Please find below the ‘Parent Friendly’ guide to the School Improvement Plan for session 18-19.
Dress Down Day
Just a reminder that it is Dress Down Day on Friday 28th September for school funds. Please donate through Parent Pay or PayPoint.
No football colours please.
Parent Council meeting
All parents are invited along to the Parent Council meeting being held in the school on Tuesday 25th September at 7pm. We are looking forward to the year ahead and hopefully having some new members to boost the numbers!! 🙂
Our first Rag Bag Collection of the session will be on Friday 28th September.
If you have any clothes, shoes, belts etc. that are still quite good but of no use to you please bag them up and hand them in to the school. The pupils will all be given rag bags next week with more details on them. Don’t worry if you can’t have them ready for the 28th, we can re-fill our bin ready for the next collection in 2019.
The clothes are weighed on the lorry and we are given money depending on how much we collect. The money is put to good use for the benefit of the school and the pupils.
Calling all parents/carers up for a ‘blether’!
Miss Millar is starting a netball club for pupils in Primary 6 & 7 on Monday nights from 3.05pm – 4pm and adults (parents of pupils at Mauchline Primary) are welcome along to play too! You are still welcome along even if your child isn’t attending the club.
So get your trainers ready and come along to our first session on the 10th of September!
Head Teacher Appointment
Ms Lorraine Dougan has been appointed as the new Head Teacher of Mauchline PS and ECC. Ms Dougan will take up post in due course.
Welcome Back!
The staff would like to offer a warm welcome to children and parents who have returned after the summer break ready for a new session of learning at Mauchline PS & ECC.
The usual data checks forms will be coming out and a new photography consent form has been issued by EAC. We would ask that the forms be returned as promptly as possible as we have already been contacted by the Cumnock Chronicle who are waiting to take photos of our bright shiny new Primary one children.
We are all excited about our new classes and hope for another successful, challenging and rewarding year of school.