A huge thank you to our parent council for donating out P7 Leaver’s Hoodies!
We are so excited to wear them around our school and to our transition events at Robert Burns Academy!
Thank you for your generosity!
New Cumnock Fire Station have asked us to share with you this information about “Deliberate Firesetting”.
Please click on this link to access the children and young people’s poster.
We have updated our Outdoor Learning Policy and are looking for some feedback from parents and carers.
Please take the time to read through our policy, then click the link to fill in the GLOW form.
All FORM responses will be entered into a raffle to win a box of chocolates! Raffle will close on Friday 11th March! Good Luck!
National Child Online Safety Campaign
A new National Child Online Safety Campaign launched on 8 February to coincide with Safer Internet Day. The campaign is being led by the Scottish Government with Child Protection Committees Scotland, Police Scotland and other a range of third sector partners.
The campaign aims to increase awareness of the importance of online safety to parents and carers of children aged 8-11 year olds, and reassure and inform them that the skills they apply offline to help keep their children safe can be used tohelp protect them online too.
A supporting Parent Club webpage includes practical ideas and advice for parents and the Parent Club toolkit sets out simple ways in which partner organisations can further support the campaign.
To make our World Book Day Celebrations as accessible as possible, we are offering pupils a choice for how you can celebrate!
On Thursday 3rd March, pupils can choose either:
All classes will take part in World Book Day activities in class with their teachers! We are looking forward to celebrating with all the children!
Our Natural Environment group were really excited to kick start the TIDY FRIDAY initiative this week with a playground litter pick!
To support our Eco Schools and Clean Green Schools award, Tidy Friday will involve to whole school on a rota, actively engaging in keeping our school and playground looking the best it can be!
Thanks for doing such a super job in wet conditions boys!
Scottish Government are working with Caerus to understand the supply and demand of school age childcare & out of school clubs in Scotland.
The Caerus team is developing software that families will be able to use to find and book childcare, clubs and activities in your area.
As they prepare to launch the software, Caerus need input from families to ensure the platform meets your needs. They are asking families to pre-register via https://parents.caerus.scot/ and share your views.
Scottish Government will use data taken from this software platform to give us a clear picture of where more school age childcare is needed. We won’t see your individual answers, but we will be able to see, for example, how many people from different groups in different areas answered the questions. You can read more about this in the Caerus privacy policy if you click the link.
Using this data will help us as we develop our plans to build a system of wraparound school age childcare in Scotland. This will be free to families on the lowest incomes, and affordable and accessible to others.
Overview Scottish Apprenticeships FREE Webinar Thursday 10 March 2022
Parents and carers can learn more about Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships on a free webinar later this month.
The link to sign up is via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/overview-of-scottish-apprenticeships-tickets-252175282057
Careers Advisers from Skills Development Scotland will talk about the different apprenticeships that are available and how work-based learning can open the door to a wide range of careers. They will also be on hand to answer any questions that you may have about your young person’s career development.