Category Archives: uncategorized

Primary 4 September Update

Hello and welcome to our very first blog post of the new session. Primary 4 have been very busy settling into our new classroom and our new routines. Children have been working hard to become familiarised with their class groupings, recapping previous learning and are enhancing this through our outdoor learning activities.


Our class novel is ‘Horton Hears a Who’ and through this text, the context and the discovery of Who-Ville, pupils have explored our outdoor area, looking for ‘tiny’ living things, whilst finding natural resources to create scenes from ‘Who-Ville’. Pupils have also enjoyed some imaginative writing, describing their visit to Who-Ville with Horton and giving detailed descriptions of their time on the tiny speck of dust! Some of their ideas on how they shrunk small enough to be able to visit Who-Ville, were very exciting!

Our reading and spelling activities are now underway, and children have been working within groups to revisit previous sounds and texts, ready to use their skills and strategies to tackle new and unfamiliar spelling sounds and reading books. Our focus in writing currently is imaginative and report writing, and ideas will be developed from our class novel and mini topic!

Homework will be sent today so please check your children’s bags for a plastic wallet.  Reading books will be from our ‘Independent Readers’ section of our Bug Club Online for the first week, there after a hard copy of a banded reading book will be issued in their homework wallet. These will be issued on a Monday and should be returned to school on a Thursday.


Our focus in maths will be multiplication and division, however we will regularly revisit addition and subtraction as well as word problems to consolidate our strategies within the 4 operations of number. Children will regularly use their ‘Thinking It Through’ jotters to develop problem solving skills, applying knowledge of number to new contexts and develop strategies for any number problems. We will also encourage these skills through our daily number challenges and number target board!

Health & Wellbeing

Our Paths Pupil of the Day has now begun, and our Pupil of the Day has been receiving lots of compliments and special jobs around the classroom. All children will have the opportunity to be pupil of the day. We have been exploring emotions, comfortable and uncomfortable and how we recognise these emotions within ourselves and in others.

In P.E, our sessions will happen outside, and our focus will be on team games and small ball skills. Children will have the opportunity to partake in some fun activities which support teamwork whilst focusing on developing their racquet and small ball skills.


Our focus during R.E sessions will be on prayer, their meaning, the routines of the church and the celebration of Mass. As we will soon be beginning our preparation for Confirmation and First Communion, the Sacraments will be discussed in depth, so children fully understand each of the Sacraments and their importance in their relationship with God.


As the children chose animals as the focus of our Class Charter, their interest in the animal kingdom has developed into a new mini topic! We have been researching animal classifications, looking at the 6 different animal classes and finding out some interesting facts about each of these categories. This has led to how we can look after our environment to keep animals in our community safe. We discussed and further explored how trees are the earth’s lifeline, and   pupils have been learning about the impact of deforestation and harmful plastics that pollute our seas.

We hope this is the start of a very successful term and that the pupils are enjoying their return to school, despite the environment being a little different to how it was before we closed in March.

Take care,

Mrs Travers

Welcome to Primary 1 – Term 1 Update

A huge welcome to all our Primary 1 children. They have settled into class beautifully now and are becoming more confident in their surroundings each day.



During term 1 our focus will be to develop the children’s phonological awareness in preparation for them to begin learning their letter sounds and making words. We will be concentrating on the rhyme and rhythm of language by looking at Nursery rhymes and clapping our syllables.

We will also be getting ready to write by improving our fine motor control and perfecting our pencil grip!! Name writing will be a focus too so that we can sign off on all our masterpieces!

Listening and talking will be a huge part of our day too, ensuring we develop our skills in active listening, taking turns and communicating our thoughts to others.



We have already begun to look for numbers all around us in Primary 1 and think of reasons why we need them.

Number time will consist of lots and lots of counting!! We will be developing our “number sense” by counting out and comparing quantities and becoming familiar with the language of mathematics.

We will also be counting aloud and learning the digits which represent our quantities.

As our pencil control improves, we will be learning to write our numbers, enabling us to record our counting.

Pattern will also be a focus, linking in to outdoor learning by looking for patterns of nature in our environment as well as man-made ones in our classroom. We will be creating our own patterns and linking these with number.


Health and Well-being

Our PATHs programme will feature heavily during our HWB time. The children have already met the puppets and have fallen in love with “Twiggle” and his friends already!!! Now that we have met our special puppet friends, they will be helping us to build friendships and learn all about our emotions.

Pupil of the day will also be introduced, where the children pay compliments to a chosen child, making them feel special throughout the day!!

Curriculum Update Primary 5

Welcome back to school! It has been so wonderful to welcome back the pupils of primary 5, they are settling in beautifully and have already started making progress in their learning.


Here is an update on our learning that will take place in term 1 August- October.



The class novel this term is ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl. The pupils will complete various reading and writing tasks related to this appropriate to their level. This novel study also has links to other curricular areas including Health and Well-being, art and drama.

We will also continue using the ‘Bug Club’ reading resource to aid our comprehension skills.


P5 will focus on imaginative/ narrative writing this term. The class will be told the focus of their writing the night before so as to discuss ideas at home. This will be their ‘Talk Homework’.

Groups will look at planning their piece, punctuation, effective use of vocabulary and paragraphing.



Groups will continue to experience the active literacy spelling programme, this will introduce common words and focus phonemes pertinent to their stage.



This term the children will experience shape and time as beyond number topics. This will involve 2D and 3D shape tasks. During time activities they will look at time telling, duration, am and pm and some groups will look at 24hr conversion.

Our number processes topics will include division for the circles and rectangles groups, addition for the squares group and place value activities for the triangles group.

At home children will benefit from timetables revision and experience of telling the time in everyday situations.


Health and Well-being

The PATHS programme will continue to shape our HWB learning. P5 have already started ‘pupil of the day’ and participated in discussions around feelings and how we manage our emotions. P5 will also look at healthy choices and some substances that could harm our bodies, appropriate to their age and stage.



Preparations for First Holy Communion are underway and we are supporting the pupils in class with this. Booklets have been sent home for parents to access for those children receiving the sacrament.

In class we will introduce the Gospel of Mark, our P5 focus gospel. We will discuss our talents and skills and this will form the basis of our class charter.


It’s good to be back!!!!!


School Choir

Dear Mount Carmel Primary Choir Member,

I would like to invite you be part of the Mount Carmel Primary Choir Team on Microsoft Teams.
As we cannot yet sing in school together, I thought you could all be practising at home, so that when we do get back together we would have a song or two to perform and sing.
I have chosen two songs for us to do. The first is called ‘One Moment, One People’ a song about working together and making positive connections with each other, very important at this time. The second song is called ‘We Are the Children of This School’.
On the Team there are backing tracks and lyrics to help you learn the songs. I would like you to start with ‘One Moment, One People’. There is a unison voice version as well to help as a guide for the melody.
*Listen to the unison version several times to get familiar with the tune.
*While listening click on the lyrics/sheet music and start singing along.
*You will notice that half way through the song it splits into two parts, try and learn both and we will decide who sings what when we meet again.

I hope you will enjoy the songs and singing again. Have fun practising and I look forward to seeing and hearing your lovely singing voices soon.

Miss Donnelly
(Vocal Instructor)

Throwback Thursday!

Today will be our final #ThrowbackThursday blog, celebrating all our wonderful achievements!

What a year it has been…we will certainly remember it! We have faced challenges together and shared great times too!

Well done, children, staff, and parents/ carers. We appreciate you all. Have the best summer and we will see you all in August!

(Click links below to view)

P1 Week 2

P2 Throwback

P3 Throwback

P4 Flashback

P5 Throwback

P6 week 2

P7 Throwback

Throwback Thursday oak

Thank you to everyone! Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC. Happy Holidays!


A challenge for our brand new primary 4

Hello boys and girls,
You will by now have received Mrs McIntyre’s email about helping to create a memory wall.  We hope to hear from you over the summer and will collect the memory photos, emails or videos as part of a display for our classroom.  We are hoping this will be part of a show and tell activity on our return in August.  This will look wonderful in our classroom.  A brand new primary 4 sharing their favourite memories and creating a lovely display.
You will also have noticed the dance challenge!!  We want you to have fun over the summer holidays and would love to see if you can ‘Beat the Teachers’ 😂  You can recreate our dance, create your own or do a routine you already know.  Be sure to video your dance and check with parents if you can email your routine to us.  We cant wait to see them.  Have a look at ours:
Have the best summer.  Have lots of fun and we are so looking forward to seeing you all in August.  We will have so much to share and talk about.  Our dancing and memory wall will be fantastic!!
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Travers and Mrs McIntyre 😃 

A message from our Head Teacher

As we reach the end of a very strange term I would like to thank all families for their continued support of Mount Carmel Primary School. In my post in tomorrow’s Home Learning Assembly I recall some of the highlights of the time since I joined the school in mid-October. It has been a rollercoaster of a year filled with so many great memories. I would like to thank all my staff who work tirelessly to make the experiences for your children the best they can be. I hope they have a well-deserved, restful holiday.
I wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday. I look forward to welcoming everyone back to Mount Carmel PS in August.

Kindest regards


Hello Primary 6

Hello ‘soon to be’ Primary 6,

I was so happy when I heard I was getting Primary 6 – I had a huge smile on my face.

I’ve been busy getting your new classroom ready and I’ve been planning lots of lovely activities (and a Novel Study) for when you return in August.

I know you’ve seen me around the school and have known me as the Primary 7 teacher for the last 2 years but I’ve recorded a short message to remind you what I look like in case you’ve forgot!  Scroll down for the video.

I’ve also put some photos of what you’re new classroom will look like in August. It’s just missing all of your beautiful work.

I have sent a group email with a Summer challenge for you all.

I can’t wait to see you all in August. Have a lovely Summer.

Love Miss Mudge

Your new classroom Primary 6 

Welcome to our new Primary 1 boys and girls 😊!

Hello boys and girls!

I hope you are all well and have enjoyed following our special “transition blog” over the last few weeks 😍!

Mrs Duff has been in school getting our classroom all ready for you starting after the holidays, you will see what it looks like in the photos below! Everyone in the school, including Marty and Colin, are looking forward to you becoming part of our Mount Carmel family ❤️!

I hope you and your families have a wonderful summer and I look forward to welcoming you all to Primary 1 in August 😊.

Mrs Duff xx

Primary 3 – Mrs Strachan 💙

Hello to the new primary 3 class! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

My name is Mrs Strachan.  👩🏻‍🏫 This year i have taught primary four. I am very excited to be your new class teacher and I cannot wait to meet you all in August!  Mrs Dunsmore has told me all about the fabulous  hard work you do and has said that you are all  SUPERSTARS! 🌟

Here is a little video and some photos of your new Primary 3 classroom.  I can’t wait to decorate it with you. 🥰🌈 I’d love you to send me some ideas of how we should create our new classroom door display to welcome everyone to our room.  I’d also like to know what you would like our new class charter to look like? Last year our class had a Lego theme.

I hope you have a lovely summer!

Take care,
Mrs Strachan xo 😘


Emoji Code Breaker

As part of our Paths programme, we have talked a lot about the different emotions we experience, how it looks and how it feels, inside and outside our bodies.

Using  our cute paths friends and some emoji’s we are familiar with, can you decode the hidden message?  This is a challenge for you all to try at home and parents can help our infant pupils if they are finding this challenging.

Have fun!  Can you decode the hidden message?  Let me now if you managed to work it out:



Final Week!

We cannot believe it has arrived! The final week! A huge well done to all families for sticking with it, especially our young people working hard and getting on with their learning activities! It may not have always been easy but we are immensely proud of all of you!

All our hard work is paying off and proof of this is that Scotland have now entered Phase 2;  here is a child friendly version…

We have all played a part in getting the country here!

(Phase 2 is a staggered phase so please check government guidelines for exact dates).

We hope you enjoyed #ThrowbackThursday…more to come this week!


Some Monday Motivation…for those that need it…

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

P6 Home Learning Grids week beginning 22nd June.

Hello P6,

Well  it’s the last week! Summer holidays are almost here!

I have enjoyed reading all your updates and seeing some of your work this week, well done for your fantastic effort.

I am so very proud of every one of you! You have been such a fabulous class and we’ve had a great P6 together.

Here are the learning grids for the week beginning 22nd June.


P6 Numeracy Home Learning Grid


P6 Literacy Home Learning Grid

IDL ( Topic)

IDL Home Learning Grid

Remember to try to complete the 3 core tasks and some of the additional tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

Here is a possible daily routine but remember to do what suits you and your family.

8.00-9.00                 Wake up and get dressed and have some breakfast.
9.00-10.00               Exercise Cosmic Yoga / Joe Wicks / Just Dance
10.00-11.00            Numeracy Home Learning Task
11.00-11.30            Snack time and outdoor time
11.30 – 12.30         Literacy Home Learning Task
12.30-1.30               Lunch
1.30-2.00                 Walk or exercise
2.00-3.00                  IDL home Learning grid


Take care,

Mrs MacKinnon x

Primary 4 – Home Learning Grids 22.6.20

Good afternoon fours,

I hope you are all keeping well! This is now your last week in primary 4 before the summer holidays start! Then when you return in August you will be in primary 5.  It has been a strange few months, however you have all been wonderful and i know you will continue to be amazing in primary 5! 

These are your last learning grids before  the summer holidays begin! If you need anything at all this week just let me know.

Love from,

Mrs Strachan x



Numeracy – P4 WB 22.6.20

Word problems

Rectangles – adding 3 digit numbers

Squares – subtracting 10s

triangles – adding and subtracting



Literacy – P4 WB 22.6.20



Words of Encouragement


Mount Carmel 4-7

Unit 3 – Lesson 12- Cut and Stick Home Activity

Unit 5 Lesson 18 Angry Abigail 2(1)



Primary 1 Home Learning Tasks WB 22nd June

Hello everyone!!

I hope you have had another wonderful week!

We are almost in our last week of learning before the summer holidays!!!! I know it can be a struggle at this point as everyone is feeling tired but well done to all of you who are trying to keep going!!! You are amazing and you are almost there!!!

Thank you once again for all the hard work photos and emails, especially the video clips for the new Primary 1’s. Final call today for these as they will be shared next week!!

I have attached your new learning grids for the final week ahead!!!

Only do what you can and as always, remember to have fun!!

Missing you all!

Lots of love Mrs Duff xxx

Primary 1 Literacy grid 22nd June

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid 22nd June

numicon bonds to 10 (2 sheets)

P1 to 3 IDL grid 22nd June

Dissolving sheet

Fireworks in a Glass

French Flag


Primary 7 Home Learning Grids

Hello Primary 7,

Well, you’ve made it to the final week of your Primary school career. What a journey you’ve been on! I’ll leave all the goodbyes and good lucks’s until Thursday.

Here are your final Mount Carmel Primary school tasks.

Primary 7 Numeracy Grid wb 22nd June Primary 7

Second Level revision grids

Brain Challenges – Number Challenge 

Literacy Grid wb 22nd June

S1 transition Talking and Listening Task

Letter to my future self

Mount Carmel 4-7

Beano-PSHE-Being-Brave-and-Becoming-Resilient-KS2 (1)


Thank you for all your hard work and I can’t wait to see you all on Thursday.

Take care,

Miss Mudge


Twiggle Misses His Friends!

It has been a difficult few months and much has changed in our ordinary, every day lives.  Where once we could go to school to learn and see our friends, we now learn at home and have been unable to see our school friends.

Twiggle shares his feelings about being at home and missing school and his friends.  His Grandma listens and helps him to feel a little better about it.

Like Twiggle we have had to find new ways to communicate and spend time with our friends and families.  We miss them, but doing a video chat or having a chat on the phone, helps to make us feel a wee bit better.

Take care, together we are Team MC!

P7 Leavers Event

Hello Primary 7,

Next week when you come in for your leaver’s gift you do not have to wear school uniform. You can wear your leaver’s hoodie if you want.

Mrs McConville has said that you can bring your mobile phones to take pictures (from a social distance) with your classmates.

I look forward to seeing you all next Thursday for a final goodbye.

Miss Mudge

Throwback Thursday!

As we come closer to the end of our academic session… MCPS presents…


What  a year it has been at MCPS! Although it has been different, we still have lots to celebrate. We the staff, are so proud of our remarkable pupils who have shone all year!

Here are some of our magic memories!

(Click below to view)

Primary 1

Primary 2

Primary 3

Primary 4

Primary 5

Primary 6

Throwback Thursday P7

Throwback Thursday Willow

So much to celebrate! Well done everyone!

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.







We hope that you all had a lovely weekend and a lovely week enjoying sports and heath activities. Another week of learning and only a couple to go before the holidays!

This Thursday the teachers will participate in #ThrowbackThursday, where staff share their highlights of this (unusual) year! Check it out on the well-being blog!

We are still all in this together, although it’s a while since we have been side by side…

Here are some ways to stay positive…

And finally some Monday Motivation…

Stay Safe. Together we are Team MC.

Primary 1 Learning Grids WB 15th June

Hello boys and girls,

I hope you have all enjoyed “Health Week”!!

Well done to everyone who managed to take part and send in their “Sports Challenge” scores and videos!! You are all amazing!!

Here are our Learning grids for the week ahead. I know everyone is getting tired as we get closer to the holidays but we are almost there – only 2 weeks to go!!!!

Remember, just do what you can and make sure you are finding time to have lots of fun!!

Lots of love

Mrs Duff xxx

Primary 1 Literacy grid 15th June

Primary 1 Numeracy Grid 15th June

Blank 10 frames

Blank butterfly template

P1 to 3 IDL grid 15th June

5 senses scavenger hunt

Primary 7 Home Learning Tasks – w/b 15th June

Hello Primary 7,

Well it’s safe to say we’re on the final countdown now. Not the countdown you were hoping for but hopefully we’ll be able to celebrate your time at Mount Carmel in a different way!

Mrs. Fergusson and Mrs. McGahon have been phoning your families to check how you all are. I’m pleased to hear that you are all doing well and looking forward to going to St Joseph’s. It’s important that over the next two weeks you log onto your emails and keep checking the school blog/twitter for updates on S1 transition/P7 leavers information. You should check the St Joseph’s twitter page and blog too.

By now you should all have heard which House you’ll be in at St Joseph’s. Some of you have got in contact to let me know – I’m excited for you. There will be a P7’s from MCPS in every house.

Thank you to the P7’s who are sending me their completed tasks. I love looking at all the excellent work you’ve been doing at home. I am proud of how well you’ve adapted to home learning. Well done!

The grids and tasks for this week are posted below. As always (and it’s becoming my lockdown motto) Do what you can, when you can.

Love Miss Mudge


Primary 7 Literacy Grid wb 15th June Jazz!

Reading Grid wb 15th June

Personification worksheets


Primary 7 Numeracy Grid 15th June

Square and Cubed Numbers core tasks

Co-ordinates follow up tasks

Circles design ideas


Friendship 4-7

Friendship Poem 4-7

Sports Day Challenge

Have a go at our Sports Day challenge and let us see how much fun you have! You are all in Team Murray with your P6 buddies! How many points do you think Marty will score?

  • Star Jumps – 1 point for every jump completed.
  • Speed Bounce – 1 point for every bounce completed.
  • Press Ups – 5 points for every press up completed.
  • Burpees – 2 points for every burpee completed.
  • Keep Ups – football / tennis / ping pong – 2 points for every keep up
  • Balance on one leg – 1 point for 10 seconds or less, 2 for 11- 20 seconds, 3 for 21-30 seconds, 4 for 31-40 seconds, 5 for 41-50 seconds or 6 for 51-60 seconds.

Have fun everyone!!