Primary 1 Curriculum Overview – Term 4

Welcome back to the P1 blog where you can read all about the learning taking place this term!


Reading and Phonics

P1 are becoming more and more confident when using their initial sounds to word build. This term we will further develop our word building skills, including CVCC and CCVC words (e.g. park, drum). We will continue to use the Active Literacy strategy “say, make, break, read and write” to support this new learning. We will also continue to learn new ‘look and say’ common words every week.

In class, we are using our guided Bug Club texts to develop our skills in prediction, reading aloud and reading for understanding. At home, we are enjoying a range of independent texts on Bug Club at the same level.


We will focus during this last term on using our knowledge of word building and common words to build sentences independently. The children will have many opportunities to develop their independent writing skills through weekly news, free writing and sentence tasks linked to their spelling sounds and reading books.

In addition to this, P1 will be developing their description writing skills. We will focus on describing number, colour, texture and size for familiar people and objects.

Letter formation will be developed through regular handwriting lesson and fine motor skill activities.

Talking and Listening

Through a range of activities across the curriculum, P1 will continue to develop their talking and listening skills; understanding when to listen and when to respond, taking turns and communicating with others.


This term, P1 will consolidate their understanding of the concept of addition within 10. They will focus on increasing their mental accuracy of number bonds to 10. The children will have many opportunities to develop their mental accuracy through our daily Fast 10 and Big Maths Beat That. We will also be applying our knowledge of addition within 10 when working on missing number calculations using the ‘Lock in and Count On’ strategy.

When P1 are confident in their addition skills they will begin to focus on subtraction within 10. The children will transfer their skills to answer subtraction calculations and word problems. In addition to this we will consolidate our knowledge of numbers to 20 and beyond, including recognising number names.

Beyond Number

We will continue to develop our knowledge of measure, using familiar objects in our environment both at school and at home. We will explore mathematical language such as tallest/smallest, heavier/lighter to compare items. We will also use different non-standard units of measure (e.g cubes, hands) to estimate and then measure the length and weight of items.

We will also have a focus on money. P1 will learn to recognise and identify coins up to £2. They will also learn to differentiate between and use the language “pence” and “pound”. The children will use their knowledge of addition and subtraction to add to find totals within 10p as well as subtract to find change.

Health and Wellbeing

P1 will continue to develop their social and emotional skills through our whole school PATHS programme. The children continue to enjoy engaging with the puppets and love it when they visit our classroom. P1 love giving and receiving compliments each day as part of “Pupil of the Day”.

We will continue to develop our knowledge of ways to keep our bodies and minds healthy with a focus on making healthy choice every day and exploring mindfulness techniques.

Physical Education

This term P1 will focus on Athletics. The children will practice running, jumping, and throwing both independently as well as part of a team. Once we have developed our running, jumping, and throwing skills we will compete against each other in friendly relay races. Later in the term, P1 will also have a weekly session of Fun Fitness with our Active Schools co-ordinator Mark Devlin.

P.E. days will be Monday and Thursday. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed appropriately with either joggers or leggings and trainers. Your child must continue to wear their school jumper as part of their uniform on PE days.

 Religious Education

This term P1 will think about Our Lady. The children will reflect on Mary as the mother of Jesus and the mother of all of us.  We will create a special altar to Mary in our classroom and learn to pray the “Hail Mary”.

Through the use of God’s Loving Plan, we will explore the beauty of God’s creation and how we recognise this in others and ourselves. We will talk about our own skills and talents, focusing on how God has made us all individual and unique.


Growing Up – We have explored the timeline of human life from baby through to adult and particularly focused on the needs of babies. We looked at photographs of ourselves as babies and explored how we had changed since then identifying how many different skills we learned at nursery and in P1.

My Senses – Through a variety of sensory experiences, indoors and outdoors, P1 will learn about each of the five senses and their uses to explore our surroundings. We will also develop our knowledge of parts of the body and what they do, showing an understanding of our own health and wellbeing.