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Head Teacher Letter to Primary 7 Parents

Good afternoon,

I have written to all Primary 7 parents this afternoon ahead of their children joining us as our new S1 cohort in August. Some of the detail may be pertinent or of interest to our current parent body, and you can access a copy of the letter at the following link:

Kind regards

Ryan Miller
Head Teacher

East Ayrshire Council Message: August return dates for teachers and pupils

Please see the below message from East Ayrshire Council

​​​​​​​Dear Parents/ Carers and Young People,

Following a meeting today with the professional associations at council level, we are now in a position to advise of the return dates for all schools in EAC.  Teachers will return on 11th August for an inservice day and pupils will return on Weds 12th August.  Clearly not all pupils will return physically to school on that day and we will advise you as soon as possible around physical attendance patterns for our young people.  We hope that you will find this information helpful at this time, and we will issue further information about remaining term dates for 20/21 in due course.

Weekly Curriculum Planners – w/b 8th June

I hope you have had a nice weekend in the sunshine and are enjoying seeing more of your friends and family in line with the latest government advice.

With our timetable changing last week, this is the first home learning curriculum grids for the new timetable. Remember, if you were in S1 last year, you are now in S2 and should be accessing that curriculum planner. S2 pupils from last year will be accessing S3 grids now and so on. The links to the grids are below.

S2 – 8th June 2020

S3 – 8 June 2020


S5/6 – 8 June 2020

Apart from that, the system should be very familiar to you, with the work posted on Microsoft Teams and your teachers ready to support you with your work this week. It is vital that you engage with as much as you can this week as many of your subjects will be introducing new courses or levels of work and, for some of our cohorts, introductions to your new subjects. As always, the mantra is to ‘do what you can, when you can’ but I would ask that you make that extra effort to engage with your teachers on Teams. Let them know what you are doing, say hello to them and submit your work for feedback. All of this will help to minimise the gaps when we return in August.

Please take the time to read the grids carefully. To our fantastic parents, I want to thank you again for your support of learning at home. I know it is not easy and the only people that want to your children back to school more than you is us! Please do not allow this work to become a source of friction or anxiety at home. Do what you can to encourage and support and let us know if you need anything.

I will be in touch over the coming days and weeks with information about August as it becomes available. If all else fails, remember, summer is just around the corner!

Take care

Ryan Miller

Head Teacher

East Ayrshire Council Letters to Parents and Pupils – June 2020

Good morning,

Linda McAulay-Griffiths, Head of Education at East Ayrshire Council, has written to parents and pupils this morning with an overview of expectations around June for all establishments and the current planning for re-opening to pupils in August.

The letters have been added to the News section of the school app, but can also be accessed at the links below:

EAC Letter to parents and carers June 2020

EAC Letter to pupils June 2020

Please take the time to read these letters and encourage your child to read the pupil letter. Further guidance will follow from school level over the coming days and weeks.

I hope you all remain safe and well,

Ryan Miller

Head Teacher

Weekly Curriculum Planners and Important Options/Timetable Information

Good evening,

The weekly curriculum planners for each year group can be accessed at the links below for week beginning 25th May.

S1 25 MAY 2020

S2 25 MAY 2020


S5/6 25 May 2020

Please note that pupils will have until Friday 5th June to complete the work set out below. This will allow us to make the timetable changeover on our system next week for pupils in each year group to move into their new year group for next session. Mr Hardie has been working tirelessly on pupil options and the new timetable over the last few months and has put together an options video for parents and pupils to outline the process.

If you have not heard from Mr Hardie over the last couple of weeks, the likelihood is that you have all of your original options. We will be making arrangements over the course of next week (week beginning June 1st) to e-mail individual new timetables to pupils which confirm their options and will begin setting work for these new classes for week beginning June 8th. We would appreciate if you would take the time to watch Mr Hardie’s video and get in touch with him at if you have any queries.

Have a good week

Mr Miller

Head Teacher



S1 25 MAY 2020

S2 25 MAY 2020


SP Learning grid 25th May

Young People Sport and Diversion Leadership Academy 2020-21

Do you live in East Ayrshire?

Are you 14-25 years of age?

Are you a committed, passionate and enthusiastic person?

Do you want to learn new skills, gain new qualifications, enhance you CV and develop your range of experiences?

If the answer is YES then the YPSD Leadership Academy is for you!


To apply please complete the attached application form at the bottom of the post and return it to


complete the application form online at  before the 29th May 2020.


YPSD Leadership Academy 1920 Application Form

Weekly Curriculum Learning Grids: w/b May 18th

Good afternoon,

Please click the relevant link below to access the home learning grid for each year group for this week.

For Senior Phase (S5/6) pupils, please pay particular attention to the note at the top of the grid from Mr Johnston and complete the tasks set by the Pupil Support department this week. These are essential to us ensuring we offer you the best support possible, regardless of your intention to stay on at school or not.

S5/6 18 May 2020


S2 18 MAY 2020

S1 18 May 2020

Weekly Curriculum Planning Grids – week beginning 11th May (All Years)

Good evening,

I hope you all had a relaxing holiday weekend and that our families remain safe and well. Below, you can access this week’s online learning tasks for all year groups by clicking the appropriate link. Please keep your eyes peeled this week for transition messages and videos for our current Primary Seven pupils. We will share these via Twitter and the school app and are very excited to connect with Stewarton Academy’s next cohort of pupils and their parents.

As always, if you need anything, please get in touch with your child’s Pupil Support teacher. I will also answer the questions that have come in via the parent council this week to the best of my ability and will share these via the app with all parents and pupils.

S1 11 MAY 2020

S2 11 MAY 2020

S3 11 May 2020

S5/6 11 May 2020

Have a good week and take care.

Mr Miller

Head Teacher