Category Archives: Rights Respecting Schools

Collection for Food Bank

A reminder to all our parents and carers that we are currently collecting for the Food Bank as part of our learning about ARTICLE 24 of the UN Convention for the Rights of the Child.  As a Rights Respecting School, we celebrate and campaign for children’s rights throughout the year.

ARTICLE 24 states that all children are entitled to Healthcare, Nutritious Food and Clean Water, therefore we are asking for donations of non-perishable food items to be handed into the school office or sent in with your child by FRIDAY 15th SEPTEMBER.  We thank you in advance for your support.

RRS – Article 24 (Food Bank donations wanted)

This fortnight our Rights Respecting Article we are focusing on is ARTICLE 24- THE RIGHT TO CLEAN WATER, NUTRITIOUS FOOD AND GOOD HEALTH CARE.  To support our learning about this article we are asking our families for donations for Ayrshire Food Bank.  Please send donations in with your child before Friday 15th September, or drop donations into our front office.

Silver Rights Respecting School!

We are so excited to announce that following a successful accreditation visit, we are now officially a SILVER RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOL!

We have all worked so hard for this achievement and we are so proud of our learners who shared their thoughts and opinions today with our assessor.

We are now looking forward to our banner being delivered, and getting started on our JOURNEY TO GOLD!

S1 Transition Biscuit and a Blether

Calling all new S1’s that transitioned from New Cumnock Primary School!

As promised, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Bradford are hosting a “Biscuit and a Blether” session to check-in with our most recent cohort of S1’s!


This is an opportunity for new S1 pupils to check in with primary staff they trust, whilst they are still building relationships with staff at the Robert Burns Academy, and have a chat about their new school, subjects, friends, or any  worries they have.

This is not compulsory for pupils, but we would love to see you!

Uniform Bank FRIDAY 29th outside MAIN OFFICE

Are your children growing out of their uniform?  Don’t want to waste money buying new uniform so late in the school year?  Why not visit the UNIFORM BANK this Friday (29th April) outside the MAIN OFFICE from 2.30pm onwards!

The Clean Green Schools Award team have been thinking of ways to recycle, reduce and reuse throughout the school.  One of the ways they have decided to do this is through the development of a school uniform bank.

There will be sweatshirts and jackets available in a variety of sizes. Come along and pick up any items FOR FREE!

The uniform bank will be available on the last Friday of each month from now until the Summer break!

Friday 29th April 2.30-3

Friday 27th May 2.30-3

Friday 24th June 2.30-3

World of Work Week Day 2

Primary 6 have been enjoying learning about careers in law and the justice system.  This was linked to their learning about Article 40 of the UNCRC that says:

A child accused or guilty of breaking the law must be treated with dignity and respect.  They have the right to legal assistance and a fair trial that takes account of their age.  Governments must set a minimum age for children to be tried in a criminal court and manage a justice system that enables children who have been in conflict with the law to reintegrate into society.

They hosted a mock trial, looked at the different parts of the court and the roles involved in a trial!

Primary 2 extended their learning from their virtual Windfarm visit with Vattenfall and RJ McLeod by making pin wheel windmills!

They were so interested in how windmills worked and their creations are absolutely fantastic!

Primary 7 used the Skills Development Scotland website to investigate which careers best suited their personalities.  They answered THIS OR THAT questions which then generated a series of jobs that suited their answers.

Scotland Supports Ukraine Refugees

Scotland is well known for supporting people in need of refuge and safety.

Article 38 of the United Nations Convention for the Rights of the Child says that “governments around the world must do everything they can to protect and care for children affected by war and armed conflicts.”

This Friday (25/3/22), we are asking all children to come to school dressed in the colours of the Ukrainian flag- YELLOW and BLUE.

We are asking all those who are able, to pay a £1  donation via ParentPay for the Ukrainian Refugee Appeal.

Let’s raise as much money as possible and show our support for Ukrainian refugees.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in their YELLOW and BLUE outfits!


We are very excited to be celebrating Languages Week Scotland from Monday 31st January- Friday 4th February!

Article 30 of the UNCRC states that we have the right to celebrate and learn about languages and customs.

Every day in our classes we will be learning about a new language and taking part in fun activities linked to these languages.

Monday- German

Tuesday- French

Wednesday- Spanish

Thursday- Chinese Mandarin

Friday- British Sign Language

On FRIDAY 4TH FEBRUARY to celebrate the end of Languages Week, we would like to invite all pupils to come to school dressed in the COLOURS OF A FLAG OF THEIR CHOICE!

As a home learning task this week, we encourage all pupils to create their own flags either imaginatively, or by researching a country flag of their choice.