Last week of term

It’s been another busy week in school with P7 off to their Induction Days and the new P1 having a couple of visits to school which went well.

Everyone thinks schools wind down at the end of term but in fact it gets busier and busier with lots of last minute things to do as well all the planned activities.

I do find the end of term quite emotional as we say goodbye to our P7 pupils. This year they have been a very responsible group of children and I hope we have served them well in preparing them for the next chapter of their lives.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported Loreburn all through the session and wish everyone a very happy holiday.

Let’s hope the sun shines.

Parent Inclusion Network

Parents can get support if their child has any additional needs through meetings with other parents who have had similar experiences and professionals who can offer advice. I’ve created a new page called ” Parent Inclusion Network” and here you will find a newsletter which informs you about a variety of meetings which you may be interested in attending.

There are activities which you and your family might want to attend during the Easter holidays.

Busy Week in the Spotlight

It’s been a very busy week for our pupils this week. Every class has been to visit Moat Brae House…….a place where magic can happen. Primary Three appeared on Border Life after their visit and Primary Five were on Border news last night with some children being interviewed.

We were on the front page of the Standard as it was World Book Day yesterday and more photos were taken today when P5 visited the forthcoming “The Usual Place Café”. They wrote some information about themselves and then “buried” it in a time capsule which is now under the floor of the new café! The Café is hoping to open at the beginning of June.

Local Earthquake!

Mrs Wyllie and I were relieved to hear today that we hadn’t imagined an earth tremor. I hear that it was 2.6 on the Richter scale. It certainly shook our lights and gave us a fright. Most of the children were unaware that it had happened.

We’re having Film Night again next week when Tarzan will be showing. It’s £2 entry which pays for the Popcorn and Juice. It is categorised as a P.G. so parents send children along with that in mind.

The Fundraising Group have put out a newsletter today and tickets for their Christmas Prize Draw so be sure to look at the Fundraising Page on our Blog.

Happy Hallowe’en!

The children had a great time at their parties last night. It’s really hard to choose winners as there are some outstanding costumes and make up. I would love parents to come and help with costumes and make up for shows. If you would be happy to help out with the P1 – P3 Christmas show please get in touch. There are some great photos! Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the picture.

The holidays are here!

It’s hard to believe that we have completed our first term of the session. Primary 7 have just arrived back from a visit to Annan Museum which they have thoroughly enjoyed. The train fares were free for children! Fantastic.

Don’t forget that the School Photographer will be here on Tuesday 28th October and the Hallowe’en Parties are on Thursday 30th October.

I hope you all have a lovely holiday.

Flu Vaccines

Almost all of the children have been issued with letters about the forthcoming NHS flu vaccination programme. It includes  information and consent forms. (Some pupils who have recently joined school may not yet have received a letter.)

It is entirely the responsibility of the NHS to make sure they collate the information and make sure that only children with consents get their vaccination.

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