All posts by Mr BERTONCINI

P5 Home Learning Grid 22nd June

Hi P5,

Well, you made it.  The last week is upon us.  You have worked hard this year and continued to do so at home.  We are very proud of you all. I hope you enjoyed looking at Throwback Thursday.  It was good to relive the memories we made in P5.  Please find below the grids for the last week of term.


P5 Numeracy Grid 22nd June

Algebra Puzzle 22620


P5 Literacy Grid 22nd June

Pokemon Go! Activity

Mr Gum reading task 22620

Connectives Worksheet


Mount Carmel P4-7


Beano Worksheet: Brave and Resilient

We hope you all have a fab summer holiday and we are excited about seeing you all when we return to school in August.

Mr Bertoncini and Mrs McIntyre



Suggested Timetable
8:00am Time to get up and have breakfast
9:00am Literacy time
10:00am IDL task
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Sumdog or a maths activity
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or even a walk or cycle outside

P5 Home Learning Grids WB 15th June

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve enjoyed virtual Health Week and also enjoy the coming weekend.  We’re missing seeing you all and we’re enjoying seeing pictures of your work that you’ve been working hard on.  Keep it up.  You are doing a great job.  However, don’t get too stressed about it.  if you’re stuck or unsure, let us know and only do what you can.  There is no need to do it all.


P5 Numeracy Grid 15th June

Algebra Puzzle

Fractions worksheet


P5 Literacy Grid 15th June

Mr Gum reading task


Friendship  Grid P4-7

Friendship Poem

Maison Worksheet

Here is a suggested timetable to help plan your week’s work.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Time to get up and have breakfast
9:00am Literacy time
10:00am IDL task
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Sumdog or a maths activity
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga or even a walk or cycle outside


Look after yourself and each other,

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre

P5 Home Learning Grids WB 1st June

Hi everyone,

I hope you’ve enjoyed the short week.  a longer week next week so back to the larger grids.  But remember to only do what you can.  You don’t have to become anxious and worry if you can’t fit in everything.


P5 Numeracy Grid June 1st

Algebra Puzzle


P5 Literacy grid June 1st

Wildlife similes


Rainbow IDL Part 2 Grid P4-7

Breakin Rainbows

Colours 2 P4-7

Here is a suggested timetable to help plan your week’s work.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Sumdog or a maths activity
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Literacy activity or read a book
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task

The weather is fab so enjoy your weekend and try get outside to soak up those beautiful rays!

Look after yourselves,

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre

P5 Home Learning Grids WB 25th May

Hi everyone, below you’ll find the grids and worksheets for next week.  But, good news…it’s only a short week!! So each grid has only 5 tasks since Monday and Tuesday are holidays for you!


P5 Numeracy Grid  WB 25th May


P5 Literacy Grid WB 25th May

Onomatopoeia task 25th May


IDL WB 25th May P4-7

Les Couleurs worksheet

Remember, not all tasks need to be completed.  Do what you can and have fun doing it.  Here’s an idea of how you can timetable your day.

Suggested Timetable
8:00am Get up and get dressed.  Have a healthy breakfast
9:00am Some exercise Joe Wicks or Cosmic Yoga
10:00am Sumdog or a maths activity
11.00am Break/snack
11.30am Literacy activity or read a book
12.30pm Help make some lunch and try to get outside
1.30pm IDL task

Mr Bertoncini & Mrs McIntyre


P5 Home Learning Grids WB 11th May

Hi everyone, a huge thank you to all those who have sent in pictures of your activities so far.  It’s fab to see you working hard.

Here are next weeks grids and accompanying worksheets:


P5 Literacy Grid 11th May pdf

P5 Literacy Grid 11th May (Word version including hyperlinks)

Common Homophones

The Iron Man Audio

The Iron Man Chapter One Transcript 

The Iron Man’ Comprehension Task sheets

All – >Please email the ‘The Iron Man’ tasks to Mrs McIntyre by Friday 15th am please.  Also, any pictures or videos from the movie scene task last week please continue to share. I will share/upload them onto our group email.


P5 Numeracy Grid May 11th

Circles – dividing decimals

Rectangles – Simplifying fractions

Squares – Subtraction

Triangles – Subtraction


Health P4-7

There is plenty to keep you working hard but remember only do what you can.  There is no need to complete all tasks.

Enjoy the Friday holiday!

P5 Home Learning Grids Week Beg 4th May

Hello P5,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend.

Please find below the Home Learning Tasks for this week.   There is a Numeracy, Literacy and IDL  grid.

Try to complete the core tasks and some of the additional tasks. There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.

I have enjoyed your updates on how you are getting on and the photographs of your fabulous work.  Keep it up!


P5 Numeracy Grid May 4th

Please find your groups worksheet task for numeracy below






P5 Literacy Grid May 4th

Here is the link to the crossword:  Solar System Crossword

IDL – Wildlife

P4-7 Wildlife IDL






P5 Home Learning Tasks WB 20th April

Hope you’ve had a good break from school work and enjoyed eating loads of chocolate eggs!

Please find below the Home Learning Tasks for the week.

Remember to try to complete the core tasks and some of the additional tasks.  There is no expectation that all tasks should be completed.  If you can, send us a picture or email of your work.

P5 Numeracy Grid 20th April

P5 Literacy Grid 20th April

P5 Modern Languages Grid 20th April



Health and Wellbeing Links


Health and Wellbeing Links


During this difficult period it is important to stay physically and mentally fit.  Below are some suggestions to ensure that you are able to look after your health and wellbeing and have fun too!  Click on the links in the headings.



Mental Health


Despite being stuck indoors and applying rules of social distancing, we can keep in contact with people we care about through technology.  Staying connected with people helps our mental wellbeing.  Agree regular check-in times with friends or family either by phone or online – this helps people feel connected.  Video calling via apps such as FaceTime and Skype allows you to see people as well giving you face to face interaction despite being miles apart.   WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger also have video calling functions.

It is normal to feel overwhelmed. Take a break from using social media or watching the news, which can make you more anxious. Staying informed is important but stick to trusted sources of information such as Government, World Health Organisation and NHS websites.


Young Scot

Find out more about what you can do if you are feeling anxious and worried, and how you can support others in your community.


Action for Happiness calendar

Mindful March – daily things to do in March to help you be mindful and live in the moment.


Mental Health and Wellbeing tips

NHS Ayrshire and Arran website giving ideas and help on ways to improve mental wellbeing.


Aye Mind

Online resources to help with a variety of mental health issues. Check out the Resources section.


Help For Parents

This website is aimed at parents who are supporting a young person with a mental health problem.


Physical Health


Children and young people should be trying to exercise for an average of 60 minutes a day throughout the week to encourage a healthy development of bones and muscles. This physical activity can be moderate in nature and include activities such as walking, cycling and playing outdoor games.  Aim to vary the intensity of the activity through the week.  Try to avoid being stationary for long periods. You can find more guidance on how much you should exercise here.


PE with Joe Wicks

The Body Coach will lead you through a 30 minute workout.  Tune in live to his channel on YouTube every morning at 9.  Don’t worry if you miss it, you can watch his videos later in the day.  Even the adults are taking part!


10 Minute Shake Up games

Change4Life website with games based on famous Disney and Pixar movies.  Ideal for younger children.


NHS Fitness Ideas

Free and easy fitness ideas to help you stay active.



Play ideas for in the garden or in the house.  Ideal for young children and toddlers.  Instructions are also in Polish.


Facebook – Lockdown Tips & Ideas

A group has been created called Family Lockdown Tips & Ideas to share ideas for loads of indoor and garden activities.


Hopefully you will give a few of these activities a go and it would be nice to see your children taking part in these activities.  Photos can be sent to class teachers via Glow and can be posted on the Blog.


Thank you.  Have fun and stay safe.


Team Mount Carmel.