A reminder, as you will have read in our September update, our Dress Down Day will not take place on Thursday this week and has been rescheduled to Friday 14th October.
September News Update
Please see the attached update to our September news.
FOMC- Virtual Meeting
Friends of Mount Carmel will be holding a virtual meeting on Thursday 15th September. If you wish to join the meeting online, please contact FOMC on the link below:
Dress Down Day
On Thursday, 15th September we will be holding a “Dress Down Day” in school. We are asking kindly for a £1 donation for this via Parentpay. As always, no football colours please.
Every pupil who donates £1 through Parentpay will be entered in a raffle draw to win a special prize organised by FOMC.
Parent Council Meeting
There will be a face to face Parent Council Meeting in the school on Tuesday 4th October at 7pm.
Girls Open Night Football
Tempest School Photographs
The Tempest photographer will be in school on Tuesday 4th October. All children will have an individual photograph taken . P1 and P7 will also have a class photograph taken.
Pupil Flu Immnuisations
Pupils will be receiving their flu immunisations on Tuesday 25th October. Please return your child’s permission form if you have not already done so. Thank you.
Change to P2 and P3 gym days
We are very lucky to have Mark Devlin coming to work with us from next week (wb 12/09/22) , through to October holidays. He will be offering P2 and P3 multi-sports sessions. This will mean a change to our gym days.
P2 will now have gym on a Wednesday and Thursday.
P3 will now have gym on a Monday and a Wednesday, to accommodate Mark Devlin and his multi sports inputs.
Sorry for any inconvenience. We appreciate your continued cooperation,
Mrs Travers and Miss Maitland
School Car Park
Basketball for P4-7
Activities at The Howard Centre
September Newsletter
East Ayrshire School Counselling Newsletter
Please find enclosed link for August newsletter for East Ayrshire Primary Counselling service
East Ayrshire School Counselling & Psychological Wellbeing Supports Newsletter (office.com)
The Exchange Newsletter – August
The Exchange Counselling service within East Ayrshire is an excellent service that support our children and families within Mount Carmel. Please take a look at their August newsletter by clicking the link below.
Please complete the parental survey asap as the closing date is this Thursday 1st September.
Please see the letter below with details of an HMIE inspection taking place for our school.
Boxing community Club
Reminder-Meet the Teacher Sessions
A reminder to complete the form below regarding your attendance at our ‘Meet the Teacher Sessions’. Please see the dates below and follow the link to complete a form providing information on who will be attending.
We ask that only one adult attends this per child. This is an opportunity for the class teacher to talk to you about different items taking place in the class. This will include information about Homework, Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing, RE and pupil expectations.
Please be aware that this is not a parent/carer appointment to discuss a child’s progress, this is an opportunity to meet the teacher and receive some school information.
The children will not be in the class during this activity. Sessions will take place from 2.00pm
Monday 5th September – Primary 3
Tuesday 6th September – Primary 1
Wednesday 7th September – Primary 2
Thursday 8th September – Primary 7
Monday 12th September – Primary 6
Tuesday 13th September – Primary 4
Wednesday 14th September – Primary 5
Meet the Teacher Session (office.com)
Please read the attached report regarding the consultation on stages of future educational provision for children at Willowbank School, Onthank Primary School, Onthank Early Childhood Centre (ECC) and Mount Carmel Primary School.
Consultations · East Ayrshire Council (east-ayrshire.gov.uk)
Willowbank-consultation-proposals-report (east-ayrshire.gov.uk)
School Improvement Plan
Please click the link below to see our most recent School Improvement Plans.
“We show pride in our school community and we set high expectation to achieve success”
HMIE National Thematic Inspection
Please see the letter below with details of an HMIE inspection taking place for our school.
Head Lice
It’s the start of a new school term, and we would kindly ask that parents/carers routinely check their child/children’s hair for any unwanted “visitors”.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Meet The Teacher
Further to our post regarding our Meet the Teacher Session please note that all sessions will begin at 2.00pm
Food Bank
Our friends at Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish would like to invite you to come along to the church on a Monday night between half past 7 and quarter past 8 to access their food bank. Everyone is welcome and our friends are eager to help everyone in our community.
New House Captains
Before the holidays, Mount Carmel chose their new House Captains and Vice’s for the coming year. Congratulations to Harry, Sophie, Skye, Maia, Kinga, Alfie, Megan and Emily. After receiving their badges at Friday’s assembly they all said they are looking forward to carrying out all their responsibilities this year.
Well done and good luck.
St Josephs Primary 7 Parental Session
A reminder that St Josephs will be running the first primary 7 parent information evening on Thursday 25th August 6.30pm until 7.30pm. This information was originally shared via text to all Primary 7 parents last week.
Calling all Dancers!
Calling Young Dancers!
The Palace Theatre Search For The Fairest Babes in The Land
The Palace Theatre are holding open auditions to find Junior Ensemble for this year’s magical family pantomime Snow White on Saturday 27 August 2022.
The auditions are open to female dancers who must be at least 9 years old and in P5 of school on the first day of rehearsals and no older than 16 and in S4 on the last day of the performances*
*For more information on the auditions please visit the website
Application forms do not need to be submitted in advance although where possible please complete them beforehand and bring with you to save time on audition day.
Snow White runs from Friday 25 Nov until Friday 30 Dec 2022 book now
Snack Sharing at School
At Mount Carmel we are proud of how kind our pupils are to others and appreciate that if they see another pupil without a snack they are willing to share theirs with them. However, as a school we are always mindful of the fact that some of our pupils suffer from allergies to certain foods with varying degrees of severity . With this in mind, can we please ask parents/carers firstly, to not send their child/children to school with any snacks that contain/may contain nuts or traces of nuts, and secondly to remind them not to share their snack with other children as the health and safety of our pupils is our priority.
Thank you, we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.