The Hub – Miss Robertson

Term 1 in The Hub

We’ve had lots going on in The Hub this term – cooking groups, nurture groups, Wellbeing Wednesday fun, talking and listening groups… As well as having groups timetabled in here, we are also responsive to the needs of our pupils and it is used as a safe space for those that need it, as and when required. We are so lucky to have this space for our children!

Cooking Groups

We have had cooking groups in making cupcakes, pizzas, pancakes and bread! I think we can all agree it has been great fun and very tasty!

Wellbeing Wednesdays

We have been having lots of fun during Wellbeing Wednesdays. We’ve been using the blocks to build amazing structures, playing with Kinetic sand, having fun in the water and playing with the castle! Mr Newlands has been really enjoying our balance boards! 😂

Toast and Chat Group

Monday mornings have been much more cheerful for us in our Toast and Chat group. This helps us all to settle in at the beginning of the week! This week we set up a shop after we’d had our toast.

Nurture Groups

This term the children have been working on building their self-esteem and self-confidence. We read the book ‘The Dot’ and did some fun activities based on the story, as well as lots of other activities! Have a look through our photos – we have been very messy some weeks! 😁