
Parking around our school has always been a huge issue for us. Being on a busy main road, we are often faced with parents/carers parking their cars on the pavements, creating a hazard for our children walking to and from school.

Yesterday  morning, one of our pupils was injured by a car on his way to school. Therefore, we are forced to raise awareness of this dangerous issue again.

Parents/carers are not permitted to park in our school car park. Children walking to the playground via the front entrance should enter via the gates at the front of the school and walk round using the allocated pavements. At no point, should anyone be walking across the staff car park to enter or leave the school premises.

We ask for parents/carers to please use the various car park areas situated near our school such as, the local swimming pool or ground next to the Premier store and then walk your child to school using the pedestrian crossings. Under no circumstances should cars be mounted on pavements near the school. This is dangerous and obstructs the pavements for those children walking to and from school.

The health and safety of our children is of the upmost importance, therefore your support and cooperation with this very serious matter is greatly appreciated.

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