P7J – Mrs Jasinska

Coffee Morning

Thank you to all who came along to support our coffee morning, it was a huge success and we all had a lovely morning. P7 were the stars of the show and did a fantastic job of organising and running everything. We have currently raised over £70 for Macmillan and nearly £200 to put towards our leavers’ hoodies. We will keep you posted on our next Primary 7 event.

Operation Safety

We really enjoyed our trip to Operation Safety. Pupils learned about water safety, emergency first aid, online safety and much more. Pupils loved the hands on aspect of the workshops which helped them remember key information. Mrs Jasinska was delighted that her team won the fireworks session as well as overall quiz winners, with each team member winning a water bottle. It is always a highly anticipated event and pupils were not disappointed.

Big Burns Supper

Pupils have worked extremely hard on their section of the Big Burns Supper Carnival. It is looking phenomenal and the pupils look amazing. It would be great if you would consider joining in on the 18th January to support this local event and see what they have been working on.