Diptheria/Tetanus/Polio & MEN ACWY will take place on the 6th March 2019 (all day). This involves S3 boys and girls and S4, S5 & S6 pupils who missed this immunisation.
Daily Archives: March 1, 2019
Dyslexia Workshop
Dyslexia Workshop
Stewarton Academy pupils, Johanna Robertson and Jordan Cramond, attended an event delivered by Dekko Comics and Dyslexia Scotland to highlight how comics can help children with Dyslexia. Rossie Stione, the author of the comics, led a workshop and shared strategies to help the children with their Dyslexia.
College Application Support Session
All S3-S5 classes
Any pupil who requires support with their school college application for next session should come to the library P6 next Thursday 7th March (reg first with class teacher)
This includes sfw, PEO, FAs, higher psychology, AH Chem and AH Biol.
All pupils must bring their GLOW email address and password.
School News
More STEM success!! Well done Stewarton Satellites!!
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