Primary 2 Curricular update

Primary 2 Curricular Update – Term 2

Hello and welcome back to the Primary 2 blog! I hope you all had a relaxing October break and are ready for the upcoming Halloween and festive celebrations in what will be another hardworking and exciting term for primary 2.

Term 2 curricular update:


Phonics- We will continue to learn our joined phonemes and grow our confidence in reading and writing these. Spelling will continue to be a focus as we learn new common words which will help develop our independent writing skills.

Writing – This term our writing will continue to develop our writing skills focusing on description, this will be supported with individual description bubbles. We will also continue to focus on our writing targets of capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.

Reading – We will be developing our understanding of texts by using literal questions and we will focus on our word attack strategies as we develop our reading and writing. In class we are working our way through bug club texts which are appropriate to our stage of learning, these are also assigned for homework which you can access online. We will continue to work on our comprehension and decoding skills within our reading groups

Numeracy and Mathematics

This term we will be continuing with our counting on and back from any number, this will help with mental addition and subtraction. We will be looking at addition and subtraction calculations and how these are linked which create ‘fact families’. Within addition we will think about the mental strategies we can use to answer calculations such as doubles, near doubles and counting on. During this term we will explore pattern including shapes and numbers to 100, this will link in with our frozen IDL topic perfectly! Towards the end of the term, we will begin to develop some aspects of time, each morning we complete our daily calendar looking at dates and seasons, we will also start to tell the time using digital and analogue clocks as the topic progresses.

Health and Wellbeing

In term 2 we will continue our whole school PATHS programme to build on our social and emotional skills. We will learn ‘how to do turtle’ to manage emotions and Twiggle the turtle will help us with this. Our ‘pupil of the day’ will still run during this term which allows children to gift and receive compliments from others. We continue to complete our emotion check in each day and we still have a focus on friendships.


During this term we will develop our small ball skills which consist of bouncing, throwing, rolling and catching. We will then work on our jumping, rolling and travelling skills during our first block of gymnastics. Towards the end of the term children will be learning social dancing.

.P.E. days will be Tuesday and Thursday.  (please remember to remove any earrings on gym days)

Religious Education

We will be learning about the importance of the Bible during our RE time and reading the story of creation. Throughout the month of November, we will look at our theme on remembrance. For the month of December, we will celebrate advent and the birth of Jesus by learning the nativity and exploring various other activities during this exciting time.

Inter-disciplinary Learning (Topic)

Our topic for term 2 is frozen. The main area we will be learning about is the processes of the planet by investigating how water can change from one form to another and relating this to everyday experiences. We will be describing changes of water, looking at freezing, melting points and temperatures. We will be experimenting with the use of materials and their properties to develop our understanding of which materials would be practical for certain situations. We will consider ways in which materials would increase/decrease the melting process and temperatures.

Our topic will make several cross curricular links which will include science, expressive arts, technologies, literacy and numeracy.

Expressive Arts

Our art, music and drama learning and work this term will be centred around the Christmas Nativity.

Thank you for visiting our Primary 2 blog on what we have been learning this term!

Miss Maitland