Say Hello to your Buddies

This week you have been sent very special messages from some of the boys and girls who will be your buddies when you start school in August! They all loved meeting you when you came for your visits and we will do the best that we can to make sure you get to know them even more when you are in Primary 1.



Hi my name is Erin Gibson. I’ll be in P6 when we go back to school and you’ll be a new P1. I remember how nervous I felt when I was a P1, it soon turned into excitement when I started having so much fun in the class and meeting my new friends. I will support you and make you feel safe and welcomed in our school. We will have fun together and I will show you all the best parts of Mount Carmel Primary school. I like Gymnastics and Drama, I wonder what you will enjoy at school?


Hi Primary 1!  I’m Luke and I’m in P7. Looking forward to seeing you after the summer holidays. I hope you are as excited to start Mount Carmel as I am to be a buddy! I have seriously been waiting on this for years.





Hello P1! 

My name is Poppy and l am in P6. I am really looking forward to meeting you all in August and l am excited about all the adventures we will have together. If you are feeling nervous or afraid please don’t worry as there are lots of friendly people there to help you.






Hi Primary 1,

My name is Evie and I’m in P7. I’m really looking forward to meeting you all in August. Everyone will have a lot of fun at Mount Carmel! And remember not to get worried because your buddies will help you settle in great. Have fun!




Hi P1.

My name is Regan and I am in P6.

I can’t wait to see you all again!






Hi boys and girls. I am Aimee Thomson. I am going in to Primary 7 and can’t wait to become your buddy when you start Primary 1.





Hi! I’m Lucy! I like pink and I like helping people!





Hi my name is Callum. I’m in P6 and I can’t wait to see you. You will love Mount Carmel and do not be worried, it is a lovely place to learn and have fun.







Hello P1s,

My name is Tymek and I am in P6. I like to play football. I also love to play video games. I hope you will have a great time in P1. I will support you when you will be starting school. I can’t wait to see you guys in August.




Hello P1’s my name is Jamila and I am in Primary 7. I am so excited for you to join the school in August. I joined the school last year and it was amazing. Do not be worried. The teachers and staff are so nice. It is so fun when you get used to it. There is always someone to talk to and help you every day. I cannot wait to see your smiley faces


My name is Aidan.

I am 10 years old. I really hope you are all having fun in the sun.  I can’t wait to meet when we go back to school.  Everyone gets nervous when they start school but don’t worry as we will be there to help you. See you all soon!





Hey everyone!

My name is Nicole and I am looking forward to meeting you all and becoming one of your buddies!


Hi boys and girls. My name is Magda and  I am in P6. I can’t wait to see you all in August. Don’t be stressed or nervous because everything is going to be great. If you will need help or you will be left alone remember I will always be there  to help.




I am Tilly and I am in P6. Welcome to Mount Carmel. Hope to see you all soon!





Hi P1s. I’m Sophie and I’m in P6. Can’t wait to meet you and know you all!






Healthy Minds!

As it is health week there will be lots of fun, fab activities for everyone to try out! Remember a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body! Here are some activities to try throughout the week.

Some lovely ideas! There will also be lots of fun, healthy activities on your learning grids this week too. Now all we need is SUNSHINE!

Finally…some Monday Motivation…

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.


PATHs Challenge

As it is Health Week and we are looking at different aspects of health, this week the nurture blog will focus on PATHs and our emotional health. PATHs has become a huge focus in all our classrooms as we begin to understand the different feelings we may experience. We recognise that these emotions can be categorised as ‘comfortable’ and ‘uncomfortable’.

We have spent time talking about how emotions change our facial expressions and by looking at the eyebrows, eyes and mouth, how this can indicate what a person might be feeling. Its important we recognise these emotions in ourselves and others, so we can help someone if they are experiencing uncomfortable feelings. Or use a strategy to help when we recognise those feelings in ourselves.

You may see a few familiar faces below as some of our Mount Carmel staff helped put a PATHs challenge together. Can you guess the PATHs emotion expressed by each member of staff? There are 8 different emotions being expressed and once you have guessed, can you sort these into comfortable and uncomfortable?

Why not give it a try at home? There is no better way to understand a feeling than to try and express that emotion yourself. Focus on the facial expressions and try a few of our comfortable and uncomfortable feelings. You can use a mirror to do this or ask a parent to take a photo of you and become the star of your own PATHs emotions chart. Send these to me and I can share these on our blog (check with parents this is okay before sending).

Stay safe, have fun and take care

Primary 3 home learning tasks. Wk Beg 8th June 2020

What a beautiful week it has been in the sunshine. I hope yu have all been out playing and going lovely walks. This week is health week. Normally we would do this in class but as you are at home, I have added lots of fun activities for you to complete with your families. I want you to get more active and get healthier this week and we are praying for some more gorgeous sunshine to help us with this. As always there are core tasks for you to complete as well as optional tasks. Complete as many as you can but remember, there is no expectation for all of these to be completed. Send me lots of pictures of you completing your health week activities including exercise, healthy eating and even cooking (with your adults of course!) I cannot wait to hear from you about what you have been up to. Speak soon, lots of love from Mrs McCreadie xxx

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks , Cosmic Yoga or just dance.
10:00am Maths activity
11.00am Break/ healthy snack
11.30am Literacy activity 
12.30pm Help make some healthy lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task


Literacy mat primary 3 8.6.20


blue Spelling word for the week beginning 8.6.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 8.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 8.6.20


P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 8.6.20



P1 to 3 IDL grid 8th June

teeth brushing sequence

P5 Home Learning Grids – Health Week – WB 8th June

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve had a great weekend in the sunshine. This week is health week and you can find out all about whole school extra activities by following our school blog for more information too.  Below are your health week activities on your grids but remember to only do what you can and have fun!


P5 Numeracy Grid 8th June


P5 Literacy Grid 8th June

Alphabet Alliteration Worksheet


Health Week Grid 4-7

Here is a suggested timetable to help plan your week’s work.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Maths activity
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Literacy activity 
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task

Be sure to get outside in this great weather although make sure you have plenty of water to drink and suncream applied.  Enjoy your weekend!

Have a great week!

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre

P6 Home Learning Grids Week Beginning 8th June

Hello P6,

I have enjoyed reading all your updates and seeing some of your work this week, well done for your fantastic effort, I am very proud of every one of you. 😊

This week is Health Week, so you will see a lot of your tasks relate to various types of health. I hope you enjoy the challenges during Health Week!

Here are the learning grids for the week beginning 8th June.


Numeracy Home Learning Task


Literacy Learning Grid

Digestive system

IDL ( Topic)

IDL Health Week


Remember to try to complete the 3 core tasks and some of the additional tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

Here is a possible daily routine but remember to do what suits you and your family.

8.00-9.00                Wake up and get dressed and have some breakfast.
9.00-10.00             Take part in some exercise Cosmic Yoga / Joe Wicks                                       / Just Dance
10.00-11.00          Numeracy Home Learning Task
11.00-11.30          Snack time and outdoor time
11.30 – 12.30       Literacy Home Learning Task
12.30-1.30             Lunch
1.30-2.00               Walk or exercise
2.00-3.00               IDL home Learning grid

Take care,
Mrs MacKinnon 🙂

Sports Day

This year, Sports Day has to be a little bit different, but we can still enjoy some fun competition and keep fit!

As part of Health Week our virtual Sports Day will take place Monday 8th– Friday 12th June and the winners will be announced on Friday 20th June.

There are four teams, named after famous Scottish Olympic medal winners:

Team Hoy – P1 & P7                      Team Doyle – P2 & P4

Team Grainger – P3 & P5           Team Murray – New P1s & P6

You have 60 seconds per exercise. How many of these can you do?

  • Burpees – 5 points for every burpee completed.
  • Star Jumps – 1 point for every jump completed.
  • Step Ups – 1 point for every step up completed.
  • Sit Ups – 2 points for every sit up completed.
  • Keep Ups – football/tennis – 2 points for every keep up completed.
  • Balance on one leg – 1 point for 10 seconds or less, 2 for 11- 20 seconds, 3 for 21-30 seconds, 4 for 31-40 seconds, 5 for 41-50 seconds or 6 for 51-60 seconds.
  • Speed Bounce – 1 point for every bounce completed.
  • Egg and spoon – 2 points for every lap completed (place two markers four large strides apart) Double points for this one if you can get a grown up to join in and video it!

If you are unsure of how to do any of these exercises then take a look at our handy demonstration guide –

Try a few of the challenges each day and ask someone at home to video your efforts! Then email them along with a note of your points  to Mrs McGahon – (Please limit videos to 33MB and make sure you have permission from an adult for it to be shared.)

Remember as with everything, do what you can, when you can. Most importantly it’s about having fun!

Let the games begin!   #TEAMMC


(All rights reserved to the original artist of the song used in this video. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor. No copyright infringements intended under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976; fair use for non-profit, educational purposes.)




Primary 2 Home Learning Grids WB 8.6.20

Hi Boys and Girls!

I hope you have had a wonderful week! Another week of fabulous work, well done. Thank you to everyone who sent me photos of your hard work, I love to see all your amazing efforts! As the time goes by, I know it can be tricky to stay focused and work hard but I just want to  remind you that you are SUPERSTARS! Just do what you can, when you can.

This week is Health week so there is a health focus for most of your tasks. Below you will find your home learning grids for WB 8.6.20. I have sent out your literacy and numeracy task sheets to your individual email accounts. Remember, core tasks are in red and there is no expectation that all tasks should be completed. Just do what you can!

P2 Literacy Learning Grid 8.6.20

P2 Numeracy Learning Grid 8.6.20

P1 to P3 IDL Grid 8.6.20

Teeth Brushing Sequence

Suggested Timetable:

8:00 – 9:30 Get up/Get Dressed/Eat Breakfast

9:30 – 10:00  Exercise (Joe Wicks/Just Dance/Cosmic Yoga)

10:00 – 10:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

10:30 – 10:45 Outside Play/Snacktime

10:45 – 12:00 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

12:00 – 12:30 Lunchtime

12:30 – 1:30 IDL Task (Choose 1)

1:30 – 2:00 Outside Play/Exercise

2:00 – 2:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

2:30 Free Time!!

Missing you all lots!!

Mrs Dunsmore xox

School Reports information

Mount Carmel School Reports  for those families  we had email addresses for , will be emailed today ( Friday 5th June). All other reports have been posted out.

Should you have any questions regarding your childs’ report please do not hesitate to complete the online form below:

Primary 4 – Health Week 8.6.20

Good morning primary four,

I hope you are all keeping well! You have been superstars again this week! Sending through some marvelous work.  I really appreciate all that you are doing.  As i know home learning can be difficult at times, so just do what you can do.

Next week is Health Week, so the learning grids have activities related to this.  I can’t wait to see what you all get up to! As i know lots of you have different athletic talents and skills from cartwheels to keepy uppies! Here are your learning grids and worksheets for next week.

Take care,

Mrs Strachan x


Numeracy – P4 WB 8.6.20

rectangles – fractions

squares – fractions

triangles – fractions


1st Level June Calendar


Literacy – P4 WB 8.6.20


Healthy Inside and Out with Unique the Unicorn Poem

Help Rarity the Rabbit Stay Healthy Inside and Out Activity Sheet

I Am Healthy Inside and Out with Unique the Unicorn Activity Sheet



Feelings 4-7

Health Week 4-7

Suggested daily timetable


8.00am Wake up and get dressed and have some breakfast.
9.00am Take part in some exercise Cosmic Yoga or Joe Wicks
10.00am Numeracy – Log into Sumdog and answer some questions or complete a numeracy activity on your grid for example fractions.
11.00am Snack time and quick brain break
11.30am Literacy – Read a Bug Club book or some of the new Ickabog book online. Complete a literacy task from your grid.
12.30pm Help to make a healthy lunch
1.30pm Complete an IDL health task
3.00pm Finish your leaning for the day and do what you would like to do!

Primary 1 Home Learning Grids 8th June

Hello Primary 1,

I hope you have had a super week so far!!

Thank you for all the wonderful emails and photos once again – I always love hearing from you!!!

A very special thanks to those of you who accepted my “Special Task” and sent me a video clip – you still have time if you haven’t managed to do it yet!!!

All of our tasks for the week ahead have a “Health Week” focus so enjoy getting active and having fun!!

Missing you all!

Lots of love

Mrs Duff xxxx

Primary 1 Literacy grid 8th June

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid 8th June

Favourite Fruit sheet

P1 to 3 IDL grid 8th June

teeth brushing sequence

P7 Home Learning Grids – wb 8th June – Health Week

Hello P7,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I feel like we are flying through June already.

This week is Health Week.

Bitmoji Image– Miss Mudge doing her bit for Health Week!

The majority of your tasks are health-related. Through these tasks, we are focussing on your physical, nutritional, and mental health. All three are extremely important.

Thank you to everyone who emailed completed tasks. You are all fantastic!

Here are the learning grids and tasks for w/b 8th June. Remember –  do what you can, when you can!


Primary 7 Health Week Literacy Grid wb 8th June

Emergency Scenarios Talking and Listening cards

Positivity Diary

Investigating Food Adverts

Happiness is…poetry template

Food Label Scavenger Hunt

Transition Talking and Listening Task


Primary 7 Health Week Numeracy grid

Numeracy Code Breaker Challenge


Health Week 4-7 (1)

Miss Mudge

Willow Room Tasks w/b 8th June (Health Week)

Hello Willow Room boys and girls,

Below are the tasks I would like you to try next week.  As its health week, the tasks are a little bit different and focus on different aspects of health.  There are some work sheets attached to the grid activities this week too.

Willow Grid Health Week

Teeth Brushing Sequencing

Measuring Task (page 2 only)

Have fun with the activities and remember to send some pictures of your work or you completing your activities.

Take care, stay safe

Mrs Travers

Home Learning Assembly Friday 5th June

Hello boys and girls and welcome to our first assembly in June.


We hope that you are all doing well.  It has been so lovely to read your emails and to have a chance to speak with some of you and your families too. Let’s take a moment to pause and to join our hands in prayer.  This week we have a special prayer from Fr Martin.



What a beautiful way for us to begin out time together, thank you so much Fr Martin for taking the time to do this for us.


This week you have all continued to work so well on all of your different activities from your teachers and so many of you are learning life skills too – cooking, gardening and helping out around the house.  Well done for being such great stars.


This week we have Proud Clouds from Mrs McCreadie and from Miss Mudge.  Have a look at the things they are proud of:

Thank you for all of your Proud Cloud contributions.  Mrs Crawford has been adding these to our blog have a look at our latest Proud Clouds.


One of the activities that we used to do each day as part of our PATHS programme was to share compliments for our PATHS Pupil of the Day.  This is something that you can still do at home.  This week try to choose one family member each day to give compliments to; remember that person should also give a compliment to themselves too.


Our Primary 5 and 6 future buddies have been thinking about what makes our school great and will soon be sharing their ideas with our new Primary 1 children and families.  Miss Mudge has been busy creating a beautiful end of year celebration for our Primary 7 children – we can’t wait to see what the final item will look like.


Just before our assembly comes to an end we have some exciting new about next week.  Normally in the month of June, Mount Carmel has a special Health Week and a Sport Day.  Next week we shall continue this tradition with our first Home Learning Health Week and Sports Day.  There is a special post that tells you all about it with some great clips of our teachers taking part in the challenges.  We hope that you all enjoy the Health Week linked Home Learning Tasks and especially enjoy your Sports Day challenge.  If you are able to we would to see some videos or pictures of what you are doing, please send these on to your class teacher.


Thank you boys and girls for all that you continue to do, keep safe.

Remember that we love and miss you all.  Have a look at this special message from all of the staff in the school just to say how much we miss you and are looking forward to seeing you all soon.



From all of us at MCPS.



Together we are #Team MC



While We Can’t Hug

Hello Everyone,

We know that having to socially distance from your family and friends can be really tough. We feel this way too. When you see your favourite people from a distance all you want to do is give them the biggest hug. Sadly, we can’t hug right now and while we can’t hug, Owl has some super ideas for Hedgehog and Tortoise to show someone how much they care. Maybe you could try some of Owl’s ideas too.

Below is a link to the story “While We Can’t Hug”

Enjoy the story boys and girls! xox

Come Dine with Me!

Like the popular TV show, but with a twist, create a ‘Come Dine with Me’ experience at home, with your family. Choose a day and set the table for a meal. Allow the children to make lunch, parents providing the ingredients and foods children will need to make a snack. Children will prepare and serve lunch to the rest of the family. Like the TV show, you will give the children a mark out of 10 for their efforts.

In the evening, parents can then make a family meal and serve the children in the same way as lunch was served. Likewise, children will also get to score the meal out of 10. Who will win in the battle of the meals?

Use this time to have a chat with your children too. It is very likely, with talk of schools returning, your child will have some anxieties or concerns about how this is all going to look as we transition into a new school routine given the governments guidance.

Watch the our PATHs video story about Tamera, who is worried.  It helps children to understand if we share our worries with someone, it helps us to feel better.

Make a list of your child’s worries and talk about each point, discussing what the reality may be like. Reassure your child, that staff will work together to keep them safe and happy.

Stay safe, together we are Team MC

A new month!

June has arrived! And it has brought with it lots of sunny weather! Everyone at MCPS hopes that all our families are enjoying the sunshine and making happy memories. We understand that some days are easier than others and always tell the children that all feelings are ok and all feelings are temporary. Remember…

We are already making great progress! That is because of everyone coming together as a huge community. This poster explains Phase 1 to children in child friendly language:

And finally some Monday Motivation…

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

Home Learning Packs

Home Learning stationery  packs will be available for collection (for children who require them ) at the front of the school from tomorrow morning ( Tuesday 2nd June).

One pack will be allocated per child and contains 1 x maths jotter, 1 literacy jotter and one blank paged jotter, also pencils, a rubber, a sharpener and a small bundle of coloured pencils or crayons all for completing  home learning tasks.

Please remember to respect social distancing measures if you do require to come and collect a pack. Thank you !

Primary 3 home learning for week beginning 1st June 2020

Hello boys and girls,

What a beautiful weekend we are having. I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine.  I am very proud of you all for all of the hard work that you have completed this week and i love photos that you are sending me. Keep up the hard work.

I have attached your home learning work for the week; however, remember there is no expectation that you should complete all of the tasks. There are core tasks and a mix of online and written works that can be completed. Remember that you can also complete some of the tasks we used to do in class.

I am missing you all very much and hope to speak to you soon. Keep yourself and your family safe, Sending lots of Mount Carmel hugs.

Love from Mrs McCreadie

8:00 – 9:30 Get up/Get Dressed/Eat Breakfast

9:30 – 10:00 Cosmic Yoga

10:00 – 10:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

10:30 – 10:45 Outside Play/Snacktime

10:45 – 12:00 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

12:00 – 12:30 Lunchtime

12:30 – 1:30 IDL Task (Choose 1)

1:30 – 2:00 Outside Play

2:00 – 2:30 Literacy/Numeracy Task (Choose 1)

2:30 Free Time!!


Literacy mat primary 3 1.6.20



blue Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20

green Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20

red Spelling word for the week beginning 1.6.20


P3 Numeracy Learning Grid 1.6.20

8 times table wheel

friendship (1)


P1 to 3 IDL grid 1st June

Elmer colour by number French-1

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