New Year Message to Parents, Carers and Pupils – January 2023

Happy New Year to all in the Stewarton Academy community.
We will be straight back in to a busy term so I hope the reminders below will be helpful.

Industrial Action
You will have seen the message on this app from East Ayrshire Council on 6th January which reminds you of the arrangements necessary due to industrial action by four teaching trade unions.
Please read this message from 6th January carefully as the action will impact on different schools and learning centres in different ways. It also gives detail of support available for pupils who are entitled to free school meals. As far as Stewarton Academy is concerned, we will be closed to pupils on Wednesday 11th January and then again on Monday 23rd January 2023.
We aware that the strike action will cause an inconvenience to many families, but we cannot operate safely without the required number of staff in situ, and I thank you for your understanding at this time.

Key Dates
There are a number of important events in January. Please find a link in the box below to the  key dates document  as a reminder.
Please remember that there have had to be a couple of changes to the calendar published at the start of term, specifically the S4 parents’ evening is on in school Thursday 12th Jan.

As highlighted in December, the virtual information evening for parents/ carers of S2 pupils regarding subject options will take place 6:30 – 7:30pm  Wed 18th Jan via Teams – the link will be shared in due course in the coming week.

Pupil health and wellbeing
We very much hope that you have had a restful holiday. However, we know that there are a number of winter illnesses in circulation. Trusted health advice can be found on NHS Inform . You will recall that East Ayrshire issued specific information about group A streptococcal infections (including scarlet fever) via this app on 8th Dec.
If you child is unwell, please consider not sending him/her to school, especially if he/she has a fever.
You will be aware that the S5/6 mid-course assessments begin this week. Please be assured that any pupil who misses an assessment through illness will be supported to complete necessary assessments when back in school.

Thank you for taking the time to read this pre-term information. We look forward to supporting all our young people to achieve and thrive in 2023. If you would like support with any aspect of your child’s experience at Stewarton Academy, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s Principal Teacher of Pupil Support via the school office.
Best wishes,
John Stuart
Head Teacher

School Calendar