Right of the Week!

Our school have been learning about Rights for some time so I thought we could keep our wonderful learning in this area going. So every Tuesday I will be posting a ‘Right of the Week’ with a link to some resources should you want to take this learning further.  

This week we are starting with a very important right: article 24. This right relates a lot to what is going on in the world just now. Article 24 states that you have the right to the best health care and you have the right to all of the things you need to stay healthy. Please see the link below for more information & activities related to this & feel free to send me any activities you complete.


Stay Safe!

Miss Millar


Microsoft Teams

Good morning

More teachers have been creating a Microsoft Team for their class.

We now have teams for the whole school:

P1 – Miss Mair, P1/2 – Mrs Kilday, P2 – Mrs Bryson, P3 – Mrs Norman, P3/4 Miss McGrane, P4 – Mrs Burt, P4/5 – Mrs Walkinshaw and Mrs Scarisbrick, P5 – Miss Morrison, P6 – Miss Black, P6/7 – Miss Kirkcaldy and P7 – Miss Millar.

To access Microsoft Teams:

  • Download the Teams app on your phone/tablet/computer (the Teams logo is below)
  • Login with your Glow account details – the username for Teams is your Glow login username + @glow.sch.uk                                              e.g.  Ian Brown’s username would be:  gw17brownian@glow.sch.uk
  • The password is the same one that you use for logging into Glow
  • Your teacher will have added you to the ‘Team’
  • You can start chatting to the others in your class or access some learning (if your teacher has put some on)

Community Members of the Week

As you know everyday in Mauchline Primary and ECC we celebrate ‘Pupil of the day’ and ‘Staff Member’ of the day. This celebrates the special and unique qualities that we all have and the special role we all play within our school community by giving the ‘Pupil of the day’ and ‘Staff Member’ ​person compliments.

This week we would like to relaunch this with ‘Community Members’ of the week. Today we will be celebrating our NHS workers. If you have a special person you would like to give a compliment to, or would just like to give a general compliment to NHS staff please post a message here on the Blog (click on ‘Leave a Comment’) or on today’s Head Teacher’s twitter message.

Autism support

We are very aware that some of our children with Autism – whether an official diagnosis has been given or not – may well be struggling with the lack of routine at this unusual time.

We will be putting on some support strategies and resources over the coming weeks to assist during this difficult time.

Please remember that all tasks/activities placed on the blog are voluntary and only for guidance. If they don’t suit your child, please don’t become stressed. Stop – and be lead by your child’s interests and needs.


Microsoft Teams

A lot of the older classes – P4 and upwards – have now created Microsoft Teams pages.

To access the class team, the children need to download the Teams APP onto their device/phone and login using their Glow account.

This secure platform allows children and their teacher to interact with each other.


Family discussion time again!!

This week’s discussion topic includes Boris Johnson’s time in hospital and how he has seen first-hand the hard work of the NHS.

One of the follow-up activities is to reflect on your own experiences in hospital and also to get writing a letter to the NHS.

Anything we can do to thank our NHS staff is time well spent.

33 NHS

Social and emotional learning support

In partnership with our friends at Barnardo’s we thought we would provide some practical tips around mental, emotional and social wellbeing for parents to support children, it will be sent weekly. One of the first things we have done is to create a one page document on the first of the 5 competencies of social and emotional learning: self-awareness. Many children, and adults, will be struggling to process their feelings at the moment, this document provides a few tips about dealing with our feelings. It is attached to this email. Our feelings can also be overwhelming so we have attached some brainstem calmer activities from Beacon House too.

Lots of us want to understand why we feel the way we feel about this situation, Suzanne Zeedyk did a great webinar on this which is summarised on the connected baby twitter account (link below).


 Self-awareness tips: see attached

Self Awareness Poster – Barnardo’s SEL

Brainstem calmer activities: see attached


Rainbow breathing (great use for all those rainbows in windows): see attached

Helping children cope: https://weneedtotalkaboutchildrensmentalhealth.wordpress.com/2020/03/27/tips-to-share-with-children-to-help-them-cope-with-the-new-normal/

Helping teenagers cope: https://weneedtotalkaboutchildrensmentalhealth.wordpress.com/2020/03/29/2and-getting-through-lockdown-together-with-teenagers/

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