Please find below some helpful resources and information from the Parent Council
Live family sessions starting the 8th Feb 2021
Please find below some helpful resources and information from the Parent Council
Live family sessions starting the 8th Feb 2021
Please find below a link to an article about Captain Sir Tom Moore. This has been posted to the TEAMS pages of the older classes as well. It may be a nice article to share with your child/children and has a couple of discussion points as well.
A recent news story has detailed how 10 Nepalese climbers have managed to reach the summit of K2 in the middle of winter.
We have prepared a recorded powerpoint to share this news with the children. There is an assembly video contained in the powerpoint.
This week is National Storytelling Week and we have created a fun quiz (mostly for the younger children) to take part in.
Click on the link below to take part. Remember to watch the story at the end.
Please send me a photo of you enjoying a story/book this week and I will post it on Twitter for everyone to see. Enjoy!,uk
We are all finding the current situation challenging. We know that some parents/carers are really struggling and we are trying to help everyone in any way we can.
PARENT CLUB is a great website with good hints and tips. 😊
The NSPCC website has practical guides.
BBC Bitesize isn’t only for the children.
Education Scotland publishes regular newsletters for parents/carers.
Parent Zone
Please find links below to another virtual assembly.
The theme this week is, ‘What makes a good leader?’
There is a powerpoint and a video clip.
Just a reminder that the BBC Big Garden Birdwatch is on between the 29th and 31st January.
There is a LIVE lesson online and an CBBC this Thursday at 11am. Tune in if you can!
Every count is important so, if you don’t see anything, please still submit your result. Finding out which birds don’t visit your area is as important as understanding those which do!
Robert Burns Academy have made fabulous help guides on how to work Microsoft Teams. It helps with accessing teams, working with assignments and uploading your work. A link will also be posted into all P3-P7 Teams.
EAC have some live family fun sessions next week. The sessions will be delivered via Vscene and the same session will run in the morning and in the afternoon to allow families to access the sessions at a time that suits best.
Please see the EAC advice document below.