Young Musician Competition 2019 – details for how to enter this year’s competition can be found here: …
Young Musician Competition 2019 – details for how to enter this year’s competition can be found here: …
Supported study is taking place for National 5 History in Room 26 with Mr Kyle at lunchtime 1.30-1.55pm on Tues 5th March, Tues 12th March & Tues 19th March.
Attendance is encouraged to help with exam preparation.
Qualifications have changed a lot over the past few years. The SCQF allows you to understand and compare qualifications and its levels clearly show how some qualifications have the same worth. For example a Higher and a Foundation Apprenticeship both sit at SCQF Level 6.
Ayrshire college information evening for pupils considering schools college partnership courses in session 2019/20 takes place in @AyrshireColl Kilmarnock on Tuesday 26th February from 6.00pm until 7.30pm. Interested pupils should speak to PTPS or Mr Johnston.
There will be a parents’ information evening for parents of pupils attending the Disney 2019 this Monday 6-7pm in the Lecture Theatre. Look forward to seeing you there!
Italy Ski Trip February 2020
After the success of this year’s trip there will be another ski trip next year. If you are interested in going see Mr Smallwood for a letter.
Huge Congratulations to our STEM team who did an amazing job and won a National Award at the First Lego League competition in Bristol at the weekend!!!!
S5/6 reports will be issued today. If your son/daughter is absent, reports can be collected from the main office.
All competitors should arrive at Glasgow Airport by 11am at EasyJet desk tomorrow morning. Miss Taylor.
Reminder – School closes as normal today at 2.45pm and re-opens for pupils on Monday 18th February at 8.45am.
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