours and hard work but definitely worth it. I wanted to be a professional ballet dancer. But musical theatre is even better!
- Hello Pine Class – I am Senga and I am a Hair Stylist
- The best thing about my job is meeting people, interacting with them and making them feel good. Not my first choice as I wanted to be a policewoman, but I was too small.
- Hello Pine Class – I am Caroline and I am a Veterinary Nurse
- I am a Vet Nurse, so the best bit about my job is getting to give the animals lots of cuddles and watching them get better. Before doing this job I was in The Royal Navy for 12 years.
- Hello Pine Class – I am Matthew and I am a Production Technician
- I work in an Oil Terminal on the small Orkney Island of Flotta, lying in Scapa Flow and I have to travel to work by boat! I guess the best thing about my job is the rota that I work, 2 weeks on 3 weeks off!! When I was really young I wanted to be a farmer.
What about you your family at home? 
- What is their job title?
- What do they actually do?
- What is the best thing about their job?
- What is the worst thing about their job?
- Did they always want to do that job?
- If they could pick something else to do what would it be?

Using technology you could call or video chat someone else and get them to tell you all about their job.
We all have different talents
We are all different but all striving to be the ‘Best that we can be!’
Although, things are limited just now we can do a few different things in the house and out in the garden that are classed as Work Experience – you may even get paid for them!!!
Send in some photos if you help with any of the following ideas, or any others you come up with.
- Helping in the garden – planting, weeding, watering…
- Washing the car – could be some messy fun!
- Help with the housework – making your bed, dusting, vacuuming….
- Doing the laundry – sorting the different colours into piles, putting the washing in the machine, hanging it on the line, folding the clothes….
- Helping prepare snacks and meals – making a sandwich, washing the vegetables, chopping, grating…
- Entertaining your family – playing a musical instrument, singing…
- Looking after your pets – feeding them, brushing them, loving them….
- Doing some beauty treatments – paint some nails, give someone a new hair style…

Whatever you do this week – have a good one!
Love the Pine Ladies