Onthank Primary 3

June 18, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Story time

The teachers have been busy at school switching up the classrooms to get ready for bubbles. It’s been hard work but today, Mrs Saxelby and I had a little helper to video a couple of stories we thought you’d maybe like to chill out and hear. Thank you to Dylan our marvellous cameraman!

– Watch this video.

– Watch this video too.

June 17, 2020
by eacaroline.strain@glow

Virtual School Trip to Edinburgh Castle

Hi P2,

Your teachers all thought that it would be a lovely idea to plan a ‘virtual school trip’ for you to do at home.

Before lockdown we were all learning about Scotland, so we thought that a great place to go would be Edinburgh Castle!

Maybe you have been before?

Maybe when we are allowed to go on ‘real’ trips again it is a place you might think about visiting?

First of all you could think about your delicious packed lunch or picnic that you want to take on your trip.

I always loved school trips because I got THE BEST PACKED LUNCH EVER! to take on my trip. 

You’ll also need to pack your imagination and use it today!

Once you have helped make your packed lunch or picnic then it’s time to pretend to get on the ‘bus’!


All you need for this is to put some chairs out in rows so they look like a bus and find something in your house that could be a pretend steering wheel. Now it’s time for you and your family to get on the bus to Edinburgh Castle.

One of the fun things we do on the bus is sing silly songs; so here’s a P2 favourite to sing along to-


That was a quick trip because WE’RE HERE!

Edinburgh Castle! 

Now that we are here Mrs Banks and I have got some fun facts about Edinburgh Castle to share with you-





It’s time for the trip around the castle to start.

We have a new pupil with us today-Barnaby Bear, who is going to show us around the castle and also tell us about Edinburgh. I hope you enjoy it-


It’s snack time!

That was really interesting.

I loved the bit about volcanoes!

What was your favourite part?

What did you learn about Edinburgh Castle and Edinburgh?

Why don’t you enjoy a snack and have a chat with your family all about the things you have learned so far?

Now that snack time is finished you could watch this Youtube clip showing another trip to the castle.

Try to imagine you are there too.

That was brilliant!

I learned lots of new things about Edinburgh Castle.

I feel like I’ve been there!

We’re going to jump back on the ‘bus’ to find somewhere nice to go for lunch.

(Packed lunch and imagination required!)

Where would you like to go?

Is it a ‘carpet picnic’, or a picnic in the garden or the park?

Now that lunch is finished it’s back on the ‘bus’ and we’re off again!

We are driving all the way back from Edinburgh to Kilmarnock so we need another fun Scottish song to ‘magic’ us home.

Let’s all sing ‘Donald, where’s yer trousers?’ like we used to in class, just click this link-



We’re back!

What a great ‘virtual’ school trip.


Some ‘Rainy day’ activities-

Watch this video and learn how to draw a castle like Edinburgh Castle.

If you want you could add in some facts you have learned about the castle too. 

I was really interested in the volcano that Edinburgh Castle is built on.

The volcano is extinct, that means it will never erupt again so you don’t have to worry about that if you visit Edinburgh Castle.

The volcano was active and made Castle Rock 350 million years ago!

This SciShow Kids tells you a bit more about volcanoes-

You can make your own erupting volcano!

This clip shows you how to.

If you don’t have newspaper to make it look as fancy as this on you can still do the science experiment using an empty plastic bottle.

Be careful-

DO the experiment outside-IT IS MESSY!

And WEAR SAFETY GLASSES-you don’t want ‘lava’ in your eyes-OUCH!

I hope you have had lots of fun on our trip.

Remember to post your photos on your Glow Blogs.

Have Fun and after all that hard work it’s time to chill out!

Mrs Strain

Mrs Banks

Team P2 x








June 14, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Week Beginning 15th June

This week the teachers have been asked to prepare things in school so that we are able to see you all in August. Due to this we have worked together to compile some activities for you to enjoy at your leisure this week.

Before we start this week’s work, have a look at this video about classroom bubbles. When we come back to school you’ll have something called a bubble to help to keep you safe in school. This video helps explain the ideas behind it.

We will not be updating the Glow page with work every day and so you should look through the following suggestions for activities and pick and choose which days you’d like to complete tasks.

What are we doing this week?

Revise the spelling and handwriting of the last of the joined phonemes we did in Primary 2.

You can create an artistic picture using items and objects found in your house and garden.

We’re going on a VIRTUAL school trip – bring your imagination with you on Wednesday.

Relax with some story telling


Common Words Spelling

Environmental Art

Try out ideas like these:-

Stone love heart

Twig star

Smiley face


Beach scene

I used a photograph to try and recreate it with things I found in my garden.


Frame nature

Draw a simple shape onto some old card or paper. Cut it out from the mid point.

Decorate your frame with designs and colour.


Place your frame onto different surfaces outdoors to frame nature. Can you find any other surfaces with interesting textures outside?

Check into the Blog on Wednesday to find out where we are going on our VIRTUAL school trip this year.

Story Time – check back through the week to check for any added stories.

Next week will be our last week of primary two together.

We have some nice relaxing activities to share with you so we’ll see you then.

Have a great week and keep sending us your wonderful work and pictures!

Catch you soon,

Team P2

Mrs Kidd

Mrs Saxelby

Miss Cook

Mrs Strain

June 11, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Friday 12th June

And just like that we’ve made it to Friday and it’s almost the weekend.

Today is a chance to catch up on any activities that you haven’t managed so far this week. You’ve got your final ‘Onthank on Foot’ today. Pick your favourite outfit and you are tasked with passing a smile to someone else. See what happens when you smile at someone. Make sure you get plenty of playing time into your day too!

I hope you have enjoyed the activities this week and you’ve had a chance to upload your work for your teacher to see. We’ve only got a couple of weeks to go before it’s the official summer holiday. The teachers have been asked to start getting things ready for you so it’s an exciting and even busier time for us all. Next week we’ll all help out with your activities but there will be less things to do and perhaps the following week we can try something a little different.

It has been a pleasure being here for you this week and I want to take this opportunity to say a HUGE THANK YOU and WELL DONE to everyone who has had a shot at our online learning activities. It has been a massive amount of work but we’ve loved looking at all your efforts. Since the start of this Lockdown the teachers have all been learning about working Glow and all sorts of new technology that we’ve never used before so it’s not just the children that have been busy! It’s not always easy and it’s hard work learning new things but if you keep at it, eventually you get it and you have new skills to use for years to come.

Stick in, stay safe, work hard and play, play, play some more.

Mrs Kidd & Team P2

June 10, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Thursday 11th June

Where has the week disappeared to? We have one more day of work before Catch Up Friday so let’s get cracking!



If you were able to bake yesterday I hope you had a lovely time. I also hope there are some goodies leftover for today! Think about what you had to do and we’ll learn about how to put together a good set of instructions on this Powerpoint file.

Remember to click the Screen icon in the bottom right of your screen.

– Watch this Banana Loaf Powerpoint file.


banana loafppt


– What did you have to do to make your treats yesterday? Get your ingredients list and let’s add on the “bossy verbs” to make short, clear instructions for your reader.

– You might want to illustrate your recipe card with detailed drawings of what you have made. Add some colour to make it attractive.

Here’s one I started.

Want a challenge?

– Email or phone someone you care about and read them your recipe to see if they think they could follow your instructions.

Story time

– Watch this video. It’s the last in the ‘Oi’ series that I wanted to show you all.


Estimate how many yellow buttercups you think you can see.

Watch you don’t get tricked by the white daisies or clover.


Yesterday we looked at ordering numbers. Today we’re going to do more examples and I want you to join up your learning. 

– Do you remember we rolled the dice on the computer to make two digit numbers? Use the link below and each time you roll your numbers record them like this. 

– Draw out this chart.

– Click the link and select 2 red dice option. (If you want the harder version, use the Tens dice and a single digit dice to randomly generate 5 two digit numbers.)


Want a challenge?

We’ve looked at ordering numbers in ascending order (counting up the way). Try these examples in descending order (counting down the way). Remember to think about the place value and using the Tens number to help you.


  •   23          17          50          48          33

  •   77          40          91          82          54

  •   38          51          29          61          18

  •   16          24          38          48          52

  •   57          44         90          39          22




– As part of ‘Onthank on Foot’, go for a walk with a crazy hairstyle. Remember to take a photograph for your Blog.

– Choose an activity to try out to help stay happy, healthy and calm.

Are we done for today?

We sure are. If you’re still looking for extra bits and pieces to do remember you have Bug Club, mymaths and Teach Your Monster to Read. If you’re done for today then go play, relax, perhaps do something nice for someone in your house to cheer them up. Catch you tomorrow for your favourite outfit and passing a smile while you walk for ‘Onthank on Foot’.

Mrs Kidd & Team P2

June 9, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Wednesday 10th June

Happy Wednesday everyone! Can you tell I’ve been learning about special avatars called Bitmoji? An avatar is a cartoon version of yourself and it’s been fun learning how to make them up.

What are we doing today?



– Collect something to write with and watch this video. We’re doing a dictation so please feel free to pause the video after the words or sentences to give you time to write down your answer.

NOW for some FUN stuff – a wee baking challenge!

Want a challenge or just something yummy to eat?

– If you can, ask an adult if you can do some baking today. In my house during Lockdown we have managed to make some chocolate crispies and I’ve been making banana loaf with my leftover bananas.

Today I’d like you to spend some time with your homework buddy baking or making something to eat. As you do this activity I’d like you to think about:- 

  • The ingredients you need.

Your follow-up task today is to:-

  • Handwrite your ingredients list.

Tomorrow we will finish this activity by:-

  • Writing down a set of instructions, so pay attention to all the actions you do to make your cakes or food.

(Don’t worry if you can’t bake today, you could think through what you might need to make something like a sandwich or you can use what I do to make our writing piece tomorrow.)




Estimate how many pasta shapes you see.


Yesterday we looked at finding out missing numbers. Looking for what we already know is really important. Today we’re going to use a slightly different 100 square to find the missing numbers. Can you spot the difference from yesterday? We really need to consider the place value of numbers.

– Write down the missing numbers you can see.

Want a challenge?

Let’s think about which order numbers come in.

– Watch this video and order the numbers in ascending order. (That’s when the numbers get bigger and bigger counting up the way. I’ve shown you the link for tomorrow’s work too. Don’t get confused.)

Write these numbers in ascending order:

  • 72          34          17           28           60

  • 36          19          54          91          68

  • 62          81          29          20          75

  • 87          22           16          49          88

  • 99          83          74          66          51





– As part of ‘Onthank on Foot’, go for a walk, pick a colour and go on a colour hunt. Remember to take a photograph for your Blog.

– Watch this video to chill out a bit after such a busy day.

Are we done for today?

Yes, remember to upload any of your good work onto your own Glow page so we can see it and comment.

If the weather is fine get out for some fresh air and notice things in your surroundings. Last week I was tidying up the leaves and sticks lying around in my garden. As I was tidying I kept finding shells. There were big ones, tiny ones and sizes in between. Some were the same type, some different. We played with them and it made me think about where they came from. Were they from the beach, an animal or had someone thrown them over my fence?

It’s always good to take time out to wonder. Some of the best ideas and activities come from the questions we make up.

See you tomorrow Happy Gang! Crazy hairstyles for ‘Onthank on Foot’. Get creative!

Mrs Kidd & Team P2


June 8, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Tuesday 9th June


Let’s get busy!



– Watch this video.

– Use these words to Look, Say, Cover, Write & Check like you do in your homework. Watch your spelling and handwriting – remember your JOINED PHONEMES! We’ll try spelling and dictation with them tomorrow.

– Watch this video. Listen carefully to the words.

We said yesterday that these books all have rhyming words and that rhyming words are words that sound the same.

Want a challenge?

– Collect a ball or bean bag if you have one and work with a member of your household only. (If you don’t have any of these items the game is a throwing and catching game so find something safe to toss to your partner or just clap your hands when it is your turn.)

– Watch this video. Take turns with a partner at shouting out rhyming words. 

– Try out these words to give you some ideas.

get          small          cot          loop

– Think of your own words and try to find more rhymes than your buddy. Don’t take too long, repeat your rhymes, drop the ball or the other player wins. The winner is the last person to think up a rhyme on their turn. Happy rhyming everyone!



You know what to do. No counting – estimate how many pegs you see here.


– Let’s warm up. Watch this video.

Remember we said in class that you need to look for the parts you do know.

You are using the strategy of counting on to work out these answers.

For today’s work we need to be detectives. We need to hunt for clues to help us with our trickier missing numbers in a sequence.

– Here is a number square to help you if you need it.

– Copy and fill in the missing numbers. Remember look for what you do know, check what the sequence is jumping up in. 

Want a challenge?

– For each of the missing numbers you found out above, circle with GREEN the numbers you know are EVEN and circle with RED the answers you know are ODD. Remember it’s the Ones number at the end of each number that you look at to decide if the whole number is ODD or EVEN. Get your thinking caps on!




– As part of ‘Onthank on Foot’, go for a walk and wear odd socks. Remember to take a photograph for your Blog.

– As part of Positive Choices Week choose another activity to help keep you happy, healthy or calm. Send a picture to Mr McIlwraith if you like.

email:   david.mcilwraith1@eastayrshire.org.uk


Are we done for today?

We sure are, go and do more things that you enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow! ‘Onthank on Foot’ will be pick a colour and go for a colour walk.

Mrs Kidd & Team P2

June 8, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Monday 8th June

Mrs Kidd
Back on Blog



Welcome back, it’s Mrs Kidd taking you through this week again.

Your teachers have really enjoyed looking at all the work and enjoyment you’ve been having lately so well done!

If you’ve not sent your pictures and writing to us yet then be sure to get it up onto your Blog or email your own teacher. 

What are we doing this week?


– We’re going to go over some spelling and handwriting patterns you have done before. Remember, I’m looking for you to do your joins and spelling like this from now on. I’ve noticed some sneaky ch, th, sh and ng joins missing in your work the past couple of weeks.

– Let’s try really hard to always include our new learning and be sure to check your work to see if you remembered all the teaching points.

– I also want for you to review and use some common words.

– Think about how words rhyme and use those in a game.

– We’re going to think about how to write good instructions – this will be based on a baking activity if you are allowed.


– I’d like to return to the number activities we started last time and consider the place value of the numbers we know.

– What makes a number odd or even and identify this in our daily work. 

– Think about how to order numbers. To do this, we need to know about place value and how we count up or down. 

– Identify missing numbers within 100. To do this, you need to notice number patterns. 

Other Curricular Areas

– This week is Positive Choices Week and we’ll learn about what that means today. 

– You can use the suggested activity grid on the Main Blog to try out some ways of helping you to stay happy, healthy and calm. 

Finally, as you know, I love reading stories so I’d like for you to enjoy some story time and perhaps think about making more of your own stories as the week goes on. 


What do we need?

If you can, get a hold of the following:

  •  Something to write on/write with.

  • A collection of small items to help make odd and even numbers. I’ve used tomorrow’s lunch pasta but you could use stones or even bits of Lego if you have them. Be creative.

  •  Items to make Tens and Ones. 

  •  A bean bag or ball for a throwing and catching game.

  • If you’re allowed to bake on Wednesday you’ll need some ingredients and items for your chosen recipe. (this can be as easy or as complex as your tastes want)

    e.g. Cereal and a bar of chocolate for crispie cakes, cake cases, a spoon and bowl – DON’T worry if you don’t want to do this you’ll still be able to follow the lesson for writing instructions.

Let’s get started!



– Collect something to write on and something to write with.

– Watch this video and revise sounds from the past few weeks.

– Watch this video and copy out the ee, ai and ay words in your best handwriting. If you want to try the handwriting from the other weeks you could try that next.

Want a challenge?:

– Make a grid like this

– Sort these words into the correct spaces and remember your joined handwriting!

seed          sail          ray          lay          tail          green          nail          play          snail          teeth         hay          peer          paint          hail          need          May          stay          peel

– Can you find any other ee, ai or ay words in your house that you could add to your lists?


Last time, I read the story ‘Oi Frog’ by Kes Gray and Jim Field. The next story in the series is called ‘Oi Dog’ by Kes & Claire Gray and Jim Field.

Did you work out why I loved ‘Oi Frog’ so much?

I hope you said that you could hear lots of rhymes.

The ‘Oi Frog’ story is so clever! I wonder if ‘Oi Dog’ will be the same?

– Watch this video.




Let’s warm up.

Remember an estimate is a sensible guess. Look but don’t count straight away.

Estimate how many pom poms you think are in the bundle.


– Last time we were thinking about place value and what different numbers meant when they were in different positions.

Think back and tell me what place value each of these numbers have. Record like this:

– Try recording these numbers on your chart.

52          79          61          37

44          86          20          75

This week I’d like for us to remember odd and even numbers. How can we tell the difference? Is there an easy way to work it out?

– Watch this video

Want a challenge?

– Make a chart like this.

– Sort these numbers into the correct part of the chart – remember to leave finger space gaps between your answers.

54          28          93          17

90          36          1          24

173          198          150          102

241          748          333          924

Try these too!





Today marks the start of Positive Choices Week. This means making decisions to take part in activities to keep yourself happy, healthy and calm. 


– As part of ‘Onthank on Foot’, go for a walk and wear a colourful outfit. Remember to take a photograph for your Blog.

This week, Mrs Williams has provided some ideas for activities that might help to keep you happy, healthy or calm on the main Blog, so let’s take a look.

Remember these are only ideas and you don’t have to complete all of them. It’s a bit like a pick ‘n’ mix sweetie bag. Choose one you think you’d like to try each day – don’t eat them all at once!

– Click this link and read more about Positive Choices Week.


– Try one of the activities in the chart listed below from the Blog and you can send a photograph direct to Mr McIlwraith for the Main school Blog page if you like.

email:     david.mcilwraith1@eastayrshire.org.uk

Are we finished?

That’s us done for today. Remember that for tomorrow’s ‘Onthank on Foot’ you have to wear odd socks for your walk.

If you’re needing anything else to do you can check Bug Club, mymaths or Teach Your Monster To Read.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs Kidd & Team P2


June 5, 2020
by ealaura.milligan@glow

Positive Choices Week

So, from Monday next week, it will be Positive Choices Week. You can find the details from Mrs Williams on the main Blog page here:-


You can begin preparing for ‘Onthank on Foot’ by considering ideas for the following:

Monday – Wear a very colourful outfit

Tuesday – Wear odd socks

Wednesday – Choose a colour – go for a colour walk, take pictures to create a montage of what you find

Thursday – Crazy hairstyle

Friday – Wear you favourite outfit and pass a smile

Hopefully the weather will be kind to us for our walking activities or you might need to look out your umbrella too.

Keep checking the Main Blog as there will be special features and a grid of actvitiy ideas to link to the idea of making positive choices.


June 4, 2020
by eacarol.saxelby@glow

Mrs Saxelby’s Friday

Fab Friday (With images) | Gonoodle, Free activities, School logos

We don’t put any new work up on a Friday – we call it CATCH UP DAY!

We would love to see your sports day races – the egg and spoon and obstacle race posted to Miss McKelvey to earn points for your House Team!

I have done mine and I even got MY mum and dad to race when they came to visit us in my garden. You can earn points for a parent/carer race so go and ask them nicely to help!  If you have a younger family member then get them involved to earn more points for your House Team!

Follow this link for instructions on how to upload your fantastic videos.


If you are looking for some more work to do at any point, don’t forget you always have the following:

  1. Bug Club

  2. Heinemann  Active Maths (on Bug Club site)

  3. My Maths

  4. Teach Your Monster To Read

  5. Folder of Worksheets

Enjoy your weekend and Mrs Kidd will see you on Monday for a week of new activities!

Love Mrs Saxelby and P2 Team


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