Black History Month 2022

Black History Month takes place this October. This year’s theme is “Time for Change: Action Not Words”. Throughout the month Stewarton Academy will be celebrating the occasion through a variety of activities.

So far The Equalities and LGBTQ+ group enjoyed a presentation and workshop on Black LGBTQ+ people who have influenced our current and past society. Additionally our S2 pupils have been learning about the many positive contributions made by famous black British people as part of their ‘Ending Prejudice and Discrimination’ unit in RME.

Teachers and pupils have also been inspired to read a book by a black author from a suggested list to choose from. The link for this list is below.

Our school community is likewise encouraged to celebrate Black History Month in many ways. Examples can include: reading a book that celebrates Black history, watching a TV series such as ‘The Underground Railroad’ on Amazon Prime or ‘The Get Down’ on Netflix, or cooking a traditional African or Caribbean meal.

Celebrating Black History Month 2022 Book List