Mr Bertoncini

Congratulations to the amazing Mr Bertoncini. Today he completed his first ever parachute jump. We are so proud of him and for doing this for such a wonderful charity. So far he has managed to raise over £800 for The Ayrshire Hospice. We always knew he was a hero and today he became our flying Superhero. Well done Mr B!

If you would like to donate please click on the link below. Thank you.

Ayrshire Hospice

Primary 1 Curricular Update

A very warm welcome to the Primary 1 Blog. The children are settling brilliantly into their new school surroundings and have already established routines and friendships within their new class!!

We have had a lovely start to the term getting to know one another and our new class routines but we are most definitely poised and ready to LEARN!!!

Primary 1 – Term 1


During literacy times, P1 have been developing their phonological awareness (the ability to hear sounds in words). We are doing this by focusing on the rhythm and rhyme of language through clapping syllables and working on our nursery rhymes.

We are also working on our fine motor control to get ready for writing! Name writing is a focus too, so we can always sign off on our masterpieces!

Listening and talking is a huge part of our day. We are learning to follow our “carpet rules” to ensure we do our best listening while the teacher or our peers are talking. We are also taking turns at communicating our thoughts and feelings.


We know numbers are all around us and have had a chance to talk about numbers which are “special” to us, for example, our age, door number etc.

Number times will consist of lots and lots of counting! We will be developing our “number sense” by counting out and comparing quantities and becoming familiar with the language of mathematics.

We will be reciting our number sequences forwards and backwards, understanding that each number we say represents a quantity.

As our pencil control improves we will be learning how to form our digits correctly.

Pattern will also be a focus this term.  We will link this to outdoor learning by looking for natural patterns and shape in the environment as well as artificial ones indoors.

Health & Well-being (HWB)

Our PATHS programme will feature heavily during our HWB time. The children have been very excited to meet our PATHS puppets, Twiggle and friends! Our puppet friends will be helping us to explore our feelings as well as thinking about the qualities that makes us good friends. We will also be introduced to our “Pupil of the Day” initiative, which allows each and every member of the class to be the focus of our kind words and actions for a whole day.

In PE we will initially develop our spatial awareness through games before moving onto large ball skills.


The children have been introduced to our RE times and have learned about God’s love for us all. We will continue to explore this unconditional love by considering the gifts God has given us, including people who care for us and the qualities which make each and every one of us so special and unique.


We will be using our Nursery Rhymes to explore other areas of the curriculum such as art, music and technology.

Expressive Arts

During art sessions we will be creating our favourite characters from the Nursery rhymes we have been learning. We will be doing a lot of cutting and sticking of different types of collage matierials.

During music sessions, we will be singing and keeping the beat to Nursery rhyme favourites.

Mrs Duff

Primary 2 curricular update

Hello and a very warm welcome to the primary 2 blog! We have had a lovely start to term 1 getting to know one another and establishing our class charter together. It has been a delight learning about each individual and seeing their personalities shine. The boys and girls have embraced primary 2 with open arms and are all keen to learn and have fun!

Primary 2 – Term 1


Phonics – We are developing the letter sounds that we were taught during primary 1 while introducing new sounds. During this term we will be introduced to other joined phonemes (2 letter sounds) which include ‘ee’ ‘oo’ ‘ph’ and ‘ck’.

Reading – We have started reading our class text “The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark” and we have already completed prediction and description tasks associated with the characters. We will continue to work on our skills, focusing on decoding and comprehension as we re-start our bug club texts.

Writing – This term our writing will focus on descriptive writing which will tie in with our class text “The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark” as we describe the characters and the different settings within the book. We will continue to use our writing targets of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Numeracy and Mathematics

During this term children will be expanding their number processes we have learned so far. We will be reinforcing our addition skills, counting in 2’s,5’s and 10’s. We will also be focusing on the sequencing of numbers, thinking about the numbers before, in-between and after as we count forwards or backwards. For beyond number in primary 2 we will be focusing on shape and patterns with Mrs McGregor.

Health and Wellbeing

Primary 2 will continue to develop their social and emotional skills through our whole school PATHS program. The Characters have returned to Primary 2 and the children continue to enjoy engaging with them and love when they come out in the classroom. Primary 2 also gift and receive compliments for ‘pupil of the day’ which they are all amazing at doing. In the morning the children love to do their colour monster check in which relates to the different emotions and how they are feeling. We have also focused on friendships and kindness within our class through our PATHS program and highlighted the qualities that make a good friend and how we show kindness to one another. We created our own class charter linking it to the book called ‘Our Class is a Family’ and our rights.


Within P.E. we have been doing developmental games. During this term we will also be developing our football skills and large ball skills by participating in volleyball. P.E. days will be Tuesday and Thursday.

Religious Education

This term we remind ourselves of God’s love for us all. We continue to thank God for all our family, loved ones and friends. We also thank God for making every one of us unique.


Primary 2’s first topic this year is “All About Me”, they will learn more about their likes and dislikes as well as share information about their lovely families and have the chance to create self-portraits through Art and Design.

Our topics “The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark” and “All About Me” will make several cross curricular links which will include expressive arts, literacy, health and wellbeing, technologies and social studies.

Thank you for visiting our Primary 2 blog on what we have been learning this term!

Miss Maitland

Killie Disney Playmakers

Killie's Disney Playmakers programme, based on Moana, starts Monday 26th September

We are delighted to announce the return of Killie’s Disney Playmakers – this time the adventure we follow will be Moana.


  • William McIlvanney Campus
  • Every Monday, starting 26th September
  • 6pm-7pm
  • £2 per session for 8 weeks

Aimed at girls aged 5-8, of all abilities, to give them a non-competitive introduction to football, Disney Playmakers empowers girls to express themselves, following the storybook and the adventures of Moana, from crossing the ocean to battling the Kakamora.

If you have any young people who would be interested, please let us know asap, or sign up here 

P3 Curriculum Update (Term 1)

Primary 3 Blog Post (Term 1 Update)

Hello and welcome to our very first blog post of the new session.  Primary 3 have been very busy settling into our new classroom and our new routines.  Children have been working hard to become familiarised with their class groups, recapping previous learning and are enhancing this through our novel study and outdoor learning.


Our class novel is ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ and through this text, the context and the discovery of the lands at the top of the Faraway Tree, pupils will explore our outdoor area, looking for natural resources to create scenes from the text.  Pupils will continue to create some imaginative writing, describing the different lands that may arrive at the top of the Faraway Tree and will develop their use of descriptive words to describe characters from the novel.

Our reading and spelling activities are now underway, and children have been working within groups to revisit previous sounds and texts, ready to use their skills and strategies to tackle new and unfamiliar spelling sounds and reading books.  Our focus in writing currently is descriptive writing, and ideas will be developed from our class novel!

Homework began week beginning Monday 5th September, please remember to check your children’s bags for a plastic wallet.  Reading books will be attached to pupils’ accounts through our online Bug Club reading programme. I will issue Bug Club login details when the first homework tasks are sent home. Homework will consist of spelling, reading and maths, both mental and worksheet/jotter jobs too. These will be issued on a Monday and should be returned to school on a Friday.


Our focus in maths will be place value, with children working on 2-digit numbers and this will increase to 3-digit numbers with our circle maths group. Children will be able to partition these numbers and discuss this in terms of hundreds (H), tens (T) and units (u), whilst building on their understanding of number and number patterns. Addition and subtraction will also be a focus as well as word problems to consolidate our strategies within these 2 operations of number.  Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters as the term progresses to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems.

Health & Wellbeing

Our Paths Pupil of the Day has now begun, and our Pupil of the Day has been receiving lots of compliments.  All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day.  We will begin exploring emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others.

In P.E, our sessions will happen on a Monday and a Wednesday and our focus in term 1 will be on team games, hockey, and badminton.  Children will have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities which support teamwork whilst focusing on developing their listening skills, awareness of space and racquet skills.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be on prayer, their meaning, the routines of the church and the celebration of Mass.  We will also spend some time reading and discussing bible stories relating to friendship and love, whilst considering how each of us are unique and have our own God given talents.


As the class novel is The Magic Faraway Tree, we will be doing a mini topic which focuses on exciting new lands at the top of the tree, developing children’s imaginations and ideas in fictional texts.  We will also look at woodland animals as these are a feature in the class novel and will tie in nicely with out term 1 science topic about vertebrates and how we categorise all living things. Children will explore and examine living things and look at the characteristics of what makes some living things vertebrates.

We hope this is the start of a very successful term and that the pupils are enjoying their return to school and seeing their friends and teachers.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

Primary 6 Term 1 Blog Post

Primary 6 Term 1 Blog Post

I hope everyone had a lovely summer and enjoyed the fabulous weather. It’s lovely to have returned from my maternity leave to such a lovely class. P6 are settling into their new classroom well and are making progress learning the new routines. 

Below is an overview of the learning and teaching taking place in P6 this term.  



Our class novel and topic this term is Wonder. The pupils will complete Active Reading tasks related to this novel. In Primary 6 most pupils will be expected to quote from the text when answering comprehension questions. This will be modelled by the teacher. Most pupils will complete daily reading to writing tasks associated with the novel. This novel has links to other areas of the curriculum such as Expressive Arts and Health and Wellbeing. We have already begun reading it together and the children are enjoying the humour and the message it delivers – Choose Kind.  



Our writing day will be a Wednesday. The pupils will have the opportunity to discuss and plan their writing the day before. This term Primary 6 will be focussing on Descriptive writing. The pupils will use the Active Literacy description bubble template to structure their writing. Later in the term, we will focus on Report Writing. Primary 6 will focus on a different aspect of grammar/punctuation each week with the expectation they use this in their formal writing. Some pupils will be expected to up-level their writing by using tools such as thesauri and the VCOP pyramid. 



The spelling groups will continue to experience the Active Literacy spelling program, this will introduce common words and focus on phonemes pertinent to their level and stage. The pupils will revise the Active Spelling strategies throughout Term 1, these include diacritical marking, syllabification, and words within words.  


This term P6 will focus on Place Value (whole number and decimals), Rounding and Estimation, and Addition and Subtraction. Our Beyond Number topic this term is Time. The pupils will experience activities at their stage and level. The revision of multiplication tables will be encouraged across all groups. Sumdog and Topmarks games can help with the rigor of times tables at home. Pupils will complete their first personal research project on either a famous mathematician or maths in the world of work.

Health and Wellbeing 

The focus of this term is Friendships and Relationships, Changing relationships, and Self-esteem. These are core themes in the novel Wonder. These themes also tie in nicely with our PATHS lessons. P6 complete two PATHS lessons a week. Our ‘Pupil of the Day’ is up and running. This year we are complementing each other based on each other’s skills and talents. 

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. Pupils are asked to bring a FULL PE kit on these days. If pupils are without a PE kit the school will be able to provide pupils with the required items of clothing.  The focus in PE this term is Badminton and Hockey.

Expressive Arts 

Through our class novel, P6 will have the opportunity to experience activities in Drama and Art activities pertinent to their level and stage.


Throughout Primary 6 the pupils will listen to and engage with stories from the Gospel of Matthew. This term P6 will also reflect on their own gifts and talents and discuss and learn about inspirational people who use their gifts to enhance the world.  

Modern Languages

P6 receive weekly French lessons. This term pupils will learn basic greetings, colours, numbers, and basic commands.


Homework has restarted this term with a focus on Spelling and Reading only. Pupils will receive Numeracy homework later in the term. Homework is due back on a Friday. I appreciate and wholeheartedly support wider achievement outside of school. If there are any reasons why pupil can’t complete the homework, please contact the school.

In Primary 6 we promote hard work and amazing attitudes. Our reward card system allows pupils to gain reward cards for Wonderful Work, Amazing Attitude, and being a ‘Superstar’. When the pupils gain five cards, they can choose an individual reward. They can also choose to go for a class reward once everyone reaches five reward cards; this promotes teamwork within the class.  

If you have any queries or questions, please contact the school directly.  

Thank you for your support and I look forward to a hardworking and successful year in Primary 6.

Mrs. Terras

P4 Curriculum Update.

Welcome back! We hope you have all had an enjoyable summer. It has been fantastic to see P4 settle into their new classroom and routines.

We have had a great start to the term, and look forward to a fun filled term with lots of fabulous learning taking place.

Here is an update on the upcoming term.


For our reading focus this term, we will be developing our comprehension strategies such as visualisation and metalinguistics through our class novel ‘Venus Peter saves the Whale’. This will also incorporate themes such as science, the environment, animals and friendship.

During writing, we will focus on building our characterisation through descriptive skills and language in our narrative writing. We will then progress our note taking skills using headings and paragraphs to present different types of information in a report.   Writing activities will also be based around a mini novel study on the ‘Mr Gum’ series of books.

Spelling will take the form of active spelling activities and the children will experience phonemes and blends at their working level.

Numeracy & Maths

The class will review Place Value knowledge and will use this to build on their sense of number. We will look at 3 and 4 digit numbers and we will read, write order and recite these numbers. Through our place value work, we will be able to identify the value of each digit.

We will then progress to looking at our addition strategies. The class will participate in a daily number talk, to develop of mental maths strategies.

In Beyond Number, the class will start with information handling, looking at data, surveys and creating charts, graphs and tables.


Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be begin our PATHS programme for P4. Lessons will include setting up our class rules, looking at individual emotions, building friendships and community within the school, Self-Control and Anger Management.


PE is on a Wednesday and Friday. This term we will be covering;

  • Games
  • Basketball
  • Football

PE kit must be brought in and left at the start of each term. Before each holiday, the kit will be sent home for washing to be freshened up and returned on the first day back.  Please make sure your child is not wearing jewellery on these days as they will be unable to participate in the lesson for health and safety reasons. If your child cannot take part for any reason, please contact the school.


We will be revising the alphabet, basic French phrases and numbers this term through, songs, activities and games.


P4 will be learning about the Vikings. We will be looking at the Vikings in Scotland and life at the time. Writing, ICT and expressive arts lessons will link to our Vikings topic.


Expressive Arts 

This term, we look at the illustrations from our class novel and use these as inspiration to create our own artwork using a variety of materials.

As we move on to our Vikings topic, we will create Viking art and models.


Religious Education

This term we will be reflecting on our uniqueness and thinking about our God given talents. We will reflect on the importance of friendship and link this with various stories from the Bible. The children will take part of class prayers and School Masses, and we will continue to build on our knowledge of common prayers and Mass responses.


Homework will be distributed on a Monday to be completed, signed and returned by Friday. Keep an eye on the class blog for regular updates to what is happening in class, recent learning and relevant upcoming events.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to a fabulous term with P4!

Mrs McIntyre and Mrs MacKinnon

P7 Curriculum update

Welcome back everyone and welcome to the P7 blog! I trust you all had an enjoyable holiday/staycation and I am delighted to welcome back the pupils of P7 who have settled well into the routine of school.

Here’s an overview of our learning that will take place in our first term (Aug-Oct).


This term we will be focussing on a novel study, The Wilderness War by Julia Green. We will continue to develop our Active Literacy comprehension skills using the book as a context for learning.  As well as reading the book together, the class will participate in activities that relate to other areas of the curriculum including Art, HWB and plenty of outdoor learning.  As a result, children should bring in appropriate clothes such as wellies or old boots, waterproof jacket and warmer clothes (hat, scarf, gloves) as we move into the colder months.

For writing, we are concentrating on descriptive pieces using a variety of figurative language such as similes, alliteration, the senses and metaphors to interest the reader.

Spelling groups will continue to use Active Spelling strategies and follow on from previous work.


All groups this term have begun by investigating a mini money topic.  We will soon be working on place value before moving onto addition and subtraction.  The class will continue to develop their mental Number Talk strategies on a daily basis.

The class are also working on skills beyond number with Mrs McGregor and are currently developing their knowledge of quadrilaterals and properties of other shapes.

Health and Wellbeing

This year we will continue to use the PATHS programme to shape our HWB learning.  P7 have already started ‘pupil of the day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions.  We are also investigating the relationship of diet, rest and sleep upon our mental health and looking at ways we can relax and improve brain function.

Our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and appropriate clothes must be brought in on those days to participate.  I have spoken to the class about personal hygiene and some pupils may wish to bring in deodorant or a roll-on on these days.


As our novel study is The Wilderness War, we will be looking at environmental issues for our topic.  We will be looking at the damage of single use plastics and what can be done about it.  We will also investigate the Leave No Trace campaign to conserve natural areas.




P7 will continue to complete their journal for the Pope Francis Faith Award as well as reading from the New Testament.  We will be looking at the life of Jesus and how he associated with those who were marginalised in society.


P7 will continue to work with Mrs Donaghy from St Joseph’s for French for a 6 week block covering basic greetings, weather, and likes and dislikes.


This term P7 will access and use more features of Glow, attach files to emails, save work to cloud locations and retrieve files using search functions.


I look forward to working with P7 in the coming year and hope to have lots of enjoyable experiences that will make learning fun and memorable.

Mr Bertoncini


Primary 5 Curricular update

Primary 5 – Term 1

Hi everyone. This is the first term’s update on Primary 5 learning. It is a quick snapshot of what will be covered in the term ahead. The class have Mrs McCreadie on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday until lunchtime and then they have Mrs MacKinnon from Wednesday lunchtime, Thursday and Friday. There is lots to cover this term and we are sure that there will be lots of fun along the way.


Our interdisciplinary topic this term is the Victorians. We have already started this and the children are enjoying  learning about what happened during this time.


The class can now confidently distinguish between fiction and non fiction texts and are accessing both types through their personal reading time. We will continue to use bug club for homework and will also be accessing this throughout the school week. The main focus within comprehension this term will be their metalinguistic skills (understanding of unfamiliar or difficult words), their visualisation (create an image to form  an understanding of a text) and prior knowledge (use what they know already to help them understand their text).  Our class novel ‘The iron man@ has already began and the children are already enjoying the disciplinary approach to learning within the novel.

Within grammar, we will revisit some of the concepts covered in Primary 4 to ensure retention. Some of these are verbs, nouns, proper nouns and adjectives. We will also be introduced to similies, metaphors, alliterations whilst using and identifying a range of punctuation.

 Writing this term will concentrate on using descriptive language as well as report writing. Much of this will be taught through their IDL topic on the Victorians which will also look at note taking when researching different aspects of life in the Victorian era. Our tools for writing focus this term will be continue to develop our use of capital letters and full stops, commas, speech marks and we will also be learning how different conjunctions can be used to up level our writing.

Our listening and talking focus will be to listen to and follow instructions from our adults. This is something that the class need reminded of. We will also look at what ‘good’ body language is when conducting a conversation or discussion with another person.

The class will complete handwriting every week within class and we would ask that this is promoted at home in terms of homework also.


The entire class will continue to work on their times tables throughout the year.  We have already began working on our understanding of place value and what value each digit holds within the columns. Depending on what group the children are in for their numeracy, they will be working on place value using units, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousands and hundred thousands.

We will also be looking at rounding to the nearest ten, hundred and thousand. This will enable the children to develop their skill of estimating so they can then find approximate answers to calculations and problems.

In terms of beyond number, the class will begin their primary 5 year by learning about time.  This will be looking at time using 12 hour format as well as the 24 hour format.  The class will be learning how timetables can be used as well as looking at time durations.

The children will develop their knowledge of shape. Some of the things that the class will be investigating through shapes are describing triangles by their sides and defining what kind of triangle it is, for example, equilateral, isosceles and scalene. The class will investigate the symmetrical values of each shape, looking for a line of symmetry, and will learn how to make patterns and designs using these symmetrical properties.

Our whole school will concentrate on number talks throughout the year. These lessons allow children to solve calculations using different strategies. This allows children to have ownership of their own learning by using the strategies that suit their learning style best.

Health and Wellbeing

Our P.E. days are currently a Tuesday and a Thursday. We are currently learning about our fitness and how we can develop our stamina, agility, accuracy, balance and co-ordination. We will then be moving onto ball skills.

The class already have an excellent understanding on how to keep their bodies and minds healthy. We will have a focus on kindness and how we should treat others within our classroom. We will also be looking at respect, bullying and peer pressure this term developing an understanding of what each of these concepts mean.

Primary 5 already participate in mindfulness every day, this is something that the entire class benefit from and have been doing this since the beginning of Primary 4.  The children are all trained in the massage in schools programme, which means we will be able to start this straight away this term also. This mindful program allows children to tap into different strategies to deal with the stress of their day to day lives.

Our PATHS programme will help the children to develop positive relationships within the class and school.  Delving into the emotions that the children feel will help them to understand why they are feeling this way as well as giving them the tools to cope with these emotions.


In order to link our R.E. with our health and wellbeing, we will be learning about friendship through bible stories. The class will earn some of the miracle stories that allowed Jesus to show that he was the son of God. We will continue to pray to God and ask for forgiveness when we need it and say thank you for things we are grateful for.  In preparation for mass throughout the year, the children will be learning new hymns and prayers.

Expressive arts

This term, the class will be focussing on music within the expressive arts. They will be looking at types of music genres and rhythm and beat.


Our understanding of the internet and the use of the ICT equipment has developed so much in the past year, as has our independence when using it. This terms focus will be on saving documents, using shared platforms and online safety.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support so far this term and look forward to everything that is to come.

Take care,

Mrs McCreadie and Mrs MacKinnon

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