Category Archives: Whole school

Glow – Office 365 and so much more at your finger tips!

Hopefully all of P3-7 have got access to their Glow accounts now.

If this is something you are still struggling to access, please contact Mrs McNulty via email at or you can phone her work mobile on 07561684158 where she will be available to answer your queries between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday.

Having access to Glow gives your child access to whole range of resources. Not only are they able to access email where they can independently submit work to their class teacher and seek support when required…

They can access their e-portfolio blog which P4-7 have been introduced to as a way of creating a personal profile and recording their learning journey which will transition with them to each stage of Primary but also beyond into Secondary school…

They can access their class Teams page where they can chat and meet virtually with their class teacher and class mates…

They also have access to Office 365. Purchasing this alone for a student package can cost around £100 and our pupils have access to it through Glow, for free! Once in O365, they have access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Forms, Sway and so many others. Ensure that you utilise this during Remote Learning.

If any of these icons are missing from your Launch Pad, simply click on the ‘ADD’ icon, and search for the tile by name from the app library and add it to your Launch Pad to allow you to access it quickly in future.

Resources to support Remote Learning

We are aware that some families may require additional resources to support their child whilst Remote Learning. Therefore tomorrow, Tuesday 12th January, between the hours of 10am and 12pm staff will be present in the reception area of the school.

If you require any resources please drop by.  We will have stationary, paper and jotters to help your child record their learning during the coming weeks.

Please come to the main entrance of the school, ensuring you adhere to the socially distanced markers present, wear a face covering and sanitise upon entering the reception area.

Glow and Microsoft Teams support – we are here to help!

As Remote Learning begins today, we are aware that use of digital technologies, particularly Microsoft Teams may be new to many of our families.

As well as communication with your child’s class teacher, Mrs McNulty will be a point of contact to support you with any technical issues you may be facing or to answer any questions you may have.

If you require support, please complete the contact form below and Mrs McNulty will get in touch with you.

Alternatively, you can email her at or you can phone her work mobile on 07561684158 where she will be available to answer your queries between the hours of 9am and 4pm, Monday – Friday.

NCPS Christmas Staff Video – Have your say!

As our Lockdown video for ‘Times Like These’ was such a hit, we thought we would entertain all our children and families again with a Christmas edition. However, this time, we are putting YOU in charge!

Click on the song you would like to see the staff of New Cumnock Primary School to perform and the winning one will be performed, recorded and shared with you all on the run up to Christmas.

2019-2020 A school year not to be forgotten!

Some memories from this school year, it has certainly been a year we won’t forget! 🌈

Mrs McNulty ❤️

New Cumnock Primary School Prize Giving 2020

Today we are delighted to share our Prize Giving ceremony with you all.  It is not how we envisaged our ceremony to be, as we love it when we all gather in the church at this time of year to celebrate your successes.  Nevertheless, we have worked together to mark this momentous day in our school calendar and we hope you enjoy it!  So sit down, get a cup of tea and enjoy our Prize Giving ceremony from the comfort of your own home.

We will begin with Mrs McMurdo’s Head Teacher Speech.

No Prize Giving is complete without a few words (or a tune) from our beloved Minister, Rev. Cuthbert.

Thank you to all our certificate winners for coming to school last Friday to be awarded with their certificates.  We are delighted to share these with you now.

Now onto our Hunter award winners.  Each year, one child from each class is awarded this prestigious award.  Listen carefully as each teacher shares their reasons for choosing their award winner this year.  We want to extend a huge thank you to The Hunter Foundation for their continued support of our school and our annual Prize Giving.

And now onto our wonderful P7s.  This is certainly not the way we wanted your school years with us to end.  We are extremely proud of you all and cannot wait till we can have you all back to celebrate your time with us.  We wish you all the very best of luck in your future.

Some final words for our P7 Leavers.  A huge thank you to Mrs McTurk for sharing this poem with us, it is wonderful! Click on the link below if you wish to download a copy to keep.

Audio Player

P7 Leavers Poem

Last but not least, we are sadly saying goodbye to 4 members of staff this session.  A huge virtual hug goes out to Mrs Morton, Miss White, Mrs Sussman-Bryden and Miss Ritchie.  We have loved having you all as part of Team New Cumnock and hope our paths cross again one day.

And this marks the end of our Virtual Prize Giving ceremony.  Thank you for tuning in.  We hope you all have a lovely, relaxing summer holiday and we look forward to seeing you all again in August.

Stay safe everyone.

Team New Cumnock x