Welcome to P7/6I!!
Spelling weeks 11th of November – 22nd of November
Group G ‘Number prefixes’
- bicycle
- biceps
- bikini
- bilingual
- triangle
- triplet
- trilingual
- quadrangle
- quadrilateral
- pentagon
- pentathlon
- hexapod
- heptathlon
- September
- octopus
- October
- octagon
- nonagon
- decade
- decagon
- questionnaire
- alcohol
Group F ‘long vowels’
- indicate
- translate
- accurate
- extreme
- delete
- scene
- arrive
- polite
- umpire
- describe
- decide
- demote
- decode
- choke
- froze
- refuge
- perfume
- schedule
- costume
- scan
- circulate
Group E ‘prefixes inter, dis, re, and sub’
- interest
- intersect
- interact
- interview
- international
- disability
- dislike
- disagree
- disappoint
- disappear
- return
- repeat
- refund
- revise
- suburb
- submarine
- submerge
- subject
- submission
- interesting
- modern
Group C ‘le’
- bottle
- little
- battle
- rattle
- middle
- riddle
- paddle
- buckle
- ankle
- eagle
- apple
- needle
- able
- rectangle
- single
- jungle
- part
- twelve
Our PE days are changing from the week beginning the 11th of November. Our PE days will now be on a Monday and a Tuesday. Students should bring a PE kit with them to school on both these days as our PE slot is in the afternoon. Students will be given time to change before and after PE, however can choose to stay in their PE kits to go home at the end of the day if they wish.
Flanders Field Recital
P7 students are going to the war memorial on Monday the 11th of November. On this day they will recite the poem ‘In Flanders Fields’. We have been rehearsing this in class however it is the students responsibility to make sure they are confident for this on Monday.
Click the link https://learn.sumdog.com/en-gb/ to check out any sumdog challenges!
These are the spelling words for the next two weeks:
Group G – ‘sh’ sound
- politician
- superficial
- physician
- electrician
- mansion
- profession
- confession
- compassion
- session
- pressure
- fissure
- rotation
- revolution
- extinction
- conservation
- affection
- adaptation
- irrigation
- invention
- happened
- practise
Group F – plural and singular
- scissors
- pyjamas
- spectacles
- binoculars
- goggles
- pliers
- species
- series
- trousers
- scales
- shears
- tongs
- salmon
- deer
- moose
- trout
- athletics
- aircraft
- innings
- tweezers
- carry
- surprised
Group E – ‘ay’ sound
- display
- stray
- relay
- always
- alley
- grey
- obey
- survey
- claim
- raise
- afraid
- operation
- dictation
- nature
- weight
- freight
- neighbour
- straight
- vein
- beige
- morning
- night
Group C – double letters
- still
- smell
- skull
- stall
- across
- dress
- glass
- miss
- jazz
- buzz
- fizz
- dizzy
- cuff
- staff
- cliff
- stuff
- yesterday
- April
Our volcanoes
Over the last few weeks we have been learning about different volcanoes and what happens when they erupt. We used paper mache
to build our volcanoes, we then decorated and creating surroundings to our volcanoes. We then combined sodium bicarbonate and vinegar together to create our own volcano eruptions to see what would happen!
Operation Safety
The Primary 7’s in our class had the chance to participate in Operation Safety with the other Primary 7 class. Check out the photos to see what they got up to!