Category Archives: Community Partnership

Primary 6 and Primary 7 Multi-sport Afterschool Club

Active Schools are running a multisport afterschool club for primary 6 and primary 7! This will run on Wednesday 24th May, 31st May and 7th June from 3-4pm at New Cumnock primary school, in the gym hall.

Please sign up using the link or QR code on the poster;

Please note if the survey is closed then the session is full, this will be a first come first served basis. If you have any questions please contact

New Cumnock Afterschool P67

New Cumnock Coronation Weekend Fun May 2023

We were excited to be part of the New Cumnock Coronation Celebration weekend!

Primary 7 pupils Lily P and Noah R were crowned as King and Queen and then paraded around the town on the Friday evening, followed by a Disco performed by our very own DJ Wee Parky.

The Saturday family fun day was a huge success and it was great to see so many people come out to enjoy the community celebrations. Our school choir entertained the crowd by performing some songs they have been rehearsing in preparation for the event.

A huge thank you goes to the Coronation Committee for their kind donation of commemorative medals for every child in the school, what a lovely gesture to mark such a memorable occasion.

NCPS Coronation Celebrations 5/5/23

As part of our school Coronation celebrations, children came to school wearing red, white and blue. We had a picnic party in the playground in the afternoon, DJ’d by our very own DJ Wee Parky who had been taking song requests all week.

A huge thank you to the Parent Council who funded snacks for all the children to enjoy at the picnic and to Pathhead Bakery for their very kind donation of Coronation cupcakes for all the children to enjoy!

New Cumnock Coronation Celebrations!

This week we will be celebrating the upcoming Coronation of King Charles III . We would love for you to be part of it!

King Charles coronation logo created by iPhone designer - BBC News

On Friday 5th May, children are invited to come to school wearing red, blue and white. Each class will be participating in activities about the Coronation and in the afternoon we will all join together in the playground for a Coronation Celebration party. Our very own DJ Parky will be entertaining everyone. Children are invited to give Lyle their song requests beforehand and bring along picnic blankets to enjoy some snacks and a dance.

Thursday 4th May-Monday 8th May – Please see the programme and poster below for events taking place in New Cumnock to celebrate the Coronation.

We wish our very own Noah R and Lily P all the very best for their appearance as King and Queen as part of these celebrations during Friday’s parade!

Our school choir will also be performing on Saturday afternoon at the Family Fun Day. Members have been lettered about this and must return their consent slips as soon as possible. We hope you can come along and show your support!

New Cumnock Girls Group 

🤩 New Cumnock Girls Group 🤩
Did you know we run NC Girls Group!?!?!
The group is open to girls age p7+ in around the New Cumnock Community.  The group has been running just over a year and offers a safe space and massive range of activities to take part in!
– Tuesday – 6.30pm to 8pm
– New Cumnock Station Building
If you know someone who would love to come along and give it a try PLEASE pass on this info to them!  We would love to see some new faces!
If you would like more information then please feel free to contact Tammy on any of our social media platforms or email at
#teamnewcumnock #youthwork

CJCE Netball and Basketball sessions return!

Our netball and basketball sessions return! CJCE will be providing weekly netball and basketball sessions at the barony sports village! Please follow the relevant link below to register; all information can be found on the poster.

Netball P4 – P7

Netball S1 – S6

Basketball P4 – P7

If you have any query’s please contact

Netball + Basketball Poster 2023