Welcome Back!

We are so excited to welcome our children back to school tomorrow.  A few gentle reminders for the beginning of the school year…

All children should be in full school uniform every day. We have our uniform exchange available throughout the school year and everyone is welcome to access it whenever it is required.

All children should bring in a P.E. kit that can be left in the school building. This should be a bag that contains indoor shoes, shorts and a t-shirt. P.E. kits will be sent home at the end of each term for washing. 

Please make sure that all items of clothing (uniform and P.E. kits) have your child’s name on them. This will stop anything being lost and enables us to return any item that is misplaced to the correct child. 

We are a nut free school. Please do not send in any snacks that contain nuts (for example snickers or nutella). 

We are a health promoting school and therefore ensure that the children have access to water whenever they require it throughout the day. That being said, we would like to reiterate that it is only water that should be sent in as a drink for the classroom – not diluting juice. This is a whole school approach to ensure the best dental health for our children. 

The staff are in school today getting ready for the children to return tomorrow and we are all extremely excited to see them and welcome them back. Here’s to a brilliant 2022-2023 school year.
