Kirkcolm Primary School

– what have we been up to?

Red nose day – Kirkcolm has talent!


Wow – what a special day we have had here at Kirkcolm Primary School promoting and raising money for Comic Relief! The House Captains, Ivan and Phoebe, have been hard at work organising today’s events!

Boys and girls came dressed in non-uniform and flashing their little pops of red to show their support for Comic Relief. We started the day off trying on our noses and learning about some of the fantastic work the people of Comic Relief do with their raised money to help children all over the world.💰🔴🌎

We ended the day with a talent show and my, oh my – what a talented bunch we have here! We were so proud of all the boys and girls who went up on the stage and blown away with all the hard work they had clearly put into each of their acts! We had singing, acting, instruments, jokes and miming?! 🎤

Our judges, Mary Buchanan and Ann Adams had a tough old decision ahead of them but they ultimately decided that every pupil deserved a prize for all their hard work! 🏆

Hayden, Emilie, Bryleigh, Ross, Alistair, Arran and Callum secured a joint third place.

Orla and Rory gained joint second place.

Finally, Henry Wilson stole the show with first place! 

And, every single member of Kirkcolm Primary school showed what talent the school had by giving the audience a sneaky peak of the school show by singing 2 songs from it.  We are all looking forward to seeing everyone perform next week!

Well done boys and girls – we are all so proud of you all!

Meta Skills

Creativity Cassie

Leading Li

Adapting Aleksander

Collaborating Cora


Article 24 – Health, Water, Food & Environment

Article 23 – Children with Disabilities

Article 27 – Food, Clothing & A Safe Home

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