Loreburn Latest

Well, we have been very lucky not to have any school closures because of snow although the forecast is poor for Friday. We will always endeavour to keep school open, however at times it is necessary for safety reasons to close. Some staff live quite a distance from school and may have to leave school early to get home safely. In these instances classes will have to double up and we will send a text asking parents to collect their child, if possible, as soon as possible and would greatly appreciate your help in this.

The children are all now busy learning their Scots Poetry ready for the school competition. Primary 7 will be attending Burns’ Statue on Friday morning and Neil Macdonald will be reciting ” Address to a Haggis”

In the afternoon, weather permitting, Primary 6 will be joining the memorial service for Robert Burns at St. Michael’s Church.

They have a lovely display up in school about their learning about Robert Burns and P6 and P7 have made super paper kilts for a “Highland Fling” display.

Some children from P5 -7 were involved in a BBC podcast which you can go to by following this link. They talk about their favourite poems, making porridge and artefacts at Burns’ House.
