Category Archives: Primary 1/2 2020-2021

Christmas Party Day

Today our children all had a fantastic Christmas Party day. Β This was made extra special with a delivery of 30 Dominoes Pizzas. Thank you to a very kind parent who donated this for our fabulous day.




Our First Live Assembly


assembly-clipart-school-assembly-color | Windsor Elementary School

All of the children were able to take part today in our first full Live Assembly.Β  Mrs McConville and Mrs Fergusson shared our certificate winners from last week and some photographs of things that were happening around the school.Β  Each class then got to say hello to each of the other classes.Β  Next time we look forward to showing off our Christmas Tree and have a special message fromΒ  Primary 6/7.


Tier 4 Restrictions

Due to yesterday’s Scottish Government announcements regarding Tier 4 restrictions our planned class Masses can no longer go ahead. We hope to be able to reschedule these as soon as guidelines allow.

Also, we now have to revert back to PE taking place outdoors only. Please ensure that pupils are still coming to school appropriately dressed on their PE days.

Thank you.

Primary 1/2 Curriculum Overview Term 2

Primary 1/2 Curriculum Overview Term 2 2020

Welcome back to the Primary 1/2 blog. Here you will find out what Primary 1/2 will be learning about this term as they continue to grow as learners and as individuals.


Primary 1

Primary 1 worked very hard last term to develop their phonological awareness. They have used this new knowledge to support them as they began to learn some of the initial sounds. Primary 1 will continue to learn two new sounds every week until they have learned all initial sounds (26). As Primary 1 grow in confidence, recognising and identifying initial sounds they will use this knowledge to word build. In addition to this, Primary 1 will be learning new common words every week alongside the initial sounds. Primary 1 will have lots of opportunities to practice each new sound and common words in a range of active ways in line with the Active Literacy approach to learning. As Primary 1 become more confident when word building and recognising common words they will focus on using these words to build simple sentences as well as apply this knowledge to read worded texts.

Primary 1 will continue to develop their talking and listening skills; understanding when to listen and when to respond, taking turns and communicating with others. They will also continue to develop their fine motor skills and pincer grip which will enable them to write their names independently as well as form letters and numbers in the correct way.

Primary 2

Reading – This term, Primary 2 will be developing their reading skills through focusing on the skill cloze procedure. The children will focus on punctuation, unjumbling sentences and finding and locating missing words/information using their Bug Club guided reading books, this will allow the task to be differentiated appropriately. Primary 2 will also continue to develop their prediction skills this term, they will progress their previous learning of orally providing predictions through group discussion to written predictions in relation to their Bug Club reading books. In addition to this, Primary 2 will continue to develop their sequencing and visualisation skills. They will continue to read/listen to a range of traditional stories including Goldilocks and the Three Bears, they will have opportunities to role play the stories to ensure correct sequence before they independently sequence the story.

Writing – Primary 2 will develop their imaginative writing skills this term. They will use a range of familiar contexts including Halloween, Bonfire Night and Christmas to develop this skill. They will use a range of stimuli to engage their imaginations including detailed pictures, video clips and physical props. Primary 2 will focus on developing their use of vocabulary to set the scene as well as describe characters and build tension where appropriate. Primary 2 will also focus on developing their functional writing skills (instructions). The children will use their prior knowledge of sequencing to support their learning about instructions. Primary 2 will also learn all about imperative (bossy) verbs during this term. The children will write a range of instructions including; how to wash your hands, how to brush your teeth and how to cross the road safely. Primary 2 will role play each of the experiences before writing instructions to ensure understanding of the correct sequence.

Spelling – Primary 2 will continue to learn new phonemes in accordance with the Active Literacy programme. They will learn a new joined phoneme as well as new common words each weekΒ Primary 2 will continue to develop their knowledge of phonemes and spelling strategies through an active approach.Β They will continue to apply this knowledge alongside the development of their sentence structure skills. Primary 2 will continue to use the Phonic Bug resource to support and enhance their knowledge of new phonemes.

Grammar – Primary 2 will continue to work on using punctuation such as full stops and capital letters as they continue to develop their sentence building skills. Primary 2 will now focus on extending their sentences through use of connectives including β€œand”, β€œbut” and β€œbecause”.

Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 will have some new opportunities to develop their talking and listening skills this term. They will participate in a solo poster presentation as part of their Grandparents topic.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Primary 1

This term, Primary 1 will have lots of opportunities to practice and consolidate their knowledge of numbers to 10 as well as quantities to 10 in a range of different ways. As Primary 1 become more confident when comparing quantities, they will now think about β€œmore” and β€œless”. In addition to this, Primary 1 will begin to learn about the concept of addition within 10. They will have the opportunity to use a range of concrete resources to develop their understanding of this new concept before moving towards applying their knowledge mentally.

Primary 2

Numeracy – This term primary 2 will continue to develop their number processes. Primary 2 will focus on developing their understanding of addition and subtraction within 20. As well as learning and consolidating their number bonds within 20. They will work on deepen their knowledge of addition strategies and applying these within different contexts such as number talks and word problems.

Primary 1/2

Mathematics – Primary 1/2 learn about position and movement in term 2 as part of their beyond number concepts. The children will build on their knowledge of instructional writing and sequencing when undertaking this new learning. The children will also access coding software and use Spheros to apply their knowledge of position and movement. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will learn about measurement this term. They will work on developing their knowledge of length, capacity and volume. Primary 1/2 will develop this new learning through a hands-on approach.


Health and Wellbeing

Primary 1/2 will continue to develop their social and emotional skills through our whole school PATHS programme. The children continue to enjoy engaging with the puppets and love it when they visit our classroom. Primary 1/2 love giving and receiving compliments each day as part of β€œPupil of the Day”. Primary 1/2 will continue to learn about their emotions through a range of activities and stories based around the PATHS puppets. The children in Primary 1/2 continue to engage enthusiastically with this programme.

In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will learn about how to keep themselves safe including what is meant by medicines and harmful substances. Primary 1/2 will learn to identify which substances may be helpful and which may be harmful in given situations as well as suggest ways to get help in unsafe and emergency situations, such as seeking out an adult and calling the emergency services.


Physical Education

This term Primary 1/2 will focus on developing their large and small ball skills including skills related to playing football. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will have the opportunity to develop their social dancing skills in preparation for their class Christmas party. They will learn dances such as The Grand Old Duke Of York. Primary 1/2 will, as always, complete all physical activities with safety at the forefront. At the moment, all PE lessons will continue to take place outdoors.

P.E. days will continue to be Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately with either joggers or leggings and trainers. Your child must continue to wear their school jumper as part of their uniform on PE days.

Religious Education

As November is the month of Remembrance, Primary 1/2 will learn about different saints including St. Andrew. The children will listen to stories from the Bible that will teach them about love and the importance of praying for loved ones as well as people who have died. Throughout December, Primary 1/2 will learn about the birth of Jesus. The children will learn how Advent helps us to prepare for the celebration of Christmas. Primary 1/2 will participate in daily prayers around the crib as well as light the Advent candles at the appropriate time. During Advent, Primary 1/2 will be reminded of the importance of showing kindness and love during this time.


This term, Primary 1/2 will be completing the topic Grandparents. During this topic, Primary 1/2 will learn about the 1950s and 1960s as this is the key period relating to the children’s Grandparents. The children will compare their own lives to the lives of their Grandparents when they were a similar age. The children will also compare their school lives with their Grandparents school lives. In addition to this, as we approach the Christmas period, Primary 1/2 will think about how Christmas is celebrated in their local community as well as learn about Christmas traditions around the world.


If your child has not already done so, please ensure that your child brings in appropriate outdoor learning clothes. This will allow your child to fully engage with any outdoor learning experiences.

Please ensure that you write your child’s name on any items of clothing they may take off throughout the school day, eg. jumpers. This will help to ensure your child doesn’t lose any items of clothing.

Thank you for visiting the Primary 1/2 blog, keep a look out for any further updates as term 2 progresses!

Thank you,

Mrs Dunsmore.


Rainbow Reward Request

Rainbow Reward Request

We have asked the children from Primary 1 and 1/2 what toys they would like to play with during our new Reward Play time,and they have given us quite a wish list ! FOMC have kindly offered to help us out. However, in the meantime, if anyone has any of the following toys that are looking for a new home, please could you hand them into the main office. All items handed in will be sanitised and qaurantined before use:

Sand/Sandpit, Toy Story Dolls, Lego, Unicorn toys,Β  Cars (big), Toy Superheroes, Farm, Avenger toys, Action figures, Ninja Turtles, Barbies/Barbie House, Power Rangers, Robots





Face Coverings

As of tomorrow, following reviewed national guidance, all staff are now required to wear face coverings more often during the school day.

We know that this might be upsetting for some children. Staff will ensure that pupils are supported in adapting to this change and will reassure them that it not something to worry about. We would appreciate if you could also discuss this at home.

Thank you, as always, for your support.


Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 Homework

From Monday 28th September, Primary 1 will be receiving weekly homework.Β  Your child will receive their homework folder each Monday and should return it to class on the Thursday.

In your child’s folder will be a homework grid which will outline the tasks to be completed.Β  These tasks will be based around the new learning taking place in class each week and will include:

Jolly phonics Sound sheet(s) reinforcing the action and rhyme for our new letter “sound” as well as giving the children an opportunity to practise forming their new letter correctly.

Bottle top lid with new letter sound. These will be added to each week until every child has the full alphabet, allowing for revision of each letter sound and eventually word building.

Common Word Flashcards (these will be included in coming weeks and should be practised every night once introduced.)

Number formation sheets.

Reading task.

There will be specific guidance for completing each task on the grid but please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries.

The reinforcement of your child’s literacy skills at this stage is crucial so your ongoing support with the homework is hugely appreciated and will prove very beneficial to your child’s progress.

The children are very excited to be finally starting “grown up” homework and we are sure their wonderful enthusiasm towards it will continue.

Many thanks

Mrs Duff and Mrs Dunsmore



Homework Primary 2-7

Dear Parents/Carers,


In Mount Carmel we are following a new homework procedure in line with our current restrictions. On a Monday your child will receive their personal Homework folder. In this you will find a login card with details of all logins and passwords that may be required over the coming months. The folder will also contain a Homework Task Grid and for some classes there may be a copy of a reading book. To begin with homework will focus on reading and active literacy. Over the coming months there will be a variety of tasks from different areas of the curriculum.

The Homework Task Grid will provide details of a core reading task which must be completed, a selection of Active Literacy Tasks and an additional Sumdog task. Please help your child to choose two of the Active Literacy Tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks will be completed.

We ask that all homework folders are returned to the school on the Thursday to allow for items to be quarantined appropriately. New homework grids and reading books will then be provided on the following Monday.

We thank you for your continued co-operation and support at this time.


Kind regards,


Mrs McConville

Primary 1/2 Term 1 Overview

Hello and welcome to the Primary 1/2 blog! We are all so delighted to be back! Primary 1/2 have settled in wonderfully with everyone ready to learn. Here you will be able to find updates from Primary 1/2. You will be able to join us on our journey towards becoming learning superheroes!


Primary 1
This term, Primary 1 will focus on developing their phonological awareness as the first step towards learning their first letter sounds. As Primary 1 begin to work on this, they will learn about rhyme and rhythm by concentrating on Nursery Rhymes. The children will develop their understanding by listening for words that sound the same (rhyme) as well as clapping out syllables. As Primary 1 develop their phonological awareness, they will in turn develop their talking and listening skills; understanding when to listen and when to respond, taking turns and communicating with others.

Another focus for Primary 1 this term will be developing their fine motor skills and pincer grip which will enable them to write their names as well as form letters and numbers in the correct way.

Primary 2
Reading – Primary 2 will be revising and consolidating their tools for reading before beginning to develop their sequencing skills this term. They will be using a variety of resources including, Bug Club books as well as utilising a range of familiar fairy tale stories as they develop this skill.

Writing – This term primary 2 will be developing their tools for writing. Primary 2 will develop their understanding of sentence structure through short pieces of writing. Primary 2 will develop these skills through personal writing. The context for this learning will stem from familiar contexts and situations the children will be able to reflect on.

Spelling – Primary 2 will be revising phonemes already covered as well as learning new phonemes in accordance with the Active Literacy programme. Primary 2 will develop their knowledge of phonemes and spelling strategies through an active approach. They will apply this knowledge alongside the development of their sentence structure skills. Primary 2 will also use the Phonic Bug resource to support and enhance their knowledge of new phonemes.

Grammar – This term primary 2 will be focusing on developing their understanding and use of punctuation such as full stops and capital letters. They will develop this skill through sentence building.

Primary 1/2
Book Study – Primary 1/2’s first topic this year is Fairyland (Traditional Tales). They have already been engaging with a range of traditional tales and have been participating in a range of learning experiences to enhance their understanding of each story including making a gigantic beanstalk after reading Jack and the Beanstalk. They will make a number of cross curricular links during this topic including expressive arts and science.

Numeracy and Mathematics

Primary 1
This term, Primary 1 will be developing their β€œnumber sense”. The children will be focusing on identifying number digits to 10 through sequencing as well as counting out quantities and matching these to the correct digit. Primary 1 will have lots of opportunities to practice and consolidate their learning in a range of different ways. As the children become more confident in counting out, they will begin to compare quantities, thinking about β€œmore” and β€œless”.

Primary 2
Numeracy – This term primary 2 will be focusing on developing their number processes. They have made a great start to the term by consolidating their number stories to 10. They will focus on developing their addition and subtraction skills within 10 before progressing towards number stories within 20. As Primary 2 become more confident when adding and subtracting they will apply this knowledge to money. They will use a variety of active resources to promote independent learning and ensure that all key skills are successfully achieved.

Primary 1/2
Mathematics – Primary 1/2 will be focusing on data handling. They will be using a range of natural resources as well as seeking out opportunities to take their learning outdoors to support their learning experiences. They will develop their understanding of data handling by sorting and organising a range of objects/information.

Health and Wellbeing
Primary 1/2 are officially SUPERHEROES!! They have already created their class charter and made their classroom promise with their rights, needs, and wants in mind. Primary 1/2 chose a superhero theme and created their very own superheroes to remind them to follow the rules and show kindness at all times.
Primary 1/2 will learn all about their emotions through our PATHS programme. The children have already met their new friends; Twiggle, Henrietta, Duke and Daphne. They have really enjoyed engaging with the puppets and love it when they visit our classroom. Most recently, Twiggle introduced the children to β€œPupil of the Day”. Each child will have the opportunity to be β€œPupil of the Day”, they will receive compliments from their peers on this day as well as have special jobs to do throughout the day such as β€œline leader” and β€œprayer leader”. So far, the children have really enjoyed this experience.

Physical Education
This term Primary 1/2 will focus on developmental games. Following instructions and participating in a safe way will be a focus for this learning. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will have the opportunity to develop their ball skills. At the moment, all PE lessons will take place outdoors.

Religious Education
Primary 1/2 will be focusing on the importance of friendships and showing kindness. This learning will be reinforced through the class charter and classroom rules. In addition to this, Primary 1/2 will develop an understanding of building faith and growing in relationship with God.

Primary 1/2 look forward to sharing their learning and successes with you throughout the term!

Thank you,
Mrs Dunsmore.

Primary 1 photograph-Kilmarnock Standard

EAC have made the decision that Primary 1 children in East Ayrshire should be able to have their class photograph taken outside for the Kilmarnock Standard.

We have arranged for the photographer from the Kilmarnock Standard to come to the school on Friday morning of this week to take a group photograph of our Primary 1 children.Β This will be taken outside and social distancing will be observed throughout the process.

If you do not wish your child to be in the photograph please let the school office know asap please.