All posts by Mr McClure

Right of the Fortnight: Article 38

This weeks right of the fortnight is:

Article 38: Governments must do all they can to protect and care for children affected by war. Governments must not allow children under the age of 15 to take part in war or join the armed forces!

Here is Emma from P6-7 explaining what this right is:

& here is an excellent example of an informative poster by Mary highlighting the key parts from the article:

Rights Respecting Schools: Dog Fouling Campaign!

Rights Respecting Schools: Dog Fouling Campaign!

As a whole school, we are going to fight against the smelly dog poo that gets left on the streets of New Cumnock. As the week progresses, I will release a video explaining in more detail as to what the campaign is. However, the first thing we need to do is to choose a poster that is going to go alongside the campaign. Below are a couple of super examples that other communities have used.. but we want to have a bit of New Cumnock to ours so be as creative as you possibly can! Your teacher will send your poster to Mr McClure and he will then put the best posters to a vote to decide which one we will use! Good luck!

Rights Respecting Schools Weekly Activity!

This week at NCPS, we are looking at two very important rights. The breakdown of both of the rights are above in the pictures. Our focus this week is going to be Safer Internet Day. I have attached a PowerPoint below that provides a couple of super activities that I would love for you to complete.

If you complete any of the activities please send pictures to:


RRS: We Need You!

At NCPS, we try to integrate Rights Respecting Schools into all areas of our curriculum. Before lockdown, Mr McClure’s class were responsible for rolling out the programme of learning this year…. However, now we are looking for some super support from across the school. This will look like:

  • creative ways in visualising the different articles;
  • completing the different tasks that will be posted on here;
  • creating a video describing the right of the fortnight!

Here is examples of some amazing visualisations:

This weeks focus is on the Holocaust Memorial Day. Please follow the link below and click on the download button for suggested activities for infants and uppers. If you complete any of the activities can you please email the work to: 🤪!

Article of the Week

Rights Respecting Schools Update!

Unfortunately we can’t complete Rich Tasks like we normally do at NCPS. So this year P6-7 have been chosen as the lucky class to continue with obtaining our Rights Respecting Schools award. They have created their own school logo, new right of the fortnight sheet and new right cards. The video below highlights our new ideas as well as describing the right of the fortnight. We will post a new video every 2 weeks to highlight the new right!