Welcome to Primary 1 – Term 1 Update

A huge welcome to all our Primary 1 children. They have settled into class beautifully now and are becoming more confident in their surroundings each day.



During term 1 our focus will be to develop the children’s phonological awareness in preparation for them to begin learning their letter sounds and making words. We will be concentrating on the rhyme and rhythm of language by looking at Nursery rhymes and clapping our syllables.

We will also be getting ready to write by improving our fine motor control and perfecting our pencil grip!! Name writing will be a focus too so that we can sign off on all our masterpieces!

Listening and talking will be a huge part of our day too, ensuring we develop our skills in active listening, taking turns and communicating our thoughts to others.



We have already begun to look for numbers all around us in Primary 1 and think of reasons why we need them.

Number time will consist of lots and lots of counting!! We will be developing our “number sense” by counting out and comparing quantities and becoming familiar with the language of mathematics.

We will also be counting aloud and learning the digits which represent our quantities.

As our pencil control improves, we will be learning to write our numbers, enabling us to record our counting.

Pattern will also be a focus, linking in to outdoor learning by looking for patterns of nature in our environment as well as man-made ones in our classroom. We will be creating our own patterns and linking these with number.


Health and Well-being

Our PATHs programme will feature heavily during our HWB time. The children have already met the puppets and have fallen in love with “Twiggle” and his friends already!!! Now that we have met our special puppet friends, they will be helping us to build friendships and learn all about our emotions.

Pupil of the day will also be introduced, where the children pay compliments to a chosen child, making them feel special throughout the day!!