P7/S1 transition

FAO: Parents/carers of children currently in P7: Please find below the information required for transferring your child to S1 in August 2021.

Dear Parent/Carer

As you are no doubt aware, your child is due to transfer from primary to secondary education at the beginning of the new school session (August 2021).

Secondary school hand books are available at: https://eastayrshi.re/SchoolHandbooks

Please complete the online P7 transfer application at http://eastayrshi.re/p7transfer no later than Wednesday 27 January 2021.

Happy News

Good Afternoon Everyone,

I am planning to put together a weekly summary called ‘Happy News’ and an update about what has been happening.

If you have any news that you would be happy for me to share, please email me by 3pm on a Wednesday to be included in the weeks ’round up’.  My email address is below. I can’t wait to hear all your exciting stories and learning news.

Please remember only share what you are happy for me to share with the rest of the school.

From Ms Dougan


Registering for starting P1 August 2021

P1 Registration to attend school, for children whose 5th birthday falls between 1 March 2021 and 28 February 2022 takes place during the week Monday 11 January 2021 until Friday 15 January 2021.

To register please complete the P1 Registration form at http://eastayrshi.re/enrolAtSchool no later than Friday 15 January 2021.

If you are unable to register online then please phone your local school who will assist you to register your child.

To register your child you will require to upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate and two proofs of your residence in the catchment area in the form of a Council Tax Notice or Utility Bill.  Should you require a copy of your child’s birth certificate for Registration, this can be obtained at www.certificates.scot

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all of our families!

We are not starting 2021 the way we would have hoped, however all of the teachers are getting prepared to provide some fabulous online learning for the next three weeks.

Online learning starts on Monday 11th so keep checking your class page on the blog to see your activities and get started on your new year learning journey.

Parents/carers: Please also check out the Home Learning page on the blog for lots of useful links and ideas for activities.

Home Learning


We can do this Mauchline PS & ECC!

The Night Before Christmas Campaign

Thank you so much to every one who donated to the Christmas charity appeal. I am overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. This will make a huge difference to so many vulnerable children and adults this Christmas!!

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and enjoy time spent with loved ones.
Take care and thanks again!

Miss Black x

Books! Books! Books! – update

Thank you so much to the very kind parents/carers who have handed in some books for us to add to our library.

Please remember to have a look for any ‘Mauchline PS’ library or reading books when you are clearing our for Santa’s visit.

Just give them to your child to return or hand them into the office.



Be Safe Be Seen

Well done to everyone who supported our Be Safe Be Seen Day by wearing bright colours.  It has been great to see all the photos. See if you can spot yourself below.



Well done Primary 3/4. You all look super bright.


It is so important to wear bright colours during winter and today has been the perfect day to practice.

Thank you.


Books! Books! Books!

Our library is still a little emptier than it was after providing reading books for everyone during school closure earlier in the year.  So we are asking everyone to have another clear out at home.

Please have a look for any misplaced school library or reading books and return them to school. We can quarantine them and then get them straight back on the shelves.

Also, if you have any ‘used/unwanted’ children’s books that are in good condition, please feel free to donate them to the school. We can check if they are one of our Accelerated Reader books and add them to our colour-coded library.

East Ayrshire site

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