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RRS: We Need You!

At NCPS, we try to integrate Rights Respecting Schools into all areas of our curriculum. Before lockdown, Mr McClure’s class were responsible for rolling out the programme of learning this year…. However, now we are looking for some super support from across the school. This will look like:

  • creative ways in visualising the different articles;
  • completing the different tasks that will be posted on here;
  • creating a video describing the right of the fortnight!

Here is examples of some amazing visualisations:

This weeks focus is on the Holocaust Memorial Day. Please follow the link below and click on the download button for suggested activities for infants and uppers. If you complete any of the activities can you please email the work to: 🤪!

Article of the Week

Appropriate Use Of Microsoft Teams

Our teaching staff and Senior Leadership Team actively monitor the class use of Microsoft Teams and it has came to our attention that in some cases in recent days, class Teams pages have displayed some undesirable behaviours.

  • Please keep the general channel related to school work. Your class teacher may add a ‘chatty channel’ which will allow you to chat with your friends, but please refrain from doing this on the general channel as work posts then get lost amongst the chats.

  • Make sure that what you are typing is appropriate. Staff and your peers can see this. Any offensive of hurtful comments will be deleted. Please remember to be kind.

  • Please be mindful of what time you are accessing Teams. Try to keep this within school hours.

  • Whilst in a Live lesson, please conduct yourself as you would be encouraged to be in class, well behaved and mannerly at all times.

We encourage our parents/carers to monitor this closely too.

Thank you for your continued support.

East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest – The Results Are In!

Well done to all our pupils that logged in and joined the East Ayrshire Sumdog Contest this week! We hope you all had fun and enjoyed putting your maths knowledge to the test.

Out of the 119 classes that qualified for the contest, we are so proud to share with you that 3 of our classes made it into the top 10! Well done P6/7, P1/2 and P3!

7th Mr McClure P6/7 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 458
9th Mrs Armour P1/2 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 419
10th Miss McQueen P3 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 408

In addition to this, out of the 1385 students that played along, 3 of our pupils made it into the top 50! Well done to Noah M from P1/2, Brooke W from P4 and Megan M from P6/7!

11th Noah M Mrs Armour P1/2 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 972
23rd Brooke W Mrs Petrie P4 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 955
43rd Megan M Mr McClure P6/7 20/21, New Cumnock Primary School 924

Rights Respecting Schools Update!

Unfortunately we can’t complete Rich Tasks like we normally do at NCPS. So this year P6-7 have been chosen as the lucky class to continue with obtaining our Rights Respecting Schools award. They have created their own school logo, new right of the fortnight sheet and new right cards. The video below highlights our new ideas as well as describing the right of the fortnight. We will post a new video every 2 weeks to highlight the new right!