There will be an information evening for parents & S1 pupils attending the Harry Potter London Trip on
MONDAY 18TH FEBRUARY 2019, 6PM-7PM in the Lecture Theatre
Please come along.
There will be an information evening for parents & S1 pupils attending the Harry Potter London Trip on
MONDAY 18TH FEBRUARY 2019, 6PM-7PM in the Lecture Theatre
Please come along.
There will be an S3 – S4 options information evening on :
THURSDAY 28TH FEBRUARY 2019, 7.00-8.30PM
All pupils have received an information letter today. Please check pupils’ bags.
*** REMINDER ***
S4 parents’ night will take place on TUESDAY 19TH FEBRRUARY, 5PM- 7PM.
Pupils have received information letters and appointment sheets today. Please check bags.
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