Busy busy!

We have been very busy over the last few weeks, so much so that I haven’t had much time to take photos and post them!

In maths, we are continuing to consolidate and extend our general number knowledge. We identify numbers, order them, sequence them, skip count, look at number structure and add and subtract using different strategies on a daily basis at the start of our Maths lessons. We then move on to our main focus, which is currently fractions. We are developing our knowledge of fractions of a quantity, using lots of different practical methods and using resources to support this! including loose parts and play dough.

During literacy lessons we are continuing to revise and develop our phonics and spelling, through the teaching and learning of our weekly sound and tricky words. We use these skills to help us become more independent and experienced writers and we are all making great improvements during writing lessons. We are adding more details, thinking about where to put capital letters and full stops and using more connectives. We have also been learning about adjectives, nouns and this coming week we will be learning about verbs.  Alongside spelling, grammar and writing we are continuing with our reading. Again, the children are making great progress, using all their skills and knowledge to help them become more confident and fluent readers.

For Topic we are now learning about the body and the children are very enthusiastic! They had lots of previous knowledge, which we are using as starting blocks to build on. So far we have been learning about the importance of the skeleton and the internal organs and how the muscles help us to move.

The children also enjoy choosing their own activities and learning during our soft start. They have been learning the rules and playing new games where they have to be patient and take turns. They love to use the stencils to draw and add extra details to their picture. The whiteboards are always popular for prectising writing skills. The small Leto is very popular and great for sharing, expressing creativity and  developing language skills and of course fine tuning fine motor control. Our home corner and loose parts are also very popular. The children love to use their imagination, develop their social skills and make sense of the world through role play activities.

Here are a few pictures from our learning last week.

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