All posts by Mrs McNulty

RRS – Article 24 (Food Bank donations wanted)

This fortnight our Rights Respecting Article we are focusing on is ARTICLE 24- THE RIGHT TO CLEAN WATER, NUTRITIOUS FOOD AND GOOD HEALTH CARE.  To support our learning about this article we are asking our families for donations for Ayrshire Food Bank.  Please send donations in with your child before Friday 15th September, or drop donations into our front office.

We are a Trailblazing School!

The Trailblazers initiative developed by Ayrshire Roads Alliance has arrived in New Cumnock. Around the village you will see lampposts with signs that say 5 or 10. This indicates either a 5 or 10 minute walk to the school from that point.
We are encouraging anyone who doesn’t fully walk/ cycle or scoot to school (where possible) to park and stride from these points.
You can use a phone to scan the QR codes on these signs daily to answer road safety questions.
What’s the purpose? We want to encourage as many people to actively travel to school! This has lots benefits for health and well-being as well as for our planet.
Each day we will carry out a quick survey and record anyone who has actively travelled the whole way or from the designated points around the village. It would be very much appreciated if you can support this initiative as much as you possibly can!

Community Classes

Community Classes start next week!

Everyone needs to sign-up through the links below 👇🏻

MONDAYS – 5-6pm


Girls Football

P4-P7 Fun Football


Netball – P4-P7 – 6-7pm



Basketball – P4-P7

FRIDAYS – 4:30-5:15/30

U5s Mini-kicker

P1-P3 Mini-kickers

We are excited to welcoming everyone back!


Courtney Cartner

Active Schools Coordinator

Vibrant Communities

Young People Sport and Diversion Team

Safer Communities: Housing & Communities