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Pupil Leadership Groups

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Primary 3/4 to Primary 7 Leadership Groups were re-established on Friday 3rd November.  This year we have 5 groups:

  • Communication Friendly Award
  • Eco-Schools Award (6th Flag)
  • Inclusive Practice Award (Gold Award – Previously known as Dyslexia Friendly Schools Award)
  • Rights Respecting Schools Award (Gold Award)
  • Green Clean Schools Award

Ask your child which group they belong to!

Respect Me, Anti-Bullying Group

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Our group of parents and teachers who have formed to create our Respect Me, Anti-Bullying group, attended training last Wednesday 2nd November from 6.30 till 7.45, run by the Scottish Attainment Challenge team.

Please follow our Blog in the near future for more information.  This session we are working together to raise awareness of respectful relationships and anti-bullying.


Eco Schools Award!

We are absolutely delighted to announce we have been awarded our 5th Eco Schools Scotland Green Flag Award!

See the source image

The feedback praised the fantastic work we have carried out during this journey. It was recognised how challenging these times have been and celebrated that we were able to keep our Eco-Schools work going on despite all. We covered all Seven Elements of the Eco-Schools programme. Despite the restrictions that have been in place, staff and pupils have shown commitment and determination in completing your planned actions.

Achieving a Green Flag Award means a good amount of versatility and commitment from staff and pupils. Our evidence showed that it has been a busy and impactful journey as the understanding and connection with making the world more sustainable has been very powerful and pupils have not only been taking actions in school but also within the community. Staff has helped to create a nurturing, inclusive, innovative, and stimulating learning environment, and a respectful and positive ethos by working closely with everyone in the school community. We have taken a unique chance to reflect on our findings, reflecting on what the pupils have learned and how to go forward.

All pupils benefited from a wide range of challenging, motivating, meaningful and fun learning experiences which support them to develop creativity, resilience, and independence. Pupils have learned how they can take action on a local and global scale to develop a more sustainable lifestyle for the benefit and preservation of the planet. Their efforts throughout the journey should support them to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens, and effective contributors.

October Holiday Activities


Autumnal Art Dean Castle Country Park ∙ Tues 18 Oct ∙ 11am & 2pm ∙ £3

Feed The BirdsDean Castle Country Park  ∙ Wed 19 Oct ∙ 11am & 2pm ∙ £3

Witches TrailBurns House Museum ∙ During Opening Hours ∙ FREEBaird Institute ∙ During Opening Hours ∙ FREE

Quentin Blake – Family DayFri 21 Oct ∙ Dick Institute ∙ 12 noon – 3pm ∙ FREE.

Quentin Blake – Family DayThu 20 Oct ∙ Baird Institute ∙12 noon – 3pm ∙ FREE

I Spy With My Little Eye Wed 19 Oct  2.30pm ∙ Palace Theatre ∙ £10/£38 family of 4

Friday Night Club Barony Sports Village ∙ Fridays ∙  5 – 12 yrs ∙ 6pm – 7.30pm ∙ £3.50 Loudoun Leisure Centre ∙ Fridays ∙ 5 – 12 yrs ∙ 6.30pm – 8pm ∙ £3.50 Grange Leisure Centre ∙ Fridays ∙ 5 – 12 yrs ∙ 6pm – 8pm ∙ £4Visit the Website for a full list of Activities

Dumfries House Intergenerational Tea Dance

Mrs Clapperton and Mrs Ramsay took along a group of eight children to the intergenerational tea dance at Dumfries House, organised by East Ayrshire Vibrant Communities. We had a delicious afternoon tea followed by entertainment by Fabulous Fraser! We met Councillor Mr Jim McMahon and Depute Provost Claire Leith. The children and adults had the best time. The boys and girls were up dancing and Presley was even chosen to go up with Fabulous Fraser.

Dyslexia Awareness Week!

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Next week is Dyslexia Awareness Week!  The theme for Dyslexia Awareness Week is “Breaking Down Barriers”.  The theme this year will allow us to reflect on the barriers that those living with dyslexia often face, while also focusing on how individuals, organisations and the education system have continued to succeed and break through these obstacles.
Children will be engaged a range of activities.  They will be reminded that they have a toolbox in their class which has various resources that can be accessed to help them with their learning.  Mrs Frew will be identifying a pupil from each class to form part of our new DFS committee.
As well as being signposted to training opportunities, staff will be asked to complete audits to identify  any need for training  opportunities.
Please check out your child’s Learning Journal and our school blog at the end of the week to see photos from our week of learning!