Laurieknowe Primary School.

Do Well Together, Where Everyone Matters

Primary 4G – Mrs Galligan


I hope you all had a lovely, relaxing weekend.  Feel free to send me an email or message on your portfolio telling about what you got up to.  Can all children also please check their email?


  1. Today I would like you to visit Roald Dahl’s website and have a go at his quiz on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory:

Once you have finished that I would like you to create your own front cover for the book.  Over the years there have been many different covers for the book, now you will create your own.  Put in as much detail as possible: remember the title of the book, author and the illustrator.  Make sure it is as bright and colourful as possible.

  1. In the jotter your received from the school, I would like you to write about your favourite character from ANY story/book. This could be a character Charlie and the Chocolate Factory or any other book.  For example:  My favourite character from a book is Mr Tumnus from ‘ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’.  You will need to explain about the character as I may have no idea who it is!  What book are they from?  What do they look like?  Are they good, perhaps they are bad?  Also take time to draw your character.  You can send me a picture when you have done this.
  1. I have set a SumDog activity involving money. This is a good chance to go back over money and make sure you feel confident doing it.  Can you get a 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2?  What amounts can you make up with them?  Maybe you can set up a shop with your brothers and sisters?  Please ask an adult before you take any money!

Thank you for all the photos you sent last week.  Please keep them coming this week.

Have a great day!


Mrs Galligan


Good morning P4G!

Well done for getting through your first week with no school.  It has certainly been a very strange week for me, and I am sure it has been for you all too.

Did you take part in the clap for the NHS last night?  I did and it was lovely to hear so many people clapping in support.



  1. We are doing a fantastic job against P3/4H in TT Rockstars, although it is very close! Please keep going.  The tournament finishes at 3:00pm today.
  2. Today, can you all please log in to Charanga. Again, the log in details were in your home learning pack (it has Charanga Yumu on it).  Feel free to play about with it and have a go if you want!
  3. Photo Challenge. Can you please find an item from around your house beginning with each of the letters of your name and take a picture of them?  I will upload my picture shortly to show you my items.
  4. Finally, can you make a homemade clock? I have put up a link but maybe you can think of your own way of making one.  What about using skipping ropes and cushions in your garden (sorry parents/carers, I’ll take the blame😊)?  Or chalk on a patio?  Get someone to put different times on it and see how you get on!  Take a picture and send it to me on via your Portfolio or email.


Thank you for all your hard work this week P4G – you have all been stars!  I’m very proud to be your teacher.

Stay safe,

Mrs Galligan


Hello P4G!

Thank you for all the super photos and messages I was sent yesterday. I love to see what you are all doing – sometimes it gives me ideas about what we can do in the future!


1. Please remember today we have our Times Table Rock Stars tournament with P3/4H. When you go onto Times Table Rock Stars, you need to go to Battles to make sure you go registers in the event. Go P4G!

2. I have attached a list of Daily Live Events. Today, I would like you to chose one (or more) of the live events. Can you then please send me a review either on your Class Dojo Portfolio or via email. Did you enjoy it? What did you not like about it? Would you recommend it to a friend? Why? If you had to give it a star rating out of 5, what would you give it?

3. Finally, today I would like you to log on to your readtheory account. There was a code in your home learning pack. You can have a go at some activities if you wish, but I am mainly wanting to check everyone can get logged in OK.

I would like to stress, that all of the above is optional and you or your child do not need to feel under any pressure or stress to get the activities I post completed. This is a very surreal and stressful time for everyone.

Stay safe,
Mrs Galligan



Good morning P4!

I hope you all had fun on your first day!  Today, whilst I want you to do a couple of activities on Sum Dog, we will be concentrating on our Health and Wellbeing.



Sum Dog

Today can you please log onto your Sum Dog account.  Details were in your Home Learning pack.  I have set 2 activities for today.  The first one is a maths activity on Data Handling.  The second activity a VCOP (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation) task.


Health and Wellbeing

I know a few of you did this yesterday but today I would like as many of you to have a go at Joe Wicks’ exercise video.  Maybe you can also get the rest of your family involved.  I will also be doing it!  This link should take you to his You Tube channel:

We have been practising mindfulness in class and I feel this is really important at this time.  Therefore, at some point today have a go at Cosmic Kids.

Finally, if you are able to print off or have access to mindfulness colouring in, please spend some time colouring these in.  Maybe you can also put on some relaxing music.


Stay safe,

Mrs Galligan



Hello P4G,

Welcome to our first day of school, not as we know it!

I will aim to upload a challenge for the children on a daily/weekly basis. I realise that it may not be suitable for all children depending upon resources etc therefore I do not want any child worrying that they cannot complete it – I would rather keep it fun and stressfree for children and parents!

Today, I would like the children to draw and colour in or paint a rainbow. When they are finished I would like them to place it in their window – to spread a little bit of happiness. When people are passing they will see the rainbows.

The second thing I would like the children to try and do is send an email.  We had been working on this in class.

Have a lovely day and stay safe.
Mrs Galligan



Important dates for your diary:

  • Spelling homework handed out – Monday
  • Let’s Get Sporty – Tuesday
  • Art – Wednesday
  • PE – Friday
  • Homework handed in – Friday
  • Spelling Test – Friday

Reading homework will vary depending upon the group.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Many thanks,

Mrs Galligan



Today we made the most of the outdoor space just outside our classroom (and the better weather!) and practised our spelling words.


Welcome to our new Blog page for P4G.

P4G will use this page for information about school trips; sharing photos of our work; important events; sharing school achievements; reminders to bring subject specific equipment and much, much more!

We hope you have a fantastic year and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.


Mrs Galligan and P4G

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